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December Birthstone: Turquoise, Tanzanite, Zircon

Turquoise, Zircon, and Tanzanite, the three choices for December born people. If youu2019re looking for blue stones then you can look for December birthstone. The special hue of blue color in each stone of December Birthstone makes it precious stone to unearth. The bluish-green mix in Turquoise, bluish-purple in Tanzanite, and variety of colors in Zircon. Now letu2019s understand them better in terms of color and characteristics. The December born people come under zodiac sign Sagittarius, the color they prefer is blue. Colorless Zircon and diamond are confused with each other.<br><br>

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December Birthstone: Turquoise, Tanzanite, Zircon

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  1. 0 Search × FREE SHIPPINGWORLDWIDE BLOG Home/BirthStones/DecemberBirthstone:Turquoise,Tanzanite,Zircon December Birthstone:Turquoise, Tanzanite,Zircon PostedonMarch2nd,202003:09PM Share: CATEGORIES BirthStones DiamondJewellery ValentinesGifts RECENTPOST Our top Unique EngagementRings March 7th,2020 DecemberBirthstone Turquoise, Zircon, and Tanzanite, the three choices for December born people. If you’re looking for blue stones then you can look for December birthstone. The specialhueofbluecolorineachstoneofDecemberBirthstonemakesitprecious stone to unearth. The bluish-green mix in Turquoise, bluish-purple in Tanzanite, and variety of colors in Zircon. Now let’s understand them better in terms of color and characteristics. The December born people come under zodiac sign Sagittarius, the color they prefer is blue. Colorless Zircon and diamond are confusedwitheachother. Why AlwaysAttached to DiamondRings? March 6th,2020 Promise Ringfor her March 6th,2020 RosecJewels TurquoiseStone

  2. DoyouKnowthe Significance and Meaning of Gemstones? March 5th,2020 DoyouKnowAboutthe Diamond Color Before Buying? March 5th,2020 Semi-opaquestonehasbeenminedsince3200BC.TheTurquoisestonewaspart ofthejewelryofEgyptians.ThePharaohsandotherrulersofAncientEgyptwore this stone on their necklace, bracelets, earrings rings, and special buttons on clothes.TheChinesepeoplecarvedit3000yearsago. Thetransparencyandopaquecharacteristicsofthisstonemakeituniqueamong the birthstones. Nishapur district of Iran has been mined for more than 1000 years. The Turquoise is defined in trade names that are “Robin’s egg blue”, “sky blue”,and“Persianblue”.ThesetermsareusedtodefinetheTurquoisecolor,not theirsource. NewMexicowasthemajorsourceuntilthe1920sandnowmostoftheTurquoise Birthstonescomefrom ArizonaandNevada.TheKingmanmineisanimportant sourceofintenseblueturquoise.TheminesinAmericahaveareminiscentname likeDrycreek,Easterblue,EmeraldValley,andfox. Today, thelargestproducerof theturquoisebirthstoneischina. The stone was used in the funerary mask of King Tutankhamun. In the United States,itiswornbyNativeAmericans.Theysaidthisstonehasaspecialpowerof healinganditbringsgoodfortuneandhealth. TanzaniteStone

  3. In the mountain range of Mount Kilimanjaro, this stone is found. In 1962 itmade the first appearance was known mineral Zoisite but later in 1967 researcher found the primary location in Merelani Hills and in the name of the country it was named Tanzanite. The Tanzanite is known for its Velvety texture because it hasvelvetybluewithshadesofpurple. It is a newcomer in the stones world. The vivid colors and high clarity has becomeasensationandbecomethegemfor the24thweddinganniversary.This birthstoneisenlistedinthebirthstonesofDecember. ZirconStone The Zircon Birthstone has been the point of debate for Scholars. Some of them say it’s been taken Arabic word “Zarkum” which means “cinnabar” or“vermilion”,

  4. some say it is taken from the word “Zargun” which in the Persian language means gold-colored. It has a wide palette of colors that are red, orange, yellow, brown,green,andblue.Brillianceandflashesofmulti-colorslight arethequality ofColorlessZirconwhichisverypopular. InHinduism-religionZirconisoneoftheninegemsoftheNavratnaasalternate for Hessonite garnet. When all the nine gemstones are worn together it results inbringingwealth,wisdomandgoodhealth. The yellow-brown, orange-brown, pink and purple are mined Harts range and zircon hill in Australia. Sri Lanka is also the source of Zircon Birthstone. Besides AustraliaandSri-lankaitisalsofoundinMyanmar,Vietnam,andCambodia. The Zircon Birthstone was believed that it gives wearer deep sleep and ensures not having baddreams. Cleaning andCare TheTurquoiseBirthstoneisrangedbetween5to6onmoh’sscaleforhardness.It is treated to ensure its durability, appearance, and polish. It can lose its color or maygetdamagefromcertainchemicals The Tanzanite Birthstones have 6 to 7 on moh’s scale. It may crack at high temperatures and the raw Tanzanite is heated to give its violet hues which is a permanent change. The Tanzanite jewelry is not for daily purposes but can be worn for specialoccasions. The Zircon ranges 6 to 7.5 on moh’s scale, it is stable with chemicals but can abradewhenwearinginroughconditions. All three December Birthstones should not be cleaned by ultrasonic cleaner or steambuttobecleanedbyawarmwatersoapymixture. The December Birthstones are rich in their color and unique in their texture.All are found in different parts of the world. And the turquoise is been in history since Egyptians Pharaohs. All this birthstone can be made to wear in pendants, rings, necklaces, andearrings. SubscribetoourNewsletter: Subscribe Enteremail address WE ARE ALSO AVAI LABLEON:

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