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The Dance Bar Dilemma: Corruption, Morality, and Societal Values

This thought-provoking presentation delves into the controversy surrounding the ban on dance bars in Mumbai, exploring conflicting concepts of corruption, morality, and dignity. It questions whether the government has the right to dictate morals and debates the impact on stakeholders like bar dancers, society, and culture. Religious, ethical, economic, and feminist perspectives are analyzed, highlighting the complexities and implications of such bans.

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The Dance Bar Dilemma: Corruption, Morality, and Societal Values

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The topic of the following presentation has been deliberately chosen to introduce conflict of concepts and values as suggested by the TOK guidebook. Therefore the content is intended to be thought provoking, is intended to generate divergent values and reactions, and may be perceived as controversial. The views put forward do not necessarily reflect the values of the student authors of the presentation. Nor does the presentation intend to advocate one Belief or set of values. The student authors have chosen to defend an individual point of view in order to fulfill the assessment requirements of the presentation.

  2. \ SAVE THE LAST DANCE Exploring the controversy surrounding the banning of dance bars in Mumbai

  3. WELCOME…To a Typical Dance Bar in Mumbai

  4. The Knowledge Claims

  5. KNOWLEDGE CLAIM #1 “These dance bars are corrupting the moral fibre of our youth”R.R. Patil, Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra

  6. What is corruption ??? to corrupt: to make evil or immoral immoral: not following accepted principles of morality Morality: principles concerning good and bad or right or wrong behavior immoral: not following accepted principles of morality (Oxford English Dictionary 2001 )


  8. KNOWLEDGE CLAIM #2 “The government believes the ban will encourage people to work and earn a livelihood through other professions which are dignified and socially accepted.” Vilasrao Deshmukh, Chief Minister of Mumbai

  9. What is DIGNIFIED??? Dignity: state of being worthy of honor or respect Respect: an attitude of admiration or esteem www.dictionary.com

  10. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  11. Perception

  12. Bar dancers Bar owners Government THE STAKEHOLDERS Customers Society

  13. History

  14. Dance emerged during the “Golden Ages” and was considered a form of worship

  15. Mughal Era- Dancers branded as “keeps” which set the paradigm that has been passed on through generations


  17. Traditional Indian Culture V/S Popular Mumbai Culture

  18. The Art of Dance

  19. Dance is an artistic form of nonverbal communication and an essential part of most cultures For example, belly dancing has been used for years to promote middle-eastern culture

  20. So Why can’t bar-dancing be accepted as a part of The Popular Mumbai Culture?

  21. Religion

  22. Dance Bars can be viewed as “SINFUL”… • Lust is one of the cardinal sins in Christianity • Islam considers “Zina” or adultery one of the most heinous sins • The Gita, the holy book of the Hindus, condemns “sensuality” • “Kaam” or lust is one of the 5 main sins of Sikhism


  24. ETHICS

  25. Which Family is more Important ?? OR

  26. Is it ethical to destroy the families of 150,000 women only because of a conscious decision made by the customers of these dance bars ???

  27. Will simply banning these dance bars eradicate the moral corruption of the youth.

  28. Media

  29. Does this not corrupt the YOUTH OF THE COUNTRY ??


  31. Bar Dancers Protesting Against the Biased Decision taken by the Government

  32. Politics

  33. IT IS ALLEGED THAT….. • Bar Dance Union claims the Government demanded a bribe • America’s pressure on the Indian Government to stop traficking of women and girls

  34. The Constitution entitles every Indian citizen to the “Right to Freedom”

  35. Don’t these women have Freedom of Choice ?

  36. English Translation: WE HAVE A RIGHT TO live too !

  37. Economics

  38. DANCE BARS… Employ 150,000 people including dancers, bartenders, bouncers and waiters • Contribute a colossal Rs.500 million to the state revenue annually

  39. Possible Consequences of Banning Dance Bars… 1)Increase in : a.Unemployment b.Poverty c.Crime 2)Loss of State revenue 3)Dance bars will go underground

  40. The Feminist PERSPECTIVE

  41. 1) The presence of this industry encourages trafficking of women and girls • 2) Bar dancers are exploited by: • Bar Owners • Policemen • Customers • 3) Derogatory to women

  42. Is this ALL women are worth?!

  43. LIMITATIONS TO KNOWLDEGE • Corruption and Dignity are both subjective concepts • Knowledge gained through Media • Reality is coloured by other’s bias opinion

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