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Pesticide Sensitive Crops and Habitats Registry. http://www.driftwatch.org/. A new Look...a new name and some new and improved features!. Users: Producers of Sensitive Crops Pesticide Applicators Watershed coordinators Registry is interactive website.
Pesticide Sensitive Crops and Habitats Registry http://www.driftwatch.org/
Users: • Producers of Sensitive Crops • Pesticide Applicators • Watershed coordinators • Registry is interactive website. • Developed and maintained by Office of Indiana State Chemist.
Identified Growing Concern: Off target impacts of applied pesticides 75% increase in specialty crop acres (5 years) Ag Census value of $210 Million Impending registration of 2,4 –D and dicamba resistant soybeans (2011 ??) > 50% of all pesticide complaints related to off target impacts of drift
Endangered species habitat Sensitive Watersheds Source water for community drinking water supplies Locations of pesticide sensitive crops Beehives, grapes, certified organic, tomatoes, nursery crops, pumpkins/melons and other Objective: Foster communication between stewards of at-risk habitat, producers of pesticide-sensitive crops and pesticide applicators
Producers of Sensitive Crops • Beehives, fruits, grapes, certified organic, nursery crops, pumpkins/melons, tomatoes, other vegetables • Producer voluntarily enrolls sensitive crop fields • Commercial production of fields >1/2 acre • No fee....FREE!!!! • Sorry...DriftWatch does not apply to home gardens or landscapes.
Producers register at website: http://www.driftwatch.org/ • Outlines their field using a Google MapTM • Identifies sensitive crop type, then saves image and contact information • Image and contact info forwards to OISC • OISC reviews registration and upon approval adds to public website
Benefits: • Sensitive crop areas more easily identified. • Helps to protect from off-site pesticide applications. • In 2008, 34 major vegetable crops harvested 16,700 acres at estimated value of $61 million.* • Aids in marketing • In addition to interactive map, registration can include a producer’s website and contact information for customers. Upload images of farm.
You must complete your contact information including an email address and click the “submit” button to register your crop areas. You may also enter a webpage URL.
Including a web page URL with crop registry provides opportunity for producer to advertise their orchard, U-Pik, Farm Market, etc.
After you have successfully registered, return to the producer page and enter your email address to “login.” Google MapTM handles the search (by zip code or address), map, satellite and hybrid view options, roads, zoom and pan features.
After drawing the map, Select the Crop for that field. The map will then be color-coded to correspond to that crop. Crop choices: Beehives, Certified Organic, Fruits, Grapes, Nursery Crop, Pumpkins/Melon, Tomato. Vegetables, Other (ie Tobacco) A video is available to help!
After drawing maps, the producer can check status of the maps they submitted. Producer will be asked to enter email log-in
Producers will receive a Renewal Request email from the Driftwatch Data Steward. Producer has opportunity to update profile information and maps submitted. Again opportunity to make changes to fields in rotation with sensitive crops.
Pesticide Applicators can view: • Locations of sensitive crops • Set back from surface water • Sensitive watersheds • DNR managed land • Endangered species habitat
DNR in aerial pesticide applications for control of Gypsy moth • IN DOT in roadside pesticide applications Also assists:
You may select your area of interest by entering your zip code or address. Google MapTM handles the search, map, aerial photos, roads, zoom and pan features.
The Indiana pesticide sensitive areas map displays the sensitive site areas allowing users to select specific crop types, all registered crops or drinking water watershed options; Sensitive habitat areas are included in the base map. Opacity is also an option.
The Indiana pesticide sensitive areas map displays the sensitive site areas allowing users to select specific crop types, all registered crops or drinking water watershed options; Sensitive habitat areas are included in the base map. Opacity is also an option.
The user can select the map or hybrid view and display the crop type, contact information and webpage URL of the registered sensitive crop producer by clicking on the field of interest with their mouse button.
The Indiana sensitive areas map also allows users to select drinking water watersheds and redraw the map with the feature displayed over the satellite, map or hybrid images.
The Indiana sensitive areas map also allows users to select drinking water watersheds and redraw the map with the feature displayed over the satellite, map or hybrid images.
Pesticide Applicator Registry Automated emails notifications to applicators/producers General/Crop specific stewardship bulletins Users guides/video Producer/applicator registration edit capabilities Improved digitizing tools Google analytics to analyze website activity over time Data sharing capabilities (shape files) Aerial Applicators Right of Way Industry Development of regional partnerships – funded 2010 Implemented Enhancements:
Multi-state Registry • Indiana • Illinois • Michigan • Minnesota • Missouri • Ohio • Wisconsin Other direct inquiries: • North Dakota • North Carolina (fumigant related)
Sponsorship Commitments Growing: Indiana Bee Keepers Association Indiana Department of Natural Resources Indiana Department of Transportation Syngenta Crop Protection Red Gold Inc Indiana Wine Grape Council Indiana Soybean Alliance Indiana Farm Bureau Indiana Plant Foods and Ag Chemicals Indiana Vegetable Growers Association Indiana Certified Organic Growers Association Indiana Department of Agriculture Purdue University ABE and Ag Communications
ContactLeighanne HahnWater Quality and Endangered Species Specialist(765) 427-3472cropregistry@purdue.eduOffice of Indiana State Chemist175 S. University St.West Lafayette, IN 47907-2063(765) 494-1492 or (800) 893-6637Fax: (765) 494-4331www.isco.purdue.edu