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ICG-WIGOS-3 Status of the WIGOS Operational Information Resource (WIR)

ICG-WIGOS-3 Status of the WIGOS Operational Information Resource (WIR). Etienne Charpentier (OBS/WIGOS/OSD). WMO; OBS. W IGOS operational I nformation R esource (WIR) www.wmo.int/wigos/wir.

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ICG-WIGOS-3 Status of the WIGOS Operational Information Resource (WIR)

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  1. ICG-WIGOS-3Status of theWIGOS Operational Information Resource (WIR) Etienne Charpentier (OBS/WIGOS/OSD) WMO; OBS

  2. WIGOS operational Information Resource (WIR)www.wmo.int/wigos/wir • Goal: Provide single access point for WIGOS stakeholders (Network decision makers, Implementation Coordinators, Data users etc.) • Shall contain all relevant information on the status and evolution of WIGOS and its components • Formally launched at EC-65 (May 2013) • To be fully operational from 2015

  3. The WIR Components • The Portal www.wmo.int/wigos/wir • The « Standardization of Observations » Reference Tool (SORT) Referencing WIGOS related standards and best practices into a database for easy search and access to specific documents and/or sections of documents www.wmo.int/sort (TBD) • The Observing System Capability Analysis and Review Tool (OSCAR) A tool for the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements providing information on (i) observational user requirements, (ii) space-based observing system capabilities, and (iii) surface-based observing system capabilities. Includes a critical review module to compare requirements with capabilities. www.wmo.int/oscar

  4. OSCAR complexity and effort vs other WIR components Web Portal, Basic Information OSCAR SORT 4

  5. Status of the Portal • Most pages developed • Missing pages/parts • Information on Standardization, System Interoperability, and Data Compatibility • Information on Data Discovery, Delivery and Archival • Status of WIGOS implementation • In Regions • By Technical Commissions • By Members • Link to OSCAR/Surface (once developed) • Link to SORT (once developed)

  6. The WIR web portal - www.wmo.int/wigos/wir

  7. Status of SORT • Consultant recruited • Technical specifications defined • Simple taxonomy proposed • Using vocabularies and indexing words • International Meteorological Vocabulary (IMV) • BIPM International Vocabulary of Metrology (IVM) • Issues • Managing both documents (standards) content and metadata • Limited number of standards referenced in SORT initially (WMO No. 49, 8 , 544, 488, 558, 571) (see annex 3 of doc.) • Later: WIGOS Manual & Guide, GAW, regional & national best practices • Technical options under investigation • e.g. using Typéfi (http://www.typefi.com/)

  8. Example of referenced table of content entry

  9. Status of OSCAR (WMO version) • OSCAR/Requirements operational at WMO since 2011 • Further developments made in 2013 • OSCAR/Space operational at WMO since Sept. 2012 • Complete overhaul of Earth Obs. Instrument assessments performed in 2013 • Initial assessment of > 200 space weather instruments in 2013 • Both components hosted by private operator (Infomaniak) for CHF 200 / year

  10. Status of OSCAR (future version) • Partnership with MeteoSwiss (MoU) for OSCAR platform • Phase 1 (2015): • Adapting OSCAR/Requirements to MeteoSwiss IT infrastructure • Develop OSCAR/Surface with basic observing network types (Annex 1 of doc.) and include it in the MeteoSwiss IT infrastructure • Develop critical review module • Phase 2 (2017): • Adapting OSCAR/Space to MeteoSwiss IT infrastructure • Complement OSCAR/Surface with missing observing network types (Annex 1 of doc.) • Integrate Space and Surface into the critical review module

  11. Some points worth noticing on OSCAR (1/2) • OSCAR is tangible and visible success of WIGOS • To assure sustainability WMO-MeteoSwiss partnership is being established • MoU includes long term support • 50%-50% partnership with funding from WMO RB & Voluntary Contributions • OSCAR/Requirements needs to be further promoted as unique repository of observational user requirements from WMO • User Requirements for Some application Areas are incomplete (e.g. Agromet., Hydrology, Aeromet.) • ET-EGOS & IPET-OSDE recommendations to be taken into account • OSCAR/Space is very popular (>150 visits / day) • The plan is to assure continuity of service while OSCAR is migrated to MeteoSwiss

  12. Some points worth noticing on OSCAR (2/2) • OSCAR will continue to be operated from the WMO Secretariat until Phase 1 is operational • OSCAR/Requirements and OSCAR/Space will continue to evolve in parallel. Such evolutions will then be included in Phase 2 • MeteoSwiss is also in charge of developing and operating the new version of GAWSIS. This offers an excellent opportunity to integrate both systems • Success of current OSCAR largely due to the Space Programme office of the WMO Secretariat, and to Nils Hettich (German JPO) in particular. Nils left the WMO Secretariat for another position but we are grateful for his contributions, and to Germany

  13. Thank you for your attention! • Comments, Questions ?

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