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Emergency Planning best Practices and Procedures

Learn about bomb threat protocols, disaster mutual aid, and effective emergency planning strategies. Understand fire risks, media communication, and proper disaster response responsibilities. Ensure your emergency plan is effective and aligned with industry standards.

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Emergency Planning best Practices and Procedures

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  1. Emergency Planning Sample Questions

  2. 1. Searches made during work hours as a result of a bomb threat call should be made by: • a. Local Police Department • b. Military Police • c. Federal investigative personnel • d. Employees familiar with work area where bomb is reportedly located

  3. 1. Searches made during work hours as a result of a bomb threat call should be made by: • a. Local Police Department • b. Military Police • c. Federal investigative personnel • d. Employees familiar with work area where bomb is reportedly located

  4. 2. A cooperative organization of industrial firms, business firms, and similar organizations within an industrial community that are united by a voluntary agreement to assist each other by providing materials, equipment and personnel needed to ensure effective industrial disaster control during emergencies is called: • a. Emergency Squads • b. Mutual Aid Association • c. Community Emergency Cooperatives • d. Disaster Control Squads

  5. 2. A cooperative organization of industrial firms, business firms, and similar organizations within an industrial community that are united by a voluntary agreement to assist each other by providing materials, equipment and personnel needed to ensure effective industrial disaster control during emergencies is called: • a. Emergency Squads • b. Mutual Aid Association • c. Community Emergency Cooperatives • d. Disaster Control Squads

  6. 3. Which of the following procedures should not be advocated as part of emergency planning? • a. Emergency plan should be in writing • b. Emergency plan should be revisited as needed • c. Distribution should be limited to senior management • d. Plan should be tested through practice

  7. 3. Which of the following procedures should not be advocated as part of emergency planning? • a. Emergency plan should be in writing • b. Emergency plan should be revisited as needed • c. Distribution should be limited to senior management • d. Plan should be tested through practice

  8. 4. The greatest single destroyer of property is: • a. Bombs • b. Sabotage • c. Fire • d. Earthquakes

  9. 4. The greatest single destroyer of property is: • a. Bombs • b. Sabotage • c. Fire • d. Earthquakes

  10. 5. Responsibility for shutdown of machines in the plant as a result of disaster should be assigned to: • a. The security officers on duty • b. The maintenance persons on duty • c. The persons familiar with the shutdown process • d. The plant manager

  11. 5. Responsibility for shutdown of machines in the plant as a result of disaster should be assigned to: • a. The security officers on duty • b. The maintenance persons on duty • c. The persons familiar with the shutdown process • d. The plant manager

  12. 6. In the event the media makes contact as a result of a crisis situation, they should: • a. Be given “no comment” • b. Be put in touch with person designated in the emergency plan for orderly release of information • c. Be put in contact with the president of the company • d. Be put in contact with the plant manager

  13. 6. In the event the media makes contact as a result of a crisis situation, they should: • a. Be given “no comment” • b. Be put in touch with person designated in the emergency plan for orderly release of information • c. Be put in contact with the president of the company • d. Be put in contact with the plant manager

  14. 7. Which of the following does not fit into good emergency planning? • a. An individual should be appointed as coordinator • b. Plan should be reduced to writing • c. Plan should be simple • d. A new organization should be developed to handle emergency situations

  15. 7. Which of the following does not fit into good emergency planning? • a. An individual should be appointed as coordinator • b. Plan should be reduced to writing • c. Plan should be simple • d. A new organization should be developed to handle emergency situations

  16. 8. The ionization fire detector warns of fire by responding to: • a. Invisible products of combustion emitted by a fire at its earliest stages • b. Infrared emissions from flames • c. Light changes • d. Smoke

  17. 8. The ionization fire detector warns of fire by responding to: • a. Invisible products of combustion emitted by a fire at its earliest stages - incipient stage • b. Infrared emissions from flames • c. Light changes • d. Smoke

  18. 9. The fire detector which responds to a predetermined temperature or to an increase in temperature is known as: • a. Ionization detector • b. Photoelectric smoke detector • c. Infrared flame detector • d. Thermal detector

  19. 9. The fire detector which responds to a predetermined temperature or to an increase in temperature is known as: • a. Ionization detector • b. Photoelectric smoke detector • c. Infrared flame detector • d. Thermal detector

  20. 10. The fire detector which responds to changes or interruption in the light source is known as: • a. The ionization detector • b. The photoelectric smoke detector • c. The infrared flame detector • d. The thermal detector

  21. 10. The fire detector which responds to changes or interruption in the light source is known as: • a. The ionization detector • b. The photoelectric smoke detector • c. The infrared flame detector • d. The thermal detector

  22. 11. After a bomb threat is made, if suspicious object is found during search, it should be: • a. Handled with great care • b. Disarmed immediately • c. Reported immediately to the designated authorities • d. Placed in a bucket of water

  23. 11. After a bomb threat is made, if suspicious object is found during search, it should be: • a. Handled with great care • b. Disarmed immediately • c. Reported immediately to the designated authorities • d. Placed in a bucket of water

  24. 12. The removal of any suspected bomb should be by: • a. Proprietary guard force • b. Office employees • c. Professional bomb-disposal personnel • d. The patrol office of the city police department

  25. 12. The removal of any suspected bomb should be by: • a. Proprietary guard force • b. Office employees • c. Professional bomb-disposal personnel • d. The patrol office of the city police department

  26. 13. Which of the following is not suggested behavior for the victim of a kidnapping? • a. Stay calm • b. Do not cooperate with captors • c. Do not try to escape unless good chance of success • d. Try to remember events

