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Learn about the PRODCOM survey in Croatia, industry and energy statistics, legal basis, organizational structure of the Central Bureau of Statistics, future plans, and Business Register details. Join the conference in Vilnius on 3-4 July 2003.
PRODCOM IN CROATIA Mrs. Jasna Pugar Vilnius, 3 to 4 July 2003 e-mail:jpugar@dzs.hr
Introduction (I) CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS • main actor in Croatian Statistical system • co-ordinate activities of 21 regional office • headquarter employs 367 staff • regional office employs about 270 Current legal basis: • Law on State statistics from 1994 (under revision) • 2003 Annual Programme of Statistical surveys • 2004 to 2007 Multi-Annual Programme of Statistical surveys (under preparation) • all data collection in HR are compulsory under both obligation (Law & Programme) • Some act defines also the penalties for not supplying data or even too late response (CBS first send remainder by post two times)
Introduction (II) ORGANISATION OF CBS • General Director is appointed by the Government (has one deputy) • 8 assistant directors are appointed by the Government too • counts: The Office of the General Director 8 divisions, 26 departments and 13 units • total CBS staff is 367 employees of which: 42% with university degree 77 % are women • the level of salary is rather low cca 450 Euro as initial salary
Industry and Energy Statistics • PRODCOM survey falls under responsibility of Industry and Energy Statistics Department • All tasks of Industry and Energy Statistics sector oriented: SBS ind SBS of Industry (annual survey) STS ind Monthly Survey on Industrial Production PRODCOM PRODCOM Survey on Industrial Production (Annual) Energy & Row Materials (ind) Quarterly Survey on Energy Consumption and Row Material Inputs ind = sections C, D & E of NACE Rev.1 based National Economic Classification (NKD)
PRODCOM survey • First PRODCOM based survey (annual) was introduced in 1995 (for 1994 reference year) as Annual Industry Production Survey (1995 revision) • Since then there was 3 more revisions (of Annual Production Survey): 1997 revision PRODCOM list 2000 was introduced 1999 revision further extension to SBS variables (only aggregates) 2002 revision separate PRODCOM and SBS_ind survey Legal basis (all published in National Gazette): • Statistical standard for Annual Industry Production Survey (Methodology, questionnaire and PRODCOM based Nomenclature - NIP), • Currently on force: Statistical standard for PRODCOM 2002 Survey (web)
BUSINESS REGISTER (BR) CBS REGISTER: GENERAL • CBS menages only Administrative Register • it covers legal persons and parts of legal persons only • natural persons (trade and crafts) missing • comprise information about principal activity • currently about 200 000 legal persons • about 90 000 active (according to FINA bookkeeping records) • death or alive information in CBS Register doesn’t exists Future plans • to developed BR under CARDS 2001 programme (Twinning Agreement with Denmark Statistics)
INDUSTRY KIND OF BR • established and maintained from 1993 (responsibility of Industry Department) • derived from Administrative Register (new born enterprises), Administrative records (annual bookkeeping accounts), Tax office (VAT information), Industry database and other CBS surveyed data (merging all data), even newspaper information, internet, etc • it is regularly updated on yearly basis (no changes are made in the BR during the year only if radical changes occur) • contact data are corrected continuously
Statistical Units and Classificatins Industry kind of BR comprises different kind of units to satisfy all needs: • STS - enterprise and Local units (Counties level) • SBS - enterprise and LKAU (NACE group level) • PRODCOM- enterprise (till 2001) and Local units (from 2002) Statistical units are defined according to EU regulation Economic Classifications in use (general): • NACE Rev.1 based NKD (from 1995 to 2002/2003 transitional period) • NACE Rev.1.1 based NKD 2002 (from 2003 planning to 2007) • CPA1996 based KPD1996 (from 1995 to 2002/2003 transitional period) • CPA2002 based KPD 2002 (from 2003 planning to 2007) • NUTS still in preparation
Scope and Coverage The PRODCOM survey includes: • enterprises and part thereof with 10 or more persons employed engagedin all activities of sections C, D & E of NKD (principal activity) and • enterprises with principal activity outside industry having parts involved in industry are also included (secondary activity) • all together must represent at least 90% of VA at NACE/NKD group level • if it is not the case, enterprises with less than 10 persons employed will be included, examples: NACE divisions 22, 23 and 28 is below 90% (usually run by smaller enterprises), so coverage was increased with less then 10 persons employed • evaluation has been provided based on the results of the SBS Industrial Survey • Results: the share of the survey population is about 95% (each NKD/NACE 3 digit level, sections C, D & E)
