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Snapchat Will Soon Monitor Your Emotions at Events via Selfies

Social platform Snap Inc. recently patented a way to accurately monitor people’s emotions at various events. The content-sharing app intends to make use of the selfies people take at musical gigs, speeches and elsewhere.<br>

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Snapchat Will Soon Monitor Your Emotions at Events via Selfies

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  1. SnapchatWilSoonMonitor YourEmotionsatEventsvia Selfies H T T P S : / / W W W . D I G I T A L M E D I A S A P I E N S . C O M / S E R V I C E S / S O C I A L - M E D I A -M A R K E T I N G / O U R -

  2. Social platformSnapInc. recentlypatentedawayto accuratelymonitorpeople’semotionsatvariousevents. T h e content-sharingappintendstomakeuseoftheselfiespeople takeatmusical gigs, speechesandelsewhere.

  3. The technology will monitor the moodof the people based on the selfies takenand the messages sent via the Snapchatapp. And it is not just monitoring anyone’s general mood, but a comprehensive range of emotions. The event’s location data and signals will also be used to determine where a large group ofpeople mightgather. Howdoesthetechnology work?

  4. Note: AlthoughSnapInc. haspatentedthetechnology, itisstill notclear whetherthecompanyisgoingtouseitornotintheSnapchatapp!

  5. thankyou!

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