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Confidentiality in Kairos

Confidentiality in Kairos. Presented by Carol Brohawn Robbie Northrop Brian Seeber. Confidentiality – Our Goals Today. Define what it means when we say that we hold everything in strict confidence

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Confidentiality in Kairos

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  1. ConfidentialityinKairos Presented by Carol Brohawn Robbie Northrop Brian Seeber

  2. Confidentiality – Our Goals Today • Define what it means when we say that we hold everything in strict confidence •  Understand what is expected during a Kairos event and what we can and cannot share with others and use on social media • Answer the questions:. 1. How we can ensure that Kairos is not a secret society while protecting personal information and making Kairos a safe place to share? 2. How do we find the balance between promoting Kairos and protecting people?

  3. Who are we protecting? • Inmate / Youthful Offender • Kairos Outside Guest • Volunteer • Program • Department of Corrections

  4. Where is Confidentiality Upheld? • Team Meetings • Weekends • Prayer and Share • Reunions • S.W.A.P. • Advisory Council Meetings • Social Activities/Networking

  5. Materials • Kairos Style Guide (KO, KI, KT) • Kairos Photo Policy (KO, KI, KT) • Kairos Code of Conduct (KO, KI, KT) • Artwork Release Form (KO, KI, KT) • Individual Program Directives

  6. Confidential adjectivecon·​fi·​den·​tial |  \ ˌkän-fi-ˈden-chəl :marked by or indicative of intimacy, mutual trust, or willingness to confide especially between parties one of whom is in a position of superiority

  7. Confidence nouncon·​fi·​dence |  \ ˈkän-fə-dən(t)s : faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way

  8. Confidentiality as defined in Kairos • “Anything that is shared within the context of the ministry is not repeated to anyone without permission unless it is detrimental to the Kairos Outside program and/or compromises Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc.” Kairos Outside Manual, Page 4

  9. Style Guide – Social Media • If your state uses Facebook, blogs, or other social media, the goal should always be to seek to engage various audiences – both newcomers and volunteers – by facilitating conversation, awareness and action about our vision, our mission and God's ministry called Kairos.

  10. Style Guide – Social Media • Our use of social media sites is governed by our vision and our mission – and by good judgment and common sense. In general, tell our stories with responsibility and encouragement. Content that would embarrass our families or other volunteers or reflect badly on Kairos is counter-productive to our vision, our mission and our calling to be Christ's hands and feet. Use common sense in all communications, particularly on a website accessible to anyone. • USE COMMON SENSE!!

  11. Style Guide – Social Media • You must take proper care not to purposefully or inadvertently disclose any information, or use photos, that are confidential based on your volunteer service, or proprietary to Kairos. Consult the Kairos Photo Policy and the Kairos Code of Conduct for guidance about what constitutes “confidential” or “proprietary” information. • Do not post photos of Weekends or of Guests/inmates, names of those serving or being served, or personal contact information for volunteers. • USE COMMON SENSE!!

  12. Style Guide – Social Media How CAN we use Social Media? •  Upcoming events – recruitment, fundraising, training, Weekends •  Prayer Requests & Prayer Vigil Signups • Volunteer Recruitment requests (participate, pray, bake cookies, etc.) • Donation requests (more successful if tied to a specific event)

  13. Style Guide – Social Media How CAN we use Social Media? • Good news for your state (getting into a new prison, for example) • Appropriate Infographics • Uplifting messages

  14. Style Guide – Social Media How CAN we use Social Media? Cont.. • Links to approved testimonials • Links to relevant outside blog posts • Links to relevant news articles • Kairos videos and news • Thank you’s • Ask questions

  15. Kairos Photo and Testimonial Policy • (1) In an effort to protect our ministry and the privacy of our participants, it is Kairos policy that during a live Kairos event involving Participants or Guests, a group team/participant/guest photograph is the only permitted photograph. Pictures of individuals, table families, candid pictures, and any other forms of voice, film and/or video recording are NOT permitted. This prohibition includes breaks, meals or other activities during a Weekend or other live ministry events (e.g. Reunions);

  16. Kairos Photo and Testimonial Policy • (2) In Kairos Torch due to the age and possible vulnerability of the participants, no photographs (except for the creation video photographs) are permitted, not even a group photograph;

  17. Kairos Photo and Testimonial Policy • (3) Distribution of the printed Weekend group photograph must be done as follows:

  18. Kairos Photo and Testimonial Policy • (3) Distribution of the printed Weekend group photograph must be done as follows: (a) No inmate names should be identified; (b) KO Guests names may be included on a legend. All photos should be stamped on the back “NOT FOR REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION”

  19. Kairos Photo and Testimonial Policy (3) Distribution of the printed Weekend group photograph must be done as follows: cont. c) These group Weekend photographs will not be posted in public places, including church bulletin boards, workplaces and the internet including any social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)

  20. Kairos Photo and Testimonial Policy • (3) Distribution of the printed Weekend group photograph must be done as follows: (d) Weekend Photo Release Forms intended for local use (e.g., group photos) are maintained locally by the Advisory Council.

