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This proposal aims to modify the General Education program's Area E requirements to provide a broader perspective on world cultures through the study of human history and thought. It suggests offering courses on European traditions and other non-European cultures.
General Education:Area E Legislation By Harold Marcuse, historyCUAPP chair • What is the proposal before us?(with overview of GE program) • Why do we need this change? • Will it create any problems?(Data analysis)
Current GE: General + Special General Area Requirements (B.A.: 13 courses C-G) AREA A - English Reading & Composition (2) AREA B - Foreign Language (AP/3yrs; 3rd q., exam) AREA C - Science, Mathematics, & Technology (3) AREA D - Social Science (3) AREA E - Civilization and Thought (3: 2 WCiv +1 World) AREA F - Arts (2) AREA G - Literature (2) Special Subject Requirements: • QNT: Quantitative Relationships Requirement (1) # • WRT: Writing Requirement (6 courses) * • ETH: Ethnicity Requirement (1) & • NWC: Non-Western Culture Requirement (1) +
Proposed Change to Area E General Area Requirements (B.A.) AREA A - English Reading & Composition (2) AREA B - Foreign Language (AP/3yrs; 3rd q., exam) AREA C - Science, Mathematics, & Technology (3) AREA D - Social Science (3) AREA E- Cultureand Thought (3: 2 WCiv + 1 World) AREA F - Arts (2) AREA G - Literature (2) Special Subject Requirements: • QNT: Quantitative Relationships Requirement (1) # • WRT: Writing Requirement (6 courses) * • ETH: Ethnicity Requirement (1) & • NWC: Non-Western World Cultures (1) + • 5. EurT: European Traditions (1) ~
GE: Subject Areas The subdivision disappears, that's all.
GE: Subject Areas The subdivision disappears, that's all.
Text of Proposed Change • Area E: Culture and ThoughtObjective: To provide a perspective on world cultures through the study of human history and thought. [change: "civilization" to "cultures"] • European TraditionsAt least one course that focuses on European culture or the cultures in the European tradition. • World CulturesAt least one course that focuses on a culture outside of the European tradition.
Why do we need this? 3 Problems (name, students, admin.): • Bias towards "Western" (2:1, civ. vs. culture) • "Lock in" effect: students take one, must take the second in the same sequence • They may have a bad experience(heavy use of teaching associates in E1 courses) • Extremely limited time slots available • no "buy in" effect (when students are allowed to choose the course themselves) • Administrative reason: Distortion of GE program: specific content requirement as a disciplinary category (see text in main catalog for transfers)
Why not? Only argument we've heard: Students won't get "depth" of sustained treatment • They don't get it anyway since order is usually random (AB, BC vs. AC, CA, CB, BA) • not even taken in successive quarters • usually taught by different instructors with widely varying approaches (little continuity) • They can be required to get depth by making the "A" course a prerequisite of the "B" course • They can also get depth by two approaches to same time period (e.g.: Hist 4A and Phil 4A) • Departments can consider developing/ modifying sequences to 2-quarter sequences
Implication: Enrollment shift? Will there be a massive movement of students out of E-1 courses into E-2 courses? • 3 courses total still required • Short answer: no, there can't be, because realistically no more than 5% (4-11% at 100% capacity) could possibly shift from E1 to E2 • Most likely scenario: students will "shop around" more in E1. Statistically, students moving out of a sequence will be balanced by students moving in (over time: more into better-rated courses)
Enrollment capacity data actual enrollments & room size F03+W04+S04 E1 E2 top 199128 total seats 4395 total 8091 enrolled=89% -4050=92% full 345 can shift (4%) (or total E2: 913=11%)
Why now? • Main reason: Benefit to students • Consultation to date: • GE Task Force Minority report, May 2001 • Senate Forum on GE, Oct. 2001 • 2nd round of comments, Feb. 2002 • 2nd GE Task Force report, May 2002 • GE work group discussion document, Oct. 2003(detailed responses from 8 HFA depts, also explicitly on this issue; discussed in depth in 2 more) • Need for more departmental consultations? • Each department offering GE courses will be consulted this summer & fall
E1, 15 courses: n=8500 HIST 2+4 3650 ARTHI 6 2295 RGST 80 1172 PHIL 20 813 C LIT 30 571 total 8501
E2, top 19: n=4000 PHIL 4 605PHIL 3 603PHIL 1 446RG ST 1+3+5 332BL ST 7 316ENV S 3 262RG ST 12 236PHIL 100A 233BL ST 5 232HIST 8 211PHIL 100DBC 200POL S 189+188 176CLASS 100B+A 142 3995 2nd chart: grouped by dept.
Amended wording for Proposed Change • Area E: Culture and ThoughtObjective: To provide a perspective on world cultures through the study of human history and thought. [no change] • European TraditionsAt least one course that focuses provides a broad historical and intellectual perspective on European culture or the cultures in the European tradition.