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Traditional costumes from Borod Made by Boros Diana VIth grade

Traditional costumes from Borod Made by Boros Diana VIth grade. Costumul Popular in Borod. Costumul popular din Bihor este alcatuit din: Traditional costumes from Borod are composed from:. Baticul si Zgarda. Baticul - este specific zonei Borod si se acopera capul cu el.

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Traditional costumes from Borod Made by Boros Diana VIth grade

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  1. Traditional costumes from Borod Made by Boros Diana VIth grade

  2. Costumul Popular in Borod • Costumul popular din Bihor este alcatuit din: • Traditional costumes from Borod are composed from:

  3. Baticul si Zgarda • Baticul - este specific zonei Borod si se acopera capul cu el. • Zgarda - se pune pe gat, este multicolora, dar si aceasta difera de la o zona la alta. • The kerchief is specific from Borod area and covers the head. • The leash is put around her neck, but it has various colours and this differs from one area to another.

  4. Cojocul si Bluzul • Cojocul - este facut din lana si este decorat cu tot felu de paiete. • Bluzul - este de culoare alba, cu broderie sau fara. • The waistcoat-is made of wool and is decorated with very different spangles. • The shirt – it has white colour, with or without embroidery.

  5. Zaghie • Zaghia-si aceasta este o componenta a costumului popular si este in culorile regiunii de unde provine, noi nu avem o culoare aparte dar predomina albastrul si verdele. • The apron is a component of the popular costume and it has the colours of the region it comes from, we don’t have a separate colour but blue and green prevail.

  6. Poale • Poalele - sunt de culoare alba,cu foarte multa broderie. • The skirt is white with lots of embroidery.

  7. Opincile • Opicile - fac parte din costumul popular, cu aceastea se incaltau femeile pe vremuri. • The shoes - are part of the popular costume which women used to wear a long time ago.

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