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‘ Teching Up’ Traditional Library Programs

Learn how to bridge the digital divide and engage digital natives through creative technology integration in children's programs. Discover tips for incorporating video games, online movies, and multimedia to enhance traditional library activities. Explore interactive ideas for teens, such as book clubs with video game elements and adult programming using online resources. Dive into hands-on sessions on movie creation, game development, and tech crafts, and how technology can transform library experiences for all ages.

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‘ Teching Up’ Traditional Library Programs

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  1. ‘Teching Up’Traditional Library Programs Sue Scott, Technology Librarian with Susan Tumminia, Children’s Programming James Cosgrove, Director sscott@marlborolibrary.org

  2. Why care about technology? • Bridging the Digital Divide • Showing what is possible • Speaking to the Digital Natives • Digital Literacy • (access to technology is not enough – have to know how to use it) • Balance caution with enthusiasm • Everything in Moderation

  3. Children’s Programs Skype-ing Toddlertime • Requirements: • 2 laptops with cameras and Skype installed, external speakers • LCD TV (Monitor) with video cable to laptop

  4. Children’s Programs Technology Tuesdays What we needed: • 8 Week After School Program • Movie creation • Game Development • Gaming • Tech Crafts

  5. Children’s Programs Technology Tuesday • What we did (for movie): • Used Publisher to Create Movie Premiere Flyers • Took digital camera pics of kids and had them use PAINT to create scary masks • Used Audacity to import music CD tracks of scary sounds as MP3s into Adobe Elements

  6. Children’s Programs Technology Tuesday • What we did (for game development): • Set aside 6 computers – 6 kids came out over each of 3 weeks • Used web based game tools like Ben10 and Star Wars to create platformer games that others can try • Went through Scratch tutorial • Rest of club stayed in community room and played video games

  7. Children’s Programs Technology Tuesday • What we did on last day: • Created Star Ship Enterprise or Notebook out of floppy discs • Opened up an old computer and took it apart, discussing how each component works

  8. Children’s Programs Enhance traditional programs with some video games, websites, online movies, multimedia Traditional Cooking Club relaxes after hard work Babysitting Class plays flash games www.oyunlar1.com/index.asp Book Club with online movies www.patrickcarman.com/enter/skeleton-creek

  9. Use video games as part of programming to entice new demographics to visit the library Kinect / Rock Band require equipment they may not have at home ~ encourage multiplayer, tournaments Buy books for the collection based on video game worlds

  10. Partnership with Boy Scouts • Belt Loop Requirements: • Explain why it is important to have a rating system with video games • (ESRB) • With an adult, create a schedule that includes playing video games • along with doing your chores and homework • Learn to play a new video game that’s been approved by your parent, • guardian or teacher • Academic Pin Requirements: • 1. With your parents, create a plan to buy a video game that is right for your age group.2. Compare two game systems (for example, Microsoft Xbox, Sony PlayStation, Nintendo Wii, and so on). Explain some of the differences between the two. List good reasons to purchase or use a game system.3. Play a video game with family members in a family tournament.4. Teach an adult or a friend how to play a video game.5. List at least five tips that would help someone who was learning how to play your favorite video game.6. Play an appropriate video game with a friend for one hour.7. Play a video game that will help you practice your math, spelling, or another skill that helps you in your schoolwork.8. Choose a game you might like to purchase. Compare the price for this game at three different stores. Decide which store has the best deal. In your decision, be sure to consider things like the store return policy and manufacturer’s warranty.9. With an adult’s supervision, install a gaming system.

  11. Links! Nintendo.com xbox.com esrb.org Metacritic.com Gamefaqs.com Kotaku.com Store.steampowered.com Cnet.com/downloads Youtube.com (for app demos!) Dramafever.com Lotro.com Everquest2.com/free_to_play Yola.com Wordpress.com Blogger.com Scratch.mit.edu Hulu.com Pbs.com Gamecreator.cartoonnetwork.com Marlborolibrary.org (audiobooks) Apple.com/iTunes Skype.com

  12. Great Applications Adobe Photoshop and Movie Creator Audacity Any Video Converter CNET.com/downloads

  13. Programs for Teens • Celebrating the release of Breaking Dawn: Book Club Idea • Note the slideshow of stills on the TV from the upcoming Twilight Movie • Music playing from Twilight CD and Muse (Stephenie Meyer’s favorite band) • Interviews / Reviews filmed for our YouTube Channel

  14. How We Did It…. iTunes buy song as MPEG-4 Audio (.m4a) Any Video Converter MPEG4 to MP3 (.mp3) or WAV MP3 Converter Audacity –crop to 20 seconds Audacity/Lame save as MP3 iTunes import mp3 which converts back to MPEG-4 then Create playlist for each outfit/model Music Import video from Flip Mino Camera to Adobe Elements Edit, edit, edit Save as Quicktime for best quality Upload to YouTube Channel Video

  15. Adult Programming Use author websites, blogs, wikis or forums for book club discussion Senior Wii Bowling League Create Computer Classes http://gameslib.wordpress.com

  16. Patron Computer Desktop

  17. Get Mobile! http://www.youtube.com/user/MarlboroLibrary Library and Website Tour Public Service Announcement www.marlborolibrary.org ‘Tech Up’ Your website with Content Management Systems like Wordpress or Drupal - Facebook and Twitter widgets Thank You!

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