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Social Conversation Report #HIMSS15 Report Data: April 12 – April 16, 2015 Report Publication Date: May 6, 2015 By: @W2OGroup. HIMSS 2015. #HIMSS15. Conversations at HIMSS: YoY growth slowdown. Volume Analysis.
Social Conversation Report • #HIMSS15 • Report Data: April 12 – April 16, 2015 • Report Publication Date: May 6, 2015 • By: @W2OGroup HIMSS 2015
#HIMSS15 Conversationsat HIMSS: YoY growth slowdown Volume Analysis Between 2012-2014, the HIMSS social conversation rose consistently year over year. While 2015 saw continued growth in social conversations overall, it also saw a steep decline in the number of unique individuals who were a part of that conversation. Further, the rate of YoY conversation growth slowed from 55% between 2013-2015, to 11% between 2014-2015. Could the astronomical rise of social conversation at HIMSS be reaching a plateau? We’ll find out at #HIMSS16! +11% +55% 82,496 74,444 +109% 48,170 +120% -11% 23,043 +58% Source: Radian6
#HIMSS15 A select few individuals drive the conversation Volume Analysis 50% of the HIMSS social conversation was driven by 4% of the individuals engaging in the conversation. Just the top 1% drove 30% of the conversation. This is slight a change from 2014, which saw 50% of the conversation driven by 3% of the individuals engaging in conversation, and the top 1% of individuals driving 35% of the conversation. At HIMSS 2014, 50% of social conversation was driven by 3% of accounts. Most Vocal Least Vocal Source: Radian6
W2O’s 1-9-90 rule to systematically increase reach -Our findings at HIMSS’15 reflect this trend; a small portion of users create content and have influence. -Takeaway: Targeting of and engagement with these groups is critical for social impact. #HIMSS15 90 1% Create Content 9% Share and Repackage 90% Lurk and Learn 9 1 Opinion Leaders Influencers The Market Reflects what customers read, search and discover online every day. Important to listen, educate, share and provide unique experiences. Individuals who drive ideas that fuel conversation share with current/potential customers. Focus content and relationships here. Individuals who carry the message, and where top influencers sources ideas. Important to surround with paid & earned media.
#HIMSS15 For physicians, HIMSS remains relevant Volume Analysis In spite of the slowdown in social conversations overall, physician participation in the HIMSS conversation continues to steadily rise, both among physicians who have participated in the HIMSS conversations in past years, as well as among newcomers to the conversation. As a point of comparison, in the past year* the #MGMA14 hashtag was used by 22 unique practicing physicians, #ACHE2015 was used by 21 unique practicing physicians, #ACC2015 was used by 52 unique practicing physicians, and #ASCO2014 was used by 441 unique practicing physicians. +36% +64% +55% +139% +86% *During the timeframe of those conferences Source: MDigitalLife
#HIMSS15 Who stepped up to the microphone this year?(Sorted by YOY change) Trend Analysis • A few highlights • Individuals: • Michael Crone: New to the HIMSS scene. Business development at Emids. RTs were a majority of all engagement. • Bill Bunting: Went from near zero to hero this year. Director of Healthcare Solutions at EMC. • HIT Conference Guy: Also a new kid on the HIMSS block. Active content curator. • La Lupus Lady – Well known patient advocate. Minor participation a couple years ago, but active this year. • Regina Holliday: Not new to the space, but Regina more than doubled her participation in the HIMSS social conversation since last year. Data access for all! • Vendors: • ClinicSpectrum: Medical billing services provider new to the HIMSS conversation. Took first place for vendor participation growth. • TruClinic: Telehealth platform. Active social participation. • Dell: The computer company stepped up its social presence at the conference, engaging attendees and encouraging them to stop by their booth. • *Intel Health: Account has existed since 2008, yet this was their first time participating in the HIMSS conversation. • *Mayo Innovation: First time tweeting at HIMSS as well. Demonstrative of Mayo Clinic’s increasing digital footprint and growing social reach. *Not shown; not in top 50. For data Inquires, contact rcronin@wcgworld.com
#HIMSS15 Which social handles were mentioned most in 2015? (Count of unique users mentioning) While HIMSS, Healthcare IT News, Brian Ahier, Farzad Mostashari and Deloitte garnered more social mentions from individual accounts tweeting at HIMSS, Regina Holliday garnered more mentions among leading digital health influencers, including: Wen Dombrowski, Dave deBronkart and John Sharp – a further indication that patient engagement is becoming an increasingly integral part of the health IT conversation. For data Inquires, contact rcronin@w2ogroup.com
#HIMSS15 Hashtag trends: Top hashtags in 2015 (Count of unique users mentioning each hashtag) Topic Analysis Not surprisingly, #EHR and #mHealth took two of the top spots, followed by #HIMSSanity, #patientengagement and #interoperability. Other notable hashtags include #HITsm, which stands for healthcare IT social media – and corresponds to a weekly chat on Friday’s at 11 CT – as well as #hcldr, corresponding to a weekly chat addressing healthcare leadership. #engage4health and #IheartHIT are two others hashtags worth noting, supporting and celebrating patient engagement, industry transformation and personal and professional growth through health IT. And #DrHIT is centralizing the conversation around physician use of health IT (and supports our key takeaways on slide #4). For data Inquires, contact rcronin@w2ogroup.com
