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Canton City A Community Assessment

Canton City A Community Assessment. Kristy Clark, Michelle Dearduff , Rebecca Hopkins, Diana Mamula , Danielle McCutcheon, Gillian Pedersen, Sara Royer, Dawn Simon, Melissa Swan, Debbie Watson. Nursing Diagnosis.

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Canton City A Community Assessment

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  1. Canton City A Community Assessment Kristy Clark, Michelle Dearduff, Rebecca Hopkins, Diana Mamula, Danielle McCutcheon, Gillian Pedersen, Sara Royer, Dawn Simon, Melissa Swan, Debbie Watson

  2. Nursing Diagnosis • Knowledge deficit among Canton City community residents related to lacking awareness of health effects as evidenced by incidence of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes; lack of resource utilization regarding sexual health as evidenced by high prevalence of teen pregnancy and STD prevalence; and ineffective emphasis on the importance of education as evidenced by a lower percentage of Canton high school graduates as compared to the county and state.

  3. Chronic Health • According to the Canton City Health Department website, there were 140 Canton residents who were newly diagnosed with diabetes in 2007. • Cardiovascular disease has been diagnosed in 982 people per 100,000 people in the city of Canton. • Ohio ranks 11th in the Nation in breast cancer deaths and 9th in total cancer deaths among women (C-SPAN, 2009).

  4. Sexual Health • Timken High School has a 13% pregnancy rate among its female student body, as compared to the national teen pregnancy rate of 8% (Garvey, 2005). • Lower reports of new cases may indicate effective health teaching • The need for improvement and continued attention in this area is necessary due to both the significant number of existing cases and number of at-risk teens.

  5. Education • Canton has an 80.3% graduation rate leaving the remainder to be the percentage of drop-outs at 19.7% (Carr, 2009). • The costs to the community for high drop-out rates include: incarceration, Medicaid, costs of charter schools, income loss to the city, and criminal justice system costs. • Ohio pays an estimated $2,728,031 to provide education to the students that drop out (www.wediducan.com).

  6. Interventions & Rationale

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