  21. Kairos Photo and Testimonial Policy • Kairos Outside has a Weekend Photo Release Form: • http://www.mykairos.org/docs/ko/photo_release_form.pdf • Kairos Inside has a Weekend Photo Release Form included in their application: http://www.mykairos.org/docs/ki/application_to_attend_kairos.pdf

  22. Kairos Photo and Testimonial Policy • (4) A Kairos volunteer(s), with the expressed written approval of the Kairos CEO, may make special arrangements to take staged photographs, video or film for Kairos marketing, outreach and development use only. Those photographs, video or film become the property of Kairos;

  23. Kairos Photo and Testimonial Policy • (5) Any pictures, such as volunteer team formation meetings or preparation (e.g. cookie baking) conducted prior to any Weekend or live event, may be used provided proper written consent is given by every volunteer in the picture. This consent must also be kept on file both with the Advisory Council and at the Kairos International Office. Children making agape may be photographed, only with the written consent of their parents.

  24. Kairos Photo and Testimonial Policy • (6) Testimonies of Kairos graduates may be used to promote Kairos only if used generally. There can be no mention of their crime, any family issues, or any items that identify them. A Universal Release Form must be kept at Advisory Council and Kairos International Office.

  25. Kairos Photo and Testimonial Policy Who does this apply to? • Applicability • This policy applies to ALL Kairos entities and volunteers and not to an institution's photo policy. The institution’s photo policy will take precedence. • Disclaimer • Kairos Prison Ministry International reserves the right to request any photograph, video, testimony, or other media to be unpublished upon deeming either them or the medium they are published in contradictory to Kairos policy and standards.

  26. Code of Conduct • Volunteers and staff must respect and maintain the confidentiality of information gained, including, but not limited to, all computer software and files, Kairos ministry documents, Kairos program manual, and donor information. The use of Kairos volunteer or staff emails, addresses or phone numbers for purposes outside of Kairos is not allowed.

  27. Code of Conduct • Volunteers and staff must respect and maintain the confidentiality of the participant/guest during Kairos ministry events. Exceptions may occur when disclosure of information is required by law, or if written permission to use the information is obtained, or if public domain information.

  28. Code of Conduct • Kairos and the volunteers have a legal obligation to report certain activities or criminal offenses to the appropriate authorities. In the case of an inmate or their family disclosing a crime of which there has been no conviction, a report should be made as per the laws of that jurisdiction. Volunteers must also follow the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), along with the State laws, State Department of Corrections rules and regulations on disclosure.

  29. Code of Conduct • Use of information about any person or group of people is prohibited unless written permission is obtained. This includes using information, photos, etc. in publications for church, newsletters, social media, websites, publications, promotional material, and voice recordings. If written permission is granted to use the persons’ name, photo, video, or pertinent details connected to the person, in publications this must be on file at the International Headquarters.

  30. Code of Conduct • If the person is incarcerated, the Department of Corrections must approve in writing use of photos, videos, and other materials in addition to the individuals written permission.

  31. Code of Conduct • General sharing of the impact of Kairos on a person’s life, on a prison, on a family, or on society and using information as general descriptions is permitted for purposes of: 1. Raising Funds 2. Recruiting on the local level • Photos and video us must be per the Kairos Photo Policy

  32. Artwork Release Form

  33. Confidentiality – Team Formation • Each of the Ministry Program manuals provide specific instructions in how to keep the goal of confidentiality primary. • There are statements about keeping confidentiality in the Riverbanks section in each of the Ministry Program manuals • Confidentiality should be emphasized at each team formation meeting.

  34. Leader’s Opening Talk, Kairos Inside ‘You will be asked to enter into discussion with others after each talk of the Weekend. I want to assure you that strictest confidentiality will be observed. We will not reveal anything you have said that is personal to you and we expect you not to reveal anything we say that is personal to us. EVERYTHING SHARED ON THE WEEKEND MUST BE HELD IN STRICT CONFIDENCE.  In other words, HEAR IT HERE ... SHARE IT HERE ...LEAVE IT HERE. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.’

