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Productivity is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent planning, concentrated efforts and excellent manoeuvres. The term productivity has different variations and meanings for different people. Productive people have a set of uniquely different series of personal and particular protocols.
Thomas Edison may have said that there is no substitute to hard work but have you ever wondered what it truly meant. Has it ever occurred to you how certain people are more productive and successful than others? Successful people are a class apart and have a distinctive mind set. Their work ethics, mental strength, the way they do things are all directed and intended towards triumph.
Productivity is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent planning, concentrated efforts and excellent manoeuvres. The term productivity has different variations and meanings for different people. Productive people have a set of uniquely different series of personal and particular protocols.
Mental forte – Extreme mental concentration and prioritising your tasks are two most vital elements to success. Unless you focus on the important you will spread your brains bandwidth over many things. “Concentrate all your thoughts to the work in hand, the sun’s rays do not burn until brought to focus”, said Alexander Graham Bell.
Physical Energy – Energy is more valuable than intelligence, says Robin Sharma. You could be immensely talented, with sharp marketing skills and a wonderful product under your belt. However if you lack on positive energy, you will fail in making the right impression. The simple act of paying attention to people and making them feel important speaks volumes about you. The positive physical energy that you exude is quite detrimental in producing world class results.
Personal willpower – “It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious about?” Said Henry David Thoreau. Self -discipline and will power will take you greater heights
The creative streak – Everyone has a hidden streak of creativity in them. The idea is to create the right conditions for them to blossom and come out. Make time to break your daily routine and seek solitude. Appreciate nature, take holidays, travel, prime your creativity and see it unfold to the fullest.
Respect time – One of the main cornerstones of our lives, time once lost can never be brought back. We all have heard zillions of idioms and phrases on the importance of time but only the ones who truly respect time and leverage it to the fullest, emerge victorious.
Lastly you have to remember no matter how great the talent or efforts, some things take time. Small daily improvements and developments when done consistently, over time can lead to astounding results. Start by doing what is important, and then do what is possible. Next, you will find yourself doing the impossible and that is the true bench mark of productive and successful people.