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Biotechnological Methods in Animal Production: Enhancing Reproduction and Quality

Explore the latest biotechnological methods in animal production, including transgenesis, nuclear transfer, and cell culture. Learn how these techniques can improve milk and meat production, enhance animal health, and facilitate xenotransplantations.

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Biotechnological Methods in Animal Production: Enhancing Reproduction and Quality

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  1. Biotechnological methods in animal production Peter Chrenek chrenekp@vuzv.sk

  2. Introduction • Modern biotechnology has emerged in the last two-three decades and it utilizes cells and biomolecules for the application in medicine, agriculture and protection of the environment. • In Agriculture- Transgenesis - Nuclear transfer (cloning) - Cellculture and TissueIngeneering - Recombinant DNA

  3. Introduction Animal Biotechnology - Genetic – genetic markers - genomic - Biodiversity – genetic resources - Nutrition – nutrigenomic - Welfare - Reproduction – artificial insemination - embryotransfer - cryopreservation - transgenesis „GMO“

  4. Animal Biotechnology in ReproductionTransgenesis 1) basic research (early detection of integration and expression, targeted integration,....) 2) production of pharmaceutic (recombinant) substances 3) increase milk, meat production (yield) and health of animals 4) in animal nutrition 5) xenotransplantations 6) production of cloned transgenic embryos (HYBRID EMBRYOS) – possiblility to isolate and use of embryonic stem cells (BIOMEDICAL PURPOSE)

  5. Animal Biotechnology in ReproductionTransgenesis 1) Early detection of targeted gene integration and expression, targeted integration, EGFP, ....)

  6. Animal Biotechnology in ReproductionTransgenesis 2) Production of pharmaceutic (recombinant) substances Rabbit milk obtained by use of electrical device for milking and is drained into a collection container. Female of weight 4-5 kg produces ¼ liter of milk daily. Rabbit milk has a high fat content.

  7. Animal Biotechnology in reproduction – Transgenesis2) Production of pharmaceutic (recombinant) substances Zhao Sihai et al., 2009

  8. Animal Biotechnology in Reproduction – TransgenesisTransgenic rabbits

  9. ttp:www.hemmy.net/images/animals/supercow01.jpg Belgian blue cattle – natural mutation of gene for myostatin 'Mighty mice' Comparison of body size and anatomical conformation between normal mouse (left) and genetically modified mouse with absence of myostatin and overproduction of follistatin (right). Production and use of GM animals3) Increase milk and meat production (yield) and animal health Block out the gene for myostatin – double muscling of farm animals

  10. Zdroj: http://technet.idnes.cz/gmo-zvirata-vepr-prasata-0xo-/veda.aspx?c=A150704_224211_veda_mla

  11. Animal Biotechnology in reproduction - Transgenesis3) Increase milk and meat production (yield) and animal health GM salmon up: a transgenic salmon is much bigger than normal individual at the same age of 18 months. down: fish size will equal at 36 months.

  12. Animal Biotechnology in Reproduction - Transgenesis5) xenotransplantations Pigs could be a source of new organs. In pig cells was detected a porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV), which is one from more reasons, why people are so skeptical about xentortansplantation. http://www.thenakedscientists.com/HTML/uploads/pics/jamil1

  13. Animal Biotechnology in Reproduction – Nuclear transfer6) production of transgenic embryonic stem cells • Cloning (therapeutic a reproductive) • Hybrid embryos • - oocytefromcattle and humansomatictransgeniccell • - oocytefromrabbit and humansomatictransgeniccell Cloning Blastocyst Embryoblast Embryonic stem cells

  14. Animal Biotechnology in reproduction – Cell culture embryonic stem cells Pluripotent – ability to differentiate into all types of cells, tissues and organs

  15. Thank you for your attention

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