  35. Leader’s Opening Talk -Torch • “We honor confidentiality.  What does that mean?  It means that anything heard here stays here.  We do not talk about one another or share what we have heard in our groups out on the yard or in the living units.” • “What you and your guide talk about remains between the two of you.” pg 197 Torch Program manual

  36. Leader’s Opening Talk -Torch cont. • “Confidentiality will be important during this Weekend.  Whatever is said here is not to be repeated as gossip to anyone.  How can we be honest with God and with each other if what we say will be spread all over the institution?  Please, do not talk about any criminal activity that is not a part of your record.  Team members may be required by law to report that activity.  Team members are also required to report any threat of harm or injury of yourself or another to the staff.” • pg213-214 Torch Program manual

  37. Leader’s Opening Talk – Kairos Outside • “You can be sure everything you say here will be kept in confidence and we ask that you keep what you hear from us and from each other in confidence as well. We define confidentiality as : ANYTHING that is shared within any context of the program. It is NOT to be repeated to anyone without permission.” • “Social networks have their place but not in Kairos Outside.” • “What you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here” • Pg 167 Kairos Outside Program Manual

  38. Wisdom • When a participant risks vulnerability by sharing with you, you enter a realm he/she has allowed few people in his life to enter. A breach of that confidence equates to one thing… GOSSIP!!!

  39. Wisdom • Proverbs 11:13  A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret. A good way to test … • If it is not your story it is not your story to tell

  40. Confidentiality - Authority • Legal vs Ethical vs Moral • HIPPA • PREA • DOC Rules and Regulations • Kairos Guidelines • Federal, State, Local Laws

  41. Florida StatutesMandatory Reporting • 39.201 Mandatory reports of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect; mandatory reports of death; central abuse hotline.—(1) • (a) Any person who knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect, that a child is abused, abandoned, or neglected by a parent, legal custodian, caregiver, or other person responsible for the child’s welfare, as defined in this chapter, or that a child is in need of supervision and care and has no parent, legal custodian, or responsible adult relative immediately known and available to provide supervision and care shall report such knowledge or suspicion to the department in the manner prescribed in subsection (2).

  42. Florida StatutesMandatory Reporting • (b) Any person who knows, or who has reasonable cause to suspect, that a child is abused by an adult other than a parent, legal custodian, caregiver, or other person responsible for the child’s welfare, as defined in this chapter, shall report such knowledge or suspicion to the department in the manner prescribed in subsection (2). • (c) Any person who knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect, that a child is the victim of childhood sexual abuse or the victim of a known or suspected juvenile sexual offender, as defined in this chapter, shall report such knowledge or suspicion to the department in the manner prescribed in subsection (2).

  43. Florida StatutesMandatory Reporting • (d) Reporters in the following occupation categories are required to provide their names to the hotline staff:1. Physician, osteopathic physician, medical examiner, chiropractic physician, nurse, or hospital personnel engaged in the admission, examination, care, or treatment of persons; • 2. Health or mental health professional other than one listed in subparagraph 1.; • 3. Practitioner who relies solely on spiritual means for healing; • 4. School teacher or other school official or personnel; • 5. Social worker, day care center worker, or other professional child care, foster care, residential, or institutional worker; • 6. Law enforcement officer; or • 7. Judge.

  44. Florida StatutesMandatory Reporting • 39.205 Penalties relating to reporting of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect.—(1) A person who is required to report known or suspected child abuse, abandonment, or neglect and who knowingly and willfully fails to do so, or who knowingly and willfully prevents another person from doing so, commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. A judge subject to discipline pursuant to s. 12, Art. V of the Florida Constitution shall not be subject to criminal prosecution when the information was received in the course of official duties.

  45. HIPAA • In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act became law. It is called “HIPAA” based on the first letter of each word. • HIPAA made it easier for you to continue health insurance coverage if you changed jobs. It puts controls in place to help stop Medicare fraud. • HIPAA calls for “Administrative Simplification” of the health insurance system in three ways: • Electronic data sent from a doctor or hospital to an insurance payer, must be in approved electronic format. • Data systems must be secure, so information won’t get into the wrong hands. • People that handle inmate/offender health information must protect the privacy and rights of inmates/offenders.

  46. HIPAA • For the purposes of this presentation, you, Volunteers, are considered staff. • The last point – privacy and inmate/offender rights – is what this presentation is about.

  47. Protected Health Information (PHI) • Protected Health Information (PHI) has two components: • 1. Past, present, or future physical and/or Mental Health or condition information (including substance abuse information.) • 2. About a specific, identifiable person.

  48. HIPAA PHI • Examples of health information include: •  A prescription; •  A medical chart; •  Vital signs or medical test results; •  Overheard conversations between an offender and a health care provider. • Information confided by an offender • Substance Abuse!!

  49. HIPPA PHI – Kairos Outside • An optional medical form is offered to each Kairos Outside Guest so that pertinent health information is available in case of an emergency on the Weekend. • This form is placed in an envelope by the Guest at arrival to the weekend, given to the OL1, to be returned to the Guest at the end of the weekend.

  50. HIPAA PHI • Examples of individual identifying data include: • His or her name; • A social security number; • DC number; and • Location (i.e. work camp, dorm, bunk number.) • Gender, Race, Date of Birth

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