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Monitor Elementary School “Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow”. Parent Handbook 8/12. Monitor Elementary School Mission Statement.
Monitor Elementary School“Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow” Parent Handbook 8/12
Monitor Elementary School Mission Statement At Monitor Elementary School, our purpose is to personalize learning in order to meet the needs of each individual student as they acquire the skills to be college and career ready in our global, technological society. Teachers and students set lofty, attainable goals which hold students accountable and enables them to take ownership of their learning. The path to meet those goals is influenced by results achieved along the way and supported by a caring faculty, family, and community partnerships.
School Phone 750-8749Office Hours 7:30-4:00 Maribel Childress, Principal Andi Acuff, Assistant Principal Sierra Engelmann, Counselor Patty Underdown, Registrar Elyse Tarver, Secretary Jenni Thompson, Nurse
Student Attendance Prevention/Intervention: • Parent must call the office each day a student is absent • Parentlink will contact parents if no one calls in • 3 day consecutive absence with no contact: teacher calls • 5 day consecutive absence with no contact: home visit • School Office will send note at 5, 10, and 15 days. • 14 days cumulative absences per semester: review attendance history and legitimacy of absences, schedule parent/teacher conference, could call DHS for educational neglect Reward: Students with perfect attendance in a nine weeks are invited to attend the attenDANCE!
Daily Bell Schedule • 7:45 Greet students in the gym and take them to the classroom. • 8:00 Tardy bell, pledge, and morning announcements • 3:00 Dismissal
Birthday Celebrations Students • Announcement over school intercom • Each grade level decides how to recognize birthday (such as singing, pencil, ribbon, etc.) • Students may NOT bring treats to school in celebration of their birthday
Dress Code Monitor Elementary School Student Dress Code • Clothing should be age appropriate • Clothing should be weather appropriate • Sleeves/straps should be the width of a dollar bill • No undergarments showing • No midriffs showing • No hats • No wheels on shoes • Girls must wear shorts under their skirts • No saggy pants • No drug/alcohol/violent/or gang related clothing • Please wear safe and appropriate shoes for p.e. class and recess • Shorts and skirt length should be mid-thigh • No spaghetti straps for girls unless there is a shirt underneath
Student Drop Off • Student drop off should occur between 7:30AM and 8:00AM. There is no supervision prior to 7:30AM and the doors will be locked. • Student drop off will take place at the end of the blue hallway only. Students may not be dropped off in the parking lot or at the front door. • After 8:00AM parents should park, walk their student in to the front office and sign them in. • There is NO PARKING in the red fire lanes!
Field Trips • Students must have a completed permission form turned in to attend the trip. Parent notes and/or phone calls at the last minute are discouraged. Please make arrangements for students who do not have forms turned in. • Parents/siblings attending the field trip must come in their own car. They are not allowed to ride the bus.
Health and Head Lice • Lice can spread by sharing hats, brushes, pillows, etc. • Head checks should be conducted once a month and if a child is infected, daily checks should be done on the child. Important! If your phone number or address changes, please notify the office immediately so we can reach you in case there is an emergency involving your child!
Homework • Reading every night - schoolwide reading expectations per grade level. • Student should be able to complete with little assistance. • Amount of homework each night should be grade level appropriate. The district policy suggests 10 minutes x grade level. • School communication folders are sent home every Monday
Nutrition Law No food, candy, beverages, etc. can be sold or given to students during the school day except for the school breakfast and lunch provided in the cafeteria. • Nine times during the school year we may sell/give food to the students. These nine events may not be held in the cafeteria during the times meals are being served. We have selected Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, Mardi Gras, Testing Week, last day of school, and (3) fundraising opportunities for our nine designated days this school year. • Students may not have access to the school vending machine. If one child is rewarded with a treat, it counts for the entire school as a snack day.
Student Pick Up • Student pick up begins at 3:00PM at the end of the green hallway. • Parents must post the designated school sign in their window to pick up their child. • If someone without a designated school sign is going to pick up the student, a parent must notify the school. • Parents must notify the office by 2:00PM if the student is going home a “different” way. The office will keep a master list of students who will be car riders “under special circumstances” and will give this list to the teacher on car duty. • The school/teacher must be notified by note or phone each time the student is going home a “different” way. • Parents picking their child up before 3:00PM must check them out through the office. The student will be called to the office to meet their parent. • Parents entering the building to pick their child up after 3:00 will sign in, get a visitor’s badge, and proceed to the green hallway to pick up their child.
Tardies and Early Check-outs • 3 tardies/ECO = a friendly reminder sent home by the teacher. (A weekly tardy note to be provided to the teachers for school-wide consistency.) • 7 tardies/ECO = brainstorm with child and/or parents about ideas on how to get to school on time and/or phone call by the counselor • 10 tardies/ECO = conference with the family • More than 10 tardies/ECO = review for educational neglect