#HIMSS15 Hashtag trends: Top hashtag growth in 2015 (Sorted by change between 2015 and 2014) Topic Analysis When looking at hashtags that had the biggest spikes in use as compared to previous HIMSS’ conversations, #engage4health and #physicians saw growth in number of mentions. While the former supports the increased focus on – and importance of – patient engagement, the latter highlights physicians’ increasing alignment with and participation in the health IT conversation. Another hashtag to note is #dataindependenceday, the popularity of which is a testament to the strength of Regina Holliday’s message of enabling health record data access for all. #HITsmCIO was another new-to-the-scene hashtag for this year, a @W2OGroup hashtag focused on health system CIO engagement in social media and celebrating how health IT leaders are using SoMe to drive improvement throughout the industry. Additionally, it is worth noting that #HITchicksusage grew this year, a hashtag that supports women leadership and female participation in healthcare IT and the HIT conversation. For data Inquires, contact rcronin@w2ogroup.com
#HIMSS15 Link sharing trends: Which sites were shared most? (Count of unique users mentioning) Trend Analysis In terms of health IT solutions providers who stepped up their website-engagement-via-social game, Deloitte was highly successful at driving users from social media onto its own digital properties. Conversely, although Walgreens and IBM successfully garnered conversation, they were not nearly as successful at driving individuals to their respective sites via their #HIMSS15 social participation. • A few highlights: • Healthcare IT News: The premier publication of HIMSS. Created substantial content during the conference. • HIMSS Conference: A highly shared, in-conference resource. • Deloitte: The content winner of the conference – by a long shot. Created highly sharable content that drove attendees to share infographics, blog posts, research findings and poignant social media posts. • HIT Consultant: Created a mix of sharable and rich conference-focused content throughout the conference. • Med City News: Conference-focused materials drove shares. • YouTube: A mix of interviews and promotional videos were shared more this year. • Forbes: Bruce Japsen, John Osborn, Larry Husten, Louis Columbus, Matthew Herper and Nicole Fisher drove numerous articles shares within the health IT community. For data Inquires, contact rcronin@w2ogroup.com
#HIMSS15 Link sharing trends: Biggest gainers (Count of unique users mentioning) Trend Analysis The data shows the domains which garnered the greatest gains – in shares per user – from 2014 to 2015. Once again, Deloitte was highly successful at driving shares of owned digital properties, but also improved significantly since its efforts in 2014. Other significant improvements include, HIT Consultant, Med City News, HIMSS, Healthcare IT News and HealthIT.gov. For data Inquires, contact rcronin@w2ogroup.com
#HIMSS15 Meaningful use: Who drove the conversation? (Sorted by unique users mentioning. Includes conversations on the draft rule announcements) Topic Analysis A few highlights: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' draft meaningful use rule (to reduce the requirement that providers have 5% of their patients use technology to electronically download, view and transmit their medical record—to just a single patient) released days before HIMSS drew a lot of conversation on the topic. Regina Holliday, Sherry Reynolds, Mandi Bishop, Susan Brown, Charles Webster and Wen Dombrowski, among many others, were all active participants in the meaningful use conversation at HIMSS 15. Who was mentioned most? Who talked about it most? (Sorted by Unique Users Mentioning) For data Inquires, contact rcronin@w2ogroup.com
#HIMSS15 Patient engagement: Who drove the conversation? (Sorted by unique users mentioning) Topic Analysis A few highlights: Not surprisingly, patient engagement strategist and health technology consultant, Jan Oldenburg, drove the conversation around patient engagement, followed closely by patient data rights advocate Regina Holliday. Clinicspectrum and Get Real Health were two of the solutions providers most active in the patient engagement conversation. Who was mentioned most? Who talked about it most? (Sorted by Unique Users Mentioning) For data Inquires, contact rcronin@w2ogroup.com
#HIMSS15 The 2015 patient trend: Patient empowerment (Sorted by unique users mentioning the below terms along with patient(s) and #HIMSS15) Topic Analysis A few highlights: Not only has the conversation around patient engagement as it relates to healthcare IT increased at this year’s event, but note the words surrounding patient/patients are heavily rooted in the trend of empowerment and information access. Access, support, rights, own and need are all among the top terms used in the patient and patient engagement conversation at HIMSS 15. And with data and records appearing near the top of the list as well, it becomes clear that patients are increasingly associating empowerment and engagement with health data and EHR/EMR records access. For data Inquires, contact rcronin@w2ogroup.com
Social Conversation Report • #HIMSS15 • Report Data: April 12 – April 16, 2015 • Report Publication Date: May 6, 2015 • By: @W2OGroup HIMSS 2015 For additional information, please contact Rob Cronin, Technology and Digital Health Practice Leader, W2O Group, at rcronin@w2ogroup.com or @robcroninNY