PRODCOM 2001 coverage Number of enterprises involved: 1788 of which: 1657 are industry enterprises (principal activity) 131 are non-industrial enterprises (secondary activity), - but having the part or parts involved in industry activity Information of non industrial enterprises: - mainly SBS surveys - Administrative register (parts of enterprices)
PRODCOM List (NIP) IN GENERAL: • CROATIA use Prodcom List based Nomenclature of Industrial Product (Nomenclature industrijskih proizvoda) - acronym NIP • NIP is compulsory nomenclature, it is integral part of Statistical standard for industrial survey published in National Gazette which provide legal basis to use it • it has been already updated three times since it has been introduced in 1995 HISTORY OF NIP VERSIONS (ANNUAL PRODCOM DATA): • NIP 95 PRODCOM List 1995 (data for 1994 and 1995) • NIP 97 PRODCOM List 1997 (data for 1996 and 1997) • NIP 99 PRODCOM List 1999 (data for 1998 to 2001) • NIP 2002 PRODCOM List 2002 (data for 2002) • NIP 2003 PRODCOM List 2003 in finalisation for PRODCOM 2003 annual survey
NIP (I) IN GENERAL: • NIP is hierarchically structured nomenclature covering all C to E headings of NACE Rev.1 • NIP codes comprises 10-digit codification • CPA besed KPD is integral part of NIP, and all KPD services are included STRUCTURE OF NIP CODE (LEVELS): first 4 digits is NACE Rev.1 codes (from NIP 2003 NACE Rev.1.1 codes), first 6 digits is CPA 1996 codes (from NIP 2003 CPA 20002 codes), first 8 digits is PRODCOM List code, 9th digits identified A or B list, and 10th is nation detailed breakdown
NIP (II) • NIP follows the visual identity of PRODCOM (fist 8 digits) • it can be identified with following pattern: XX.XX.XX.YY.ZN Z = 9th (0/A=9/B=5) N = 10th (0/9/1-8) Number of heading • NIP 99 comprise 7 366 headings of which 2 000 headings only exist • NIP 2002 comprise 7 680 headings NIP measurement units: • all Prodcom units are incorporated in NIP with respect of PRODCOM version used • there is additional measurement units (more suitable for measure production for STS purpose) • some measurement units are aggregated to avoid big figures
Data collection (I) PRODCOM QUESTIONNAIRE • ordinary questionnaires (not pre-printed), sent by post • reporting units had to find their products in NIP and manual input NIP codes in questionnaire. • all production had to be reported during reference year SURVEY CHARACTERISTICS: • maximum capacity, in quantities • total production, in quantities • products for further processing, in quantities • stock on 31st of December, in quantities • sold production in quantities and in values
Data collection (II) Definition: Production sold is generally based on invoices. Packing is always considered to be part of production process, so consequently in value should be included always packing costs but VAT and consumer taxes are excluded As well as any duties on alcohol and tobacco. Cost of transportation are excluded in the value if there are not separately pre-paid. Croatia also deducts discount from sales value. Production on contract basis has to be reported and included in production • It has special codification on the same product code as regularly production Deadline for respondents • 15th of May after reference year (1995 to 2002) • from 2003 (PRODCOM 2002 annual data) is 15th of Mart 2003
Data processing DATA CONTROL • checking internal data logic and the completeness • further checking consistency with Monthly data, previous year PRODCOM data, and analysed unit value • missing or uncorrected data are being corrected by phone contacts with the enterprises (there is no imputation of missing data) TREATMENT OF NON-RESPONSE • still weak point, automated system for making estimation does not exist • percentage of non-response for monthly or annual surveys doesn't exceed 10% (only smaller enterprises) • large or medium enterprises or on special importance cannot be estimated (personal visit as last measure) • estimation is usually done individually by statisticians dealing with the branch concerned (branch expert) • estimation is based on previous returns, information from STS survey, and depends in much cases on knowledge and experience of statisticians involved
Transmission to EU CBShas been already transmitted: • annual PRODCOM data: 1995 to 1998 (comma delineated file) • annual PRODCOM 2001in January 2003 (GESMES file and via Stadium) • DPS validation tool still not applicable (plans exsist) Future plans: • Historical data will be sent on step by step basis • PRODCOM 2002 annual data - till the end of July 2003 (first results) • PRODCOM 2002 annual data - till the end of September 2003 (final results) • PRODCOM Quarterly data - starting with 1Q 2004 (regularly) Current problems: • Preparation file to EU transmission requirements (aggregation some NIP code to PRODCOM code, and some measurement units into PRODCOM one (i.e tones in kg i similar, transmission problems with national curency “Kuna”)
