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Implementing the Academic Component of SB 1440 (Padilla)

Learn about the implementation process and benefits of the Academic Component of SB 1440 (Padilla), including transfer model curriculum and guaranteed admission to CSU with a junior status.

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Implementing the Academic Component of SB 1440 (Padilla)

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  1. Implementing theAcademic Component of SB 1440 (Padilla) Jane Patton, President, ASCCC Michelle Pilati, Vice President, ASCCC with Vice Chancellor Barry Russell, Dean Jeff Spano, CSU AS chair, Jim Postma, A.O. Duane Short

  2. SB 1440 Associate Degree for Transfer 1. To earn an “associate degree for transfer” a student must complete 60 semester units . . . that are eligible for transfer . . . that consist of: • IGETC or CSU GE Breadth • a major or area of emphasis of at least 18 units, as defined by the CCC 2. No additional local graduation requirements may be required 3. Minimum GPA of 2.0 is required

  3. If a student completes an “associate degree for transfer” • “the CSU shall guarantee admission with junior status” • “Admission to the CSU. . . does not guarantee admission for specific majors or campuses” • “the CSU shall grant a student priority admission to his or her local CSU campus and to a program or major that is similar to his or her CC major or area of emphasis, as determined by the CSU campus to which the student is admitted”

  4. Once a student completes an“associate degree for transfer”and is at the CSU: “The CSU may require a student . . . to take additional courses at the CSU so long as the student is not required to take any more than 60 additional semester units or 90 quarter units at the CSU. . .”

  5. Once a student completes an“associate degree for transfer”and is at the CSU: “The CSU shall not require students transferring . . . to repeat courses that are similar to those taken at the CC that counted toward the associate degree for transfer.”

  6. Plan B 112 colleges develop 112 different degrees in each major...

  7. Plan A • a concerted, statewide response • a transfer model curriculum developed by intersegmental discipline faculty

  8. Course identification numbering system • “Supra” numbering system • Intersegmental Faculty Discipline Rev Groups (“FDRG”) develop descriptors for courses that typically transfer • Draft descriptors in >15 disciplines • Finalized descriptors in Agriculture, Communication Studies, Sociology

  9. How “Plan A” works • C-ID discipline groups • Develop transfer model curriculum (“TMC”) • All drafts are vetted online • Once model curriculum is finalized, colleges may “adopt” • Chancellor’s Office will expedite approval

  10. Results: • Coordination of intersegmental discipline faculty • Clear pathways for students statewide • Students earn an associate degree, complete major prep, and are given admission priority

  11. “Transfer Model Curriculum” • Appropriate courses for an associate degree • Preparation for transfer • “Double-counting” has benefits • 60 units total

  12. Structure of the TransferModel Curriculum (TMC) Common “core”(minimum 6 units) + Additional courses selected from list(s)

  13. Example – Psychology(DRAFT) • Core: • Introduction to Psychology • Statistics • Research Methods • Select one: • Biological Psychology • Introduction to Biology • Human Biology

  14. Example – Psychology (DRAFT) • Select one : • Intro to Biostatistics • Intro to Critical Thinking • Intro to Child Dev • Intro to Cognition and Learning • Intro to Family Psychology • Intro to Learning • Intro to Social Psychology • Intro to Theories of Personality • Lifespan Psychology • Intro to Sociology • Select one …..

  15. Sociology(draft) • Core: • Intro. to Sociology AND • Select two: • Social Problems • Intro. Statistics; Math stats or Soc Sci Stats • Intro. Research Methods Continued. . .

  16. Select two: • *Social problems • *Intro research methods • *Intro stats; Math stats or Soc Sci stats • Marriage & Family • Intro gender • Intro race & ethnicity • Intro crime • Social psych • Popular culture • Global change • Other Continued. . . * = (not used in core above)

  17. Select one: • Cultural Anthropology • US Ethnic Studies • Intro. Psychology • American Government • Principles of Economics • Other

  18. Communication Studies (draft) • Core: • Public Speaking, and • Select two: • Argumentation Or Debate OR Persuasion • Interpersonal comm. • Small group comm. Continued. . .

