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The month of falling autumn and the cold breeze of winter entering by the end of November. November is the bridge of two seasons and for both seasons there is two stone for the November born people
0 Search × FREE SHIPPINGWORLDWIDE BLOG Home / Birth Stones / NovemberBirthstone NovemberBirthstone PostedonFebruary29th,202003:12PM CATEGORIES BirthStones Share: DiamondJewellery ValentinesGifts RECENTPOST Diamond clarity:Guide to Clarity OfDiamonds March 3rd,2020 NovemberBirthstone The month of falling autumn and the cold breeze of winter entering by the end of November. November is the bridge of two seasons and for both seasons there is two stone for the November born people. The Topaz and Citrine are the ofcial stones for November month. The warmness of Citrine and coolness of Topaz resembles autumn and winter. Topaz Stone has multiple colors and Citrine Birthstoneispresentinsaturatedyellowcolor. Does Moissanite isan alternate choice for Diamond? March 3rd,2020 Let’s understand thembetter to choose your stone. Blue TopazBirthstone The Topaz Gemstone is known for its array of colors. You can choose your favorite shade from a Topaz list of colors. The colors in the array list are yellow, blue, orange, red, pink or colorless. This Birthstone is rank 3rd in hardness witha Different Types of DiamondRSohsaepceJsewYoelus
canChoose March 3rd,2020 score of 8 on moh’s scale after sapphires and diamonds, that’s the reason for its highvalue.TheTopazhasstunningbeautyandclarity. The Topaz is mistakenly taken for quartz because of the color similarities. To de ne Topaz and quartz the testing is required to distinguish between them. Topaz's favorite color is watery blue. Blue Topaz marks 4th wedding anniversary and Imperial Topaz marks 23rd wedding anniversary. The colorless Topaz is treated with heat and irradiation to give the color of blue which is famous for Topaz. Howto buy a Wedding Ring? March 2nd,2020 A Sanskrit word “tapas” derived Topaz which gave it meaning re. The Indian culture believed that wearing Topaz above the heart ensures long life, intelligence, and beauty. The ancient Greeks believed that the stone gives them strength. The Europeans thought it guards them against magical spells and calms downanger. The Topaz is excavated from Brazil, Pakistan, Namibia, Nigeria, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and the United States. In Pakistan Ghundao hill is known forne pink Topaz and Katlang a small town is popular for cyclamen pink andbrazilisknownforhigh-qualityTopazanditproducesmultiplecolors. Men’s WeddingBand Guide March 2nd,2020 CitrineBirthstone TheCitrineisbelievedtobetakenfromFrenchwordcitronwhichmeanslemon. The Citrine is known for its warm hue, and it is cherished for the soft saturated yellow color. Citrine has its presence in the quartz family and has a crystalline hexagonal structure. It has been in many cultures of past History for thousands of years and was used in jewelry at that time. It is known as “Light Maker” which promoteshealthandusedasacrystal for healing. The most expensive Citrine is the one which has a hue of warm yellow color. Citrine Birthstone has shades available from pale yellow to honey and golden yellowtobrown.Thisstoneisgiftedonthe13thweddinganniversary.
TheRomanworetheminringswithamethyststones.Itwas alsousedincolorful Scottish jewelry from the Victorian era. The ancient Greeks used them in crystal ornaments.TheCitrineismostaffordableamongyellowgemstones. Bolivia, Spain, Madagascar, Mexico, and Uruguay are top sources of Citrine Birthstone.Bolivia’sAnahiMineisknownforitsnaturalandunheatedCitrine. Care andcleaning Though Topaz has 8 on the scale of Moh’s Hardness scale but tends to get chipping or crack. The high temperature can cause break internally and prolonged exposure ofsunlight can cause fading in some yellow Topaz. Ultrasonic cleaners or steam cleaning is not recommendedfor Topaz. Citrine has good toughness and has 7 in the moh’s scale of hardness. It can withstand daily wear and care. The ultrasonic machine is ok for cleaning but steamcleaningcancausecrackbecauseof highheat. Bothstonescanbecleanedbywarmsoapywater. The November Birthstones are known as Fire and ice. The Blue Topaz has great brillianceandgreatsparklingbluelikethesurfaceof ablueocean. Citrinecrystal is known for its healing power and brings prosperity, wealth and abundance. So choose your Birthstone and brings its special power for the betterment of your life. Subscribe toourNewsletter: Subscribe Enter emailaddress
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