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Summer Institute (SI) 2012. Part I Proficiency 101 - - - - - - - - - - - - Overview of the NCSCS. Part I Objectives. By the end of Part I, I will be able to: Explain how the new Standard Course of Study (SCS) encompasses the K-12 curriculum being implemented locally.
Summer Institute (SI) 2012 Part IProficiency 101 - - - - - - - - - - - - Overview of the NCSCS
Part I Objectives By the end of Part I, I will be able to: Explain how the new Standard Course of Study (SCS) encompasses the K-12 curriculum being implemented locally. Describe the structure of my district’s World Language Program based on the North Carolina World Language Essential Standards.
New Standard Course of Study (SCS) Common Core State Standards English Language Arts * Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Mathematics North Carolina Essential Standards Arts Education *English Language Development *Guidance Healthful Living *Information and Technology Science Social Studies World Languages * Common Core Literacy Standards, English Language Development, Guidance, and Information & Technology Essential Standards are delivered through ALL content areas.
How do World Languages prepare students to be future ready? • How do World Languages connect to other content areas? • What are the implications for meeting the needs of all learners as related to World Languages?
North Carolina World Language Essential Standards Statewide implementation in 2012-2013
Strands Language Skills & Frameworks CLL: Connections to Language & Literacy COD: Connections to Other Disciplines CMT: Communities
4 Essential Standards • Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication. (Interpersonal Mode) • Understand words and concepts presented in the language. (Interpretive Mode) • Use the language to present information to an audience. (Presentational Mode) • Compare the students’ culture and the target culture. (Culture)
How to Read the WLES Essential Standard (#3) Proficiency Level (Novice Low) Clarifying Objective (#1) Strand (Connections to Language & Literacy)
Proficiency Outcomes by Program Classical Languages, Levels I - VI Dual & Heritage Languages • K-12 Dual Language/Immersion • Heritage Language Programs, Levels I & 2 Modern Languages • FLES & Middle School, end of 2nd – 6th year of study • High School Credit Courses, Levels I - VIII • Alphabetic • Logographic • Visual
How do World Languages prepare students to be future ready? • How do World Languages connect to other content areas? • What are the implications for meeting the needs of all learners as related to World Languages?
Activity: WLES Press Release • Outline your district/charter’s World Language program offerings using the cloze media form. • Read NPR’s “This I Believe” essays for your program(s): • Classical Languages Credo Latinae • Dual & Heritage and/or Modern Languages Travel and Learn Another Language
By the time many students hit middle school, disengagement has become a learned behavior. ~KeelyPotter, Reading Specialist
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) A set of principles for curriculum development that applies to the general education curriculum to promote learning environments that meet the needs of all learners.
UDL Principles Principal 1: Representation Principal 2:Action and Expression Principal 3:Engagement
Recognition Networks The "what" of learning Affective Networks The "why" of learning Strategic Networks The "how" of learning Planning and performing tasks. How we organize and express our ideas. Writing an essay or solving a math problem are strategic tasks. How we gather facts and categorize what we see, hear, and read. Identifying letters, words, or an author's style are recognition tasks. How learners get engaged and stay motivated. How they are challenged, excited, or interested. These are affective dimensions.
Principle I: Multiple Means of Representation Represent Act/Express Engage The what of learning • To give diverse learners options for acquiring information and knowledge • Present content in a variety of formats and modalities
UDL requires Multiple Means of Representation. Represent Act/Express Engage Multiple Means of Representation Examples:Manipulatives Visual Displays Anticipatory Guides Graphic Organizers Artifacts Videos Music Movement Text Readers
Principle II: Multiple Means of Action and Expression Represent Act/Express Engage Judy Augatti
UDL requires Multiple Means of Action and Expression. Represent and Act/Express Engage Examples: Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Gallery Walks Pair/Share Chalkboard/Whiteboard Splash Response Hold-Up Cards Quick Draws Numbered Heads Together Line-Ups
Principle III: Multiple Means of Engagement Represent Act/Express Engage
UDL requires Multiple Meansof Engagement. Represent Act/Express Engage Examples: Bounce Cards Air Writing Case Studies Role Plays Concept Charades Response Hold-Up Cards Networking Sessions Simulations
With UDL more students are: Achieving Motivated • Engaged • Learning
Multiple Means of Representation for ELLs(and all language learners . . . ) Represent Act/Express Engage Non-verbal Language Support Word banks Word walls Labels Graphic organizers Sentence starters Sentence frames • Modeling • Pictures • Realia/Concrete objects • Gestures • Manipulatives • Demonstrations • Hands-on • Picture dictionaries
Multiple Means of Expressing for ELLs(and all language learners . . . ) Represent Act/Express Engage • Role-play • Illustrations/ Drawings / Visuals • Gestures • Circumlocution • First language
Multiple Means ofEngagement for ELLs(and all language learners . . . ) Represent Act/Express Engage • Student Interaction • Oral comprehension supports reading and writing development • Differentiate collaborative activities
Learning about Language • What does it say? • What does it mean? • What does it matter?
Implications for the Classroomexplicit teaching of language • Create a language-sensitive classroom • Deconstruct/reconstruct complex text • View all languages as assets
Activity: WLES Press Release Add approaches or accomplishments from your World Language programs to your cloze media form that highlight UDL principles in action. Connect this information to other content areas from across the curriculum, with a special focus on literacies.
Tools and Strategies for Challenging All Learners • Concept-Based Teaching • Tiered Assignments • Project-Based Learning • Curriculum Compacting • Independent Study with Rubrics • Seminars Other: All with appropriate challenge!
Non–Negotiables for Gifted Learners • Gifted Children Vary in Needs and Strengths • Mindset of Differentiation in Class, School, LEA • Pre-assessment to understand needs and strengths; Flexible Grouping • Social and Emotional Needs Addressed • Academic and Cognitive Growth Addressed AIG: ALL DAY, EVERY DAY
Serving All is a Process NCDPI Arts Education Literacy Institute 2004
Response to Instruction NC DPI has identified RtI as a research-based school improvement model and provides support to district and school implementation through professional development, technical assistance, and coaching.
Problem-Solving, Data, & Decision-Making • Decision making is aided by access to data • Providing instruction on a problem-solving model (TIPS) will result in problem solving that is • Thorough • Logical • Efficient • Effective • Structure of meetings lays foundation for efficiency and effectiveness (Newton et al, 2009)
(Newton et al, 2009) Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Develop Hypothesis Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Collect & Use Data Discuss & Select Solutions Develop & Implement Action Plan Problem SolvingMeeting Foundations
Addressing the whole child prepares future-ready students who are competitive for work and post-secondary education and prepared for life in the 21st century.
Activity: WLES Press Release Finish with a statement that spotlights the State Board of Education’s mission and goals to graduate globally prepared students. If time allows, brainstorm a list of local media outlets that you could share your press release with for distribution to your community.
Part I ReflectionPlease respond to these statements in your Penzu journal.