Publication and Dissemination PUBLICATIONS: As comprehensive paper publication “Statistical Reports” (one per year): • Industrial Annual Report (available from annual series 1994 to 2001) - only in Croatian language • Annual Report PRODCOM (from annual 2002 data) it will be available on CD too, deadline: September 2003 PRODCOM List 2003 will be published on both language (HR/EN) soon and it will be available on CD and on Internet (web) DISEMINATION (except to Eurostat) by all means: by e-mail, post, fax etc to internal pre-paid organisation, on free basis, or on request: various associations of producers, ministries and other institutions international organisation (FAO, OECD, UN/ECE, etc) or individuals
National rules of confidentiality • The Statistical Act of Croatia defines the protection of primary data • The collected data can only be used for statistical purposes, and in certain circumstantial research institutes also • Dissemination is only allowed if there is no possibility to identify information of individual respondents • According to the rules used by Statistical Office of Croatia statistical data are confidential if there are less than three respondents or if one of the respondents has a share of 50% or more • According to the rules above confidential data can be published with a written permission of the respondents
Recent progress • 2001 data are transmitted to Eurostat using GESMES and STATIUM • PRODCOM 2002 survey on industrial production has been separated from SBS 2002 industrial survey to meet Eurostat deadline for first results6 month after reference year and to rise the quality of PRODCOM data • NIP 2002 was harmonised with PRODCOM List 2002, and it will be further updated annually • NIP 2002 was uploaded to CBS internet pages together with methodology, questionnaire and instructions how to fulfil the questionnaire • Final PRODCOM 2002 annual data will be available to users (paper, CD) three month earlier than before • Currently NIP 2003 is under finalisation • PRODCOM 2002 data will be transmitted to Eurostat using GESMES and STATIUM, end of July 2003
Envisaged progress to improve quality by close cross - checking data with foreign trade data, to recalculated historical PRODCOM data and to transmitted it to Eurostat as soon as possible to implement Eurostat DPS validation tools for checking PRODCOM data to update STS survey nomenclature (NIPUM 97) with PRODCOM List 2004 (divisions 17, 18 and 24 only) to establish methods of calculation values of production sold by using surveyed quantity sold production data by multiplying with PPI (for PRODCOM Q data) start to supply quarterly PRODCOM data to Euroistat from 2004 to establish and to maintenance special national data base for PRODCOM and Foreign trade statistics data (TO CALLCULATE APERANT CONSUMTION)
Comparability with Prodcom aims (I) • The PRODCOM survey is designed to collect EU harmonized national production data and to supply Eurostat and national users with reliable and comparable data about market production, to ensure link between production statistics and foreign trade, but it has to serve for satify special national needs too EXAMPLES OF NATIONAL USE ARE FOLLOWING: Satisfaction of needs of national users PRODCOM information on product market needs on national level too. National users ask for more detailed information in certain cases. Due to this reason Croatia use more detailed breakdown in national nomenclature (NIP) in order to meet requirements of national users. Typical users are government authorities, business associations, private enterprises, universities, etc.
Comparability with Prodcom aims (II) PODCOM data as an input in other CBS statistics Due to historical reasons.Croatia had similar but not identical survey on production before the PRODCOM based survey was adopted in 1995. This previous survey satisfied needs of other statistics. After adoption of the PRODCOM based survey (incl.NIP) it was incorporated intothe national statistical system that satisfies also other specific national needs such as: * STS (index of production, producer price index) * SBS (structural information about markets) adding new tabele in 1998 *National Accounts statistics (input-output tables) *Various branch statistics (energy statistics, iron & steel statistics, etc) * regional statistics (21 counties), observation units became local units in PRODCOM 2002 survey (before it was enterprice)
REPUBLIC CROATIA CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS Industry and Energy Statistics Ilica 3, HR-10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA WEB site http://www.dzs.hr