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Child Development Stages: Freud, Erickson, Piaget & Milestones

Explore infant development through Freud's phallic stage, Erickson's initiative vs. guilt, Piaget's preoperational stage, and childhood milestones like object permanence and vocabulary growth. Understand the cognitive, social, and physical aspects of early childhood, including key concepts and milestones related to each developmental stage. Gain insights into children's play patterns, cognitive developments, and social interactions as they progress from infancy through early childhood. Discover how children learn, grow, and develop essential skills during these crucial developmental stages.

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Child Development Stages: Freud, Erickson, Piaget & Milestones

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Review…Infancy • Exact Ages • Stage of Freud? • What would Erickson Say about social development? • What stage of Piaget? • Vocabulary – How many Words? • Solitary Play • Object Permanence • Physical Milestones

  2. Erickson’s Stages vs. Mistrust vs. Shame & Doubt Initiative vs. Industry vs. vs. Role Confusion Intimacy vs. vs. Stagnation vs. Despair

  3. Childhood (2-Puberty) Physical Social Cognitive coordination 3yrs – gender specific preoperational – symbols jumping/skipping emotions intricate egocentric – errors in thought slow growth initiative vs guilt animism industry vs inferiority cooperative play healthy industry vs inferiority concrete operations continue growth friends increase conservation / reversibility parental ties decrease as reason like an adult… relationships with peers increase except abstract ideas rapid growth in language 250-14,000 words

  4. Erickson - Childhood • Initiative vs Guilt (Preschool) *Main question – Am I good or bad? *Initiate not Imitate *May feel guilt when initiative doesn’t produce desired result • Industry vs Inferiority (School Age) *Main question – Am I successful or worthless? *Trying to be “industrious”…develop self-worth in school… meet expectations at home and school

  5. Piaget Preoperational *Egocentric - unable to take the point of view of other people * Representational Thought, do not yet understand concrete logic, cannot mentally manipulate information * Common to have errors in reasoning *Animism - non-living objects alive

  6. Anal Stage • Through potty training, children are taught when, where, and how excretion is deemed appropriate *Recognize that the ability to control excretion gives them power over their parents • Anal Fixations *Anal Expulsive Personality *Anal Retentive Personality

  7. Concrete Operations *Children begin thinking logically about concrete events, but have difficulty understanding abstract or hypothetical concepts. *Develop schemas - framework to make sense of the world *Conservation – shapes change, quantity doesn’t *Reversibility - awareness that actions can be reversed…develops at this stage Ex: 5-2=3 3+2=5

  8. Freud… • Phallic Stage (~3 -~6) *Primary Focus – Genitals *Discover difference between Male & Female *Completion of this stage results in identifying with the same-sex parent • Latency Stage (~7 – Puberty) *Sexual feelings repressed -more concerned with peer relationships, hobbies, and other interests. -Energy exists but directed into other areas such as intellectual pursuits and social interactions

  9. Childhood Milestones • 250-14,000 words in vocabulary • Cognitive Developments *Preoperational -egocentric = self centered -animism = non living objects alive -errors in thinking -think symbolically * Concrete Operations -Conservation -Reversibility Social Developments *play patterns *begin to grow away from parents *gender specific toys …“Pink Rock”

  10. For each situation, indicate the stage, age and concept described 1) Jake looks at a string of plastic beads; six are white and ten are blue. Jake is asked how many white beads there are an answers correctly. He is then asked how many plastic beads there are and answers ten -Stage -Age -Concept 2) Carrie can solve the equation x2-6x-16=0 -Stage -Age -Concept 3) Kang loves to play peek-a-boo. He laughs when someone puts a blanket over his face and then pulls it away -Stage -Age -Concept 4) Paolo sees a piece of ribbon tied in a bow. He unties the bow and stretches the ribbon to its full length. His mother asks him which is longer – the ribbon in the bow or the ribbon stretched out. Paolo answers that they are the same -Stage -Age -Concept

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