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Hair Pack with curd

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Hair Pack with curd

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SELF-INTRODUCTION women'sTheory HowtomakeHairPackwithcurd

  2. HI!Iam... Doyourememberyourchildhooddays? Yourloveforchillythings,chitchats, fightingwithcousins,loveofuncleand aunt,theirloveandaffectionintheform ofgifts.YeahevenIdoremembersuch things. WhenIwasakidIhadaloveformany chillythings.Oneofwhichwastogrow myhairlong,mymomusedtotakeme totheparlourandmakehaircutsat regularintervals.Atthattimemostofmy friendsatschoolusedtohavelonghair andwillpleetitwithribbons.

  3. Ijustusedtoadmirethem.WhenIexpressed myinteresttomymom,shealsoagreedto growlengthyhair.Iwasoverjoyedandstarted skippinghaircuts. Itwasactuallysummer.Therestarteda problem.Yeah,Ihadalotofissuesonmy scalplikedandruff,nitsandlice.Thisissue affectedmyacademicstoo.

  4. Interestingthings My mom didn’t know how to tackle this issue and started gathering tips from the neighbours. At that time my aunt came up with few home remedies. On one weekend she collected a few herbal ingredients and came home. We are very much surprised.Hereisthe listofingredients she collected for my sake. Neem leaves, fresh amla, smallonions,fenugreekandabunchoftulsiand mintleaves. She ground all the fresh ingredients with pestle mortar into a fine paste and mixed it with sour curd. Firstly, she gave me a quick massage on myscalpwithlukewarmcoconutoilandapplied onmyscalp.

  5. Istillrememberhow soothingitwasonmy itchyscalp.Afterhalf-an- hourthishairpackwas washedthoroughlywith Shikkakaipaste.

  6. remThingstotit emberabou After the hair wash I found the hair to be smoothandsilky.Iwasverymuchthankful tomyauntfortreatingmyhairwithsuch greatcare. Dayswentoff,mymomusedtomakethis recipeformyhairatleasttwiceinamonth. Thispracticevanishedwhenwewerenot abletocollectalltheingredients.

  7. Afterpostpartum,Ihadtoomuchhairloss.Atthattimethis recipe came into mymindandgave atry to collect all the ingredients indry form andincluded Bhringraj andlavender budsfortheirownpropertiesonprematuregreyingand stress relief andon using it I sawtremendous changes on my hair.

  8. ThankYou forlistening! visit our site : https://womenstheory.com/hair-pack- with-curd/

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