  27. 13. Which of the following is not suggested behavior for the victim of a kidnapping? • a. Stay calm • b. Do not cooperate with captors • c. Do not try to escape unless good chance of success • d. Try to remember events

  28. 14. In connection with corporate kidnappings by terrorist, the decision as to whether ransom is to be paid should be made by: • a. Local police • b. Spouse or blood relative of victim • c. City government • d. Highest corporate level

  29. 14. In connection with corporate kidnappings by terrorist, the decision as to whether ransom is to be paid should be made by: • a. Local police • b. Spouse or blood relative of victim • c. City government • d. Highest corporate level

  30. 15. Which of the following should not be applicable to the development of an effective emergency disaster plan: • a. Plan should be written • b. It should involve the minimum number of people possible in the preparation of the plan • c. It should contain an inventory of available resources • d. It should list preventative measures

  31. 15. Which of the following should not be applicable to the development of an effective emergency disaster plan: • a. Plan should be written • b. It should involve the minimum number of people possible in the preparation of the plan • c. It should contain an inventory of available resources • d. It should list preventative measures

  32. 16. Earthquake emergency plans should stress safest place during a quake is: • a. Within work area under pre-selected cover • b. At work in open spaces away from building • c. At home • d. In a building made of concrete

  33. 16. Earthquake emergency plans should stress safest place during a quake is: • a. Within work area under pre-selected cover • b. At work in open spaces away from building • c. At home • d. In a building made of concrete

  34. 17. In a strike, the refusal by management to allow members of the bargaining unit on the premises is called: • a. A lockout • b. Shutout • c. Lock in • d. Permissive picketing

  35. 17. In a strike, the refusal by management to allow members of the bargaining unit on the premises is called: • a. A lockout • b. Shutout • c. Lock in • d. Permissive picketing

  36. 18. At the time of a strike, if no guard force is available, the following action should be taken: • a. Immediately hire one • b. Mobilize supervisory personnel into a patrol group • c. Have police come on property to act as security force • d. Have maintenance employees trained to act as guards

  37. 18. At the time of a strike, if no guard force is available, the following action should be taken: • a. Immediately hire one • b. Mobilize supervisory personnel into a patrol group • c. Have police come on property to act as security force • d. Have maintenance employees trained to act as guards

  38. 19. In a labor dispute which of the following measures is not advisable: • a. Change all perimeter gate padlocks • b. Issue special passes to non-striking employees • c. Notify employees who go to work to keep windows rolled up • d. Armed guards

  39. 19. In a labor dispute which of the following measures is not advisable: • a. Change all perimeter gate padlocks • b. Issue special passes to non-striking employees • c. Notify employees who go to work to keep windows rolled up • d. Armed guards

  40. 20. Usually the most difficult part of an Executive Protection Plan is: • a. To secure trained personnel • b. To initiate liaison with Federal Agencies • c. To initiate liaison with local authorities • d. To convince the executive being protected on the need for such protection

  41. 20. Usually the most difficult part of an Executive Protection Plan is: • a. To secure trained personnel • b. To initiate liaison with Federal Agencies • c. To initiate liaison with local authorities • d. To convince the executive being protected on the need for such protection

  42. 21. Which of the following is not recommended action with regard to survival of earthquakes: • a. If outside, immediately go inside • b. Keep calm • c. Douse all fires • d. Keep away from utility wires

  43. 21. Which of the following is not recommended action with regard to survival of earthquakes: • a. If outside, immediately go inside • b. Keep calm • c. Douse all fires • d. Keep away from utility wires

  44. 22. Of all reported bomb threats, it is estimated that the percentage of real threats is: • a. 2-5% • b. 7-10% • c. 15% • d. Less than 1%

  45. 22. Of all reported bomb threats, it is estimated that the percentage of real threats is: • a. 2-5% • b. 7-10% • c. 15% • d. Less than 1%

  46. 23. A full evacuation of a building should be ordered upon receipt of a bomb threat when: • a. The caller is credible and refuses to name a specific bomb location • b. Any threat is received • c. Threat is received during working hours • d. The caller has a foreign accent

  47. 23. A full evacuation of a building should be ordered upon receipt of a bomb threat when: • a. The caller is credible and refuses to name a specific bomb location • b. Any threat is received • c. Threat is received during working hours • d. The caller has a foreign accent

  48. 24. You are charged with the responsibility for formulating a disaster plan to handle emergencies which arise as a result of earthquakes. Which of the following warnings to be issued to employees as to their actions during the shaking should not be included in the plan? • a. If employees are outside, proceed to the nearest building and head for the basement • b. If employees are indoors at the time of the shaking, they should stay there • c. If inside, take cover under sturdy furniture • d. If inside, stay near center of building

  49. 24. You are charged with the responsibility for formulating a disaster plan to handle emergencies which arise as a result of earthquakes. Which of the following warnings to be issued to employees as to their actions during the shaking should not be included in the plan? • a. If employees are outside, proceed to the nearest building and head for the basement • b. If employees are indoors at the time of the shaking, they should stay there • c. If inside, take cover under sturdy furniture • d. If inside, stay near center of building

  50. 25. Earthquakes constitute a definite concern to the emergency management responsibilities of security managers in certain areas of the country. Accordingly, it is incumbent upon our security professionals to have a clear understanding of the basic facts concerning earthquakes. Which of the following is an incorrect statement? • a. Earthquakes are unpredictable and strike without warning • b. Earthquakes may last from a few seconds to as much as 5 minutes • c. The actual movement of the ground in an earthquake is usually the direct cause of injury or death

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