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CIMO and WIGOS. Bertrand Calpini ICG WIGOS co-chair. How WIGOS implementation is reflected in CIMO plans and the tasking of working groups/expert teams Activities with WIGOS and/or challenges CIMO perspectives on the intersection of WIGOS with other WMO priorities such as DRR and GFCS.
CIMO and WIGOS Bertrand Calpini ICG WIGOS co-chair ICG-WIGOS-3, 10-14 Feb 2014
How WIGOS implementation is reflected in CIMO plans and the tasking of working groups/expert teams Activities with WIGOS and/or challenges CIMO perspectives on the intersection of WIGOS with other WMO priorities such as DRR and GFCS. ICG-WIGOS-3, 10-14 Feb 2014
WIGOS in CIMO plans and structure ICG-WIGOS-2 2013 reporting Restructured CIMO in 2010 vs anticipated key WIGOS implementation activities In response to Actions 1.1.2 (working structure), 6.1.1(standards, best practice vs methods of observation), and 8.1.1 (Metadata Standards), CIMO MG-10 reviewed its OPAG/ET CIMO MG-11, March 2014 CIMO-16, July 2014 WMO ICG-WIGOS-3, 10-14 Feb 2014
CIMO activities and WIGOS …in TT-WRM and CIMO Editorial Board …in TT WMD … vs New Ed. of the ICA … vs common ISO-WMO standards … vs DRR and GFCS … vs capacity building … vs private partners WMO ICG-WIGOS-3, 10-14 Feb 2014
CIMO activities and WIGOS (1) CIMO Editorial Board in TT-WRM: review of the the CIMO Guide to separate guidance from mandatory material. CIMO Guide Next Edition with other TCs: Atmospheric chemistry with CAS Marine Observations with JCOMM New Satellite Part with CBS Soil moisture with GCOS experts WMO ICG-WIGOS-3, 10-14 Feb 2014
CIMO involvement in the TT-WMD (2) • Brian Howe, CIMO Chair, Roger Atkinson WMO • 1 physical and 12 remote meetings • Draft semantic standard for WIGOS metadata is near completion. • 9 groups of metadata (plus contact info) • Approx. 53 individual elements (plus contact info) • Applicability to all disciplines and for climate applications independently re-assessed by all members of TT-WMD. • The standard needs profiling to be applicable for applications demanding less comprehensive metadata. • Formal review by TCs pending. • ICG-WIGOS is requested to give guidance on direction of future work. ICG-WIGOS-3, 10-14 Feb 2014
PTC-PRA-2014 New Edition of the International Cloud Atlas (3) B. Calpini, President of CIMO R. Atkinson, I Ruedi, WMO Secretariat WMO; OBS
CIMO and Internatinal Cloud Atlas (3) Promote: • high quality observational data • world-wide compatibility Vs ICA The ICA should be the world‘s authoritative, primary source of cloud classification. It should be fully comprehensive and contain the most up-to-date information. B. Calpini CIMO
Progress TT recommends major update of ICA: Design web-based version of ICA; Significantly expand imagery to reflect climatic and seasonal variation, while maintaining inclusion of current reference imagery; Expand metadata associated with images (mandatory: f.ex. Cloud base height, optional: f.ex. aerological sounding, synoptic context, radar view, imagery as viewed from aircraft and satellite, time-lapse imagery where it would be clearly beneficial); Update and expand text as required for accuracy and clarity and modernize language; Design and include an updated graphical decision aid; Add a Glossary of terms with images; Expand cloud classifications with a number of additions recommended by TT-ICA.
Considerations & decisions CIMO MG supports recommendation of TT: Proliferation of web-based cloud atlases, not always consistent with ICA. In WIGOS strategy, promotion of global standadization in observations is key. The New Edition of ICA as a WIGOS project (Funding issue to be considered).
Collaboration with ISO Collaboration going on between WMO and ISO on the development of 2 common WMO-ISO standards: Ground-based Remote Sensing by Doppler Wind Lidars (ISO TC145/SC5 – WD28902) ISO initiated this activity and leads the development with participation of WMO experts (CIMO at present) Siting Classification for Surface Observing Stations on Land “WMO Standard” already existing and published in the CIMO Guide TCs were invited to nominate representatives for this work (CCl and JCOMM did) Was approved as ”Draft International Standard by ISO (DIS)” at level 4 (out of 6) of ISO approval procedure with some comments and one negative vote in December 2013 Comments need to be considered and “Final Draft International Standard (FDIS)” needs to be prepared in coming 4 months (for approval by ISO and CIMO-16)
CIMO in WIGOS and DRR and GFCS (5) • .. and DRR • Direct involvment of Jitze van der Meulen, • CIMO in support • … and GFCS • CIMO as one of the pillar for GFCS • In accordance with its mission (see next slide) ICG-WIGOS-3, 10-14 Feb 2014
CIMO in WIGOS and DRR and GFCS (5) Promote: • high quality observational data • world-wide compatibility by: • Defining technical standards, • Testing and calibration • Performing instrument intercomparisons, • Implementing quality control procedures. • Increasing expertise and Capacity-building
Real-time radar-raingauge integration Radar-only CombiPrecip (radar+raingauge) 1-hour sum Technique:Space-time co-kriging with external drift, data transformation and sophisticated quality control Developed as part of NCCR-III (Sideris, Erdin, Frei, Gabella, Germann, et al)Operationally implemented on Rad4Alp server in 2012 (Sassi, Sideris, Gaia, et al)
CIMO in WIGOS and Capacity building (6) • TECO 2014 St Petersburg • Collaborate with ETR and Regional Training Centres for content of Wkshops on traceability (Jeff Wilson, WMO Education and Training) • Survey conducted on use of mercury and obsolete instruments • Mercury still widely used • Autographic instrument still widely used • Minamata convention (UNEP): Ban on production, import and export of instruments containing Hg from 2020 • Tentative (subject to CIMO-MG-11, CIMO-16 decisions): • Conference on Measurements in harsh environment (icing), in collaboration with Region-VI (Europe) • Conference on AWS QA-MD-Siting-Maintenance ICG-WIGOS-3, 10-14 Feb 2014
CIMO and private vendors (HMEI) • Intercomparisons • SPICE • Radiosondes • … ICG-WIGOS-3, 10-14 Feb 2014
WIGOS challenges for the CIMO (cf. 2013) • Limited number of experts in CIMO • CIMO position vs: • Role of TT in WIGOS: addresses issues relevant to «most of» the TCs, workunder ICG WIGOS • Role of TCs: addresses issues relevant at first to the specific TC • CIMO experts’ engagement «on demand» mode vs specific issues. WMO
Thank you for your attention • www.wmo.int/wigos