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Unit Overview

Unlock creativity by exploring concepts and creating sculptures using paper and cardboard. Dive into architecture, contemporary art, and nature in this engaging art lesson.

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Unit Overview

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  1. Unit Overview "Dimensional Limitations" Introductory Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vtTlSai0jI

  2. Lesson 1: "Building Something Out of Nothing" • Objectives  • explore the process of developing concept through observations and research (critical) • work with 2-d media to create an expressive drawing (process) • develop a familiarity with contemporary art and artists (critical) • gain an understanding of architectural design processes (historical)

  3. Materials • Drawing paper (18” x 24”) for drawing assignment • Various art media for drawing such as pencils/graphite, charcoal, pen/ink • Watercolor for painting • Brushes for painting Additional Materials • “Explorer Packet” and additional handouts -- for observation practice • Invisible Cities books or reproductions of chosen chapters -- for Pre-Assessment activity • Reproductions of Piet Mondrian [ex. Grey Tree (1911), Broadway Boogie Woogie (1942)] • Videos of Jane South’s work • Website: http://janesouthproject.wordpress.com/

  4. Procedures • 1. Reading a section of Invisible Cities and analyzing the environment. • 2. Use concept mapping to describe the city. • 3. Observing a different environment. • 4. Creating a blueprint based on the environment. • 5. Draw on top of blueprint the external appearance of the environment. • 6. Critique and written narrative about work.

  5. Lesson 2: "Organic Limitations" • Objectives • complete the vocabulary quiz with 100 percent accuracy • work in groups of 3-4 to complete a paper and cardboard sculpture • gain an understanding of the properties of paper construct a representation of an organic object, explore and discuss their surrounding environments and the differences between "organic" and "man-made" • NO COLOR WILL BE USED. This is to shift focus towards the structure and form of the sculpture rather than any paint or drawing on the actual piece.

  6. Materials • paper and cardboard for paper construction materials • scissors, utility knife, tape, and string to aid in construction • scrap paper for paper altering exercise Additional resources • janesouthproject.wordpress.com • Image examples of paper sculpture • organic objects for each group or images from nature journals, science and food publications, etc.. • 2 handouts:  • vocabulary • "Object Documentation Log"- sketching and planning project as individuals, one as a group  • slide show of sample images   • videos on disc and at website 

  7. Procedures • Complete Vocabulary quiz. • Discussion on Jane South's work. • Complete object documentation. • Students get in groups and develop a plan on final sculpture. • Given a bag of materials for sculpture. • Groups assemble sculpture. • Critique.

  8. Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino Concept Mapping Students explore activities in developing concepts and analyzing environments. Pre-Visit Lesson PlanDay 1

  9. Imaginary conversations between Marco Polo and his host, the Chinese ruler Kublai Khan, conjure up cities of magical times.  “Of all tasks, describing the contents of a book is the most difficult and in the case of a marvelous invention like Invisible Cities, perfectly irrelevant” (Gore Vidal).  Translated by William Weaver. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book • Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

  10. What does your • environment look like??

  11. "Explorer Handbook"To Be Completed Over A Weekend or Couple Day Period

  12. Environment and Art: • Different environments and perspectives portrayed through art

  13. "The reality of our century is technology: the invention, construction and maintenance of machines. To be a user of machines is to be of the spirit of this century. Machines have replaced the transcendental spiritualism of past eras." • --László Moholy-Nagy

  14. View from the Pont Transbordeau, Marseille - Iron Column 1929 gelatin silver print 49.9 x 40.0 cm.

  15. "I construct lines and color combinations on a flat surface, in order to express general beauty with the utmost awareness. Nature (or, that which I see) inspires me, puts me, as with any painter, in an emotional state so that an urge comes about to make something, but I want to come as close as possible to the truth and abstract everything from that, until I reach the foundation (still just an external foundation) of things." • - Piet Mondrian

  16. Broadway Boogie Woogie

  17. Grey Tree, Piet Mondrian

  18. Blueprints http://brontoversity.com/2009/06/09/need-a-blueprint-for-your-messages-try-brontos-new-sample-template/

  19. http://www.chambers-house-build-it.com/understandhouseblueprints.htmlhttp://www.chambers-house-build-it.com/understandhouseblueprints.html

  20. Post-Visit Lesson Plan"Organic Limitations"Exploring the Use of Man-Made Materials and the Representation of the Organic Object

  21. Richard Sweeney

  22. Cut Fold Score Bend Curl Tear Ways to Alter PaperTake a few minutes to try each of these

  23. Simon Schubert Scoring

  24. Chris Natrop White White Mayday in Mustard and Gold size variable  Ι  watercolor and white tape on cut white paper with thread and nylon netting  Ι  2006 Cutting

  25. Dress by Jolis Paons Folding

  26. Bendingchandaliers by Kristen Hassenfeld

  27. Paper Cones Ellen Ringstad. Untitled series. 2005-2007. Paper, acrylic.

  28. Interlocking cardboard

  29. The delicate and beautiful tree sculptures are designed by Ferry Staverman. The sculpture with varying height is crafted out of layered cardboard using laminated and recycled cardboard. • Read more: http://www.homeqn.com/entry/insight-for-sustainability-amazing-recycled-cardboard-art/#ixzz0swerrHMd

  30. janesouthproject.wordpress.com

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