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THE MOST FAVOURITE DESSERT. By Olga Kolodiazhna. Ice-cream is a delicious meal which is know n and love d all over the world. But who was it invented by? When was it firstly made ? Now we ’ll learn it.
Ice-cream is a delicious meal which is known and loved all over the world. But who was it invented by? When was it firstly made? Now we’ll learn it.
It is unknown till today, who made this tasty invention, but we know that for the first time it was made many centuries ago. One theory is that it was made by Greeks, the another – by Romans. But the most probable –it was invented in China. At that time ice-cream was made basically of the cooled wine and fruit juice. Therefore the mixture was named «frozen drops”. Despite simple taste, the amount of dessertadmirers became more and more. The Roman emperor Nerone and Alexander the Great also tried it. In Europe people were given some recipes by Marco Polo. Thus the glory about unusual sweets extended across England, Germany, to France … It even became an obligatory dish on royal tables! The dessert was given the modern name from settlers of the North America.
The interesting facts: 1) the First car for ice-cream preservation was invented by doctor Blasius Vilafranko in 1560. 2) In 1846 Englishwoman Nensie Johnson invented a manual mixer – a deep-freezer for manufacturing of a dessert of the house. 3) the First factory on ice-cream manufacturing was been constructed in 1851 by an Englishman Jacob Fasselom. 4) In 1984 US president Ronald Reagan founded a holiday in honor of the favourite dessert. 5) Chef masters from Manhattan have created the most expensive dessert in cost of 25 000 dollars! It was brought in the Guinness Book of Records.