  19. Select two*or any course that is CSU major prep e.g. • Forensics • Intercultural Communication • Oral Interpretation • Intro Communication Studies • Reader’s Theatre • Select one: (any course not used above OR) • 2nd semester English comp • Intro. Psychology • Intro. Sociology • Cultural Anthropology • Any transfer level comm. studies 3 unit course

  20. Roll out Timeline for TMCs • Now vetting: Comm. Studies, Geology, Math, Psychology, Sociology, Criminal Justice/AJ • Soon: Biology, Chemistry, Early Childhood Education, Kinesiology/PE, Physics, Theatre • Spring 2011: Business, Accounting, Economics & Political Science--- and More TBD • Next academic year: TBD

  21. We recommend: • Wait for the list of disciplines that are developing a TMC • Ask discipline faculty to consider

  22. Then. . . • If you “adopt” TMC, you’ll get fast-track approval in Chancellor’s Office • Using this method, we expect each college will have sufficient degrees in place by Fall • More majors will be added next year

  23. What YOU can do • Go to www.c-id.net • Sign-up for discipline listservs • Provide input to draft TMC when prompted • Volunteer to participate in statewide C-ID or1440 groups • info@asccc.org • sb1440questions@cccco.edu • Senates & AOs will get updates

  24. Progress already • 11 intersegmental discipline groups met Oct. 7 – 8, North & South • Most have draft transfer model curriculum • Vetting status report As of Nov. 10, __X__ faculty have responded to the “first 5” TMCs

  25. TMC status: • Drafted: Agriculture, Sociology, Communication Studies, Art History Biology, Chemistry, Criminal Justice/AJ, Geology, Early Childhood, Kinesiology, Math, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Theatre • Will convene after January: Accounting, Economics, Political Science www.c-id.net

  26. Resolutions from Spring ’10 4.03 S10 Transfer Degree Design (Adopted) Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, despite its prior opposition to the use of the word “transfer” in degree titles and degrees in legislation, support legislation to allow but not mandate the establishment of transfer associate degrees that guarantee transfer and protect students from repeating coursework; Resolved . . . work with the academic senates of the California State University and the University of California to identify common major preparation pathways to simplify student course planning and to inform community college development of degrees designed for transfer; and

  27. Referred: 4.04 R S10 Title 5 Changes Defining a Transfer Associate Degree Resolved, . . . recommend a policy to local senates to align the courses and units required for associate degree transfer majors so as not to exceed the lower-division major requirements at the universities and to refrain from adding any additional local graduation requirements. SB 1440 requires 18 units in major for associate degree for transfer

  28. 4.04.01 Referred Amendment Resolved, . . . work with the Chancellor’s Office to enactimplement changes to Title 5 that would allow college districts to award an associate’s degree to California community college students who have become fully prepared for transfer to a university; such a degree is to be based on their having completed at least 60 transferable units and the general education and lower division major preparation (as posted in ASSIST) required by the university to which they have applied, in the major they have designated on their application, and to the extent that their college’s course offerings and articulation allow; and

  29. Ongoing implementation support • Webinars • Frequent updates to senates, articulation officers, curriculum chairs, etc. • Workshops (perhaps regionally?) • Speaking to CIOs, AOs, Trustees, CEOs, etc.

  30. 1440 Oversight Committee • Their charge • 1st meeting--Nov 2 Next--Dec 10 • CCC Members: Pamela Deegan, Eloy Oakley, Carsbia Anderson, Daniel Nannini, Jane Patton, Michelle Pilati, + a student Co-chairs: Ephraim Smith, CSU and Erik Skinner

  31. ASCCC Academic Implementation Group 4 CCC faculty in transfer disciplines 1 counselor + 2 AOs 1 administrator 3 from CCC Chancellor’s Office 1 from CSU Chancellor’s Office 2 CSU faculty

  32. Yeah. . . But. . .  • OMG---by Fall?? • Local curriculum approval timelines • Catalog deadlines • Why such fast review timelines? • Can’t we just use existing AoEs? • Focused versus broad AoEs • Advising & counseling---Help!

  33. Questions?

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