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154 65 13. 230 156 78. 253 188 95. 250 162 27. Engineers Conference 2012. Financing Projects County. 137 31 0. 167 166 172. 154 65 13. 230 156 78. 253 188 95. 250 162 27. 137 31 0. Equity Bank at a Glance. 167 166 172. About Us. 2.
154 65 13 230 156 78 253 188 95 250 162 27 Engineers Conference 2012 Financing Projects County 137 31 0 167 166 172
154 65 13 230 156 78 253 188 95 250 162 27 137 31 0 Equity Bank at a Glance 167 166 172
About Us 2. • NSE Publicly Listed/Cross Listed at USE • 4rd largest company at the NSE • Shareholders Funds KES32.9 Billion • Largest bank by customer numbers • Total Assets -KES 208.9 Billion • Over 30,000 shareholders • Strategic Investors • Helios EB • British American Insurance • Staff: Individuals/ESOP • 11 Directors
Uniquely combining shareholder value with social impact 2. Key Initiatives / Strategy 1 Brand Development and Impact Investment • Bank has embarked on a number of initiatives to create brand awareness and develop the local economy • Wings to fly program • 3,486 scholarships awarded to bright needy students to date with a target of 10,000 by 2015 • Financial Literacy Training (FIKA) Program • 314,952 people trained already with target to train 1,000,000 people by 2014 2 ContinuingRoll-out and Embedding of Agency Banking • The Bank embedded the agency model in 2011 which allows the Bank to leverage on third party infrastructure for cash transactions • Extremely successful initiative which has seen the number of agents increase from just 875 at the beginning of the year 2011 to 3,991 agents by March 2012 (c.356% increase) • Agency banking now contributes more than 20% of all cash transactions No of Operational Agents Jan-11 to Mar-12 Growth Trend 3 Enhancing Mobile Telecommunication Solutions / ICT Investment • The Bank have made large investments in ICT and continue to enhance their mobile banking services / solutions • Mobile banking customers have increased from 417,194 in January 2011 to 1,553,865 by end of March 2012 (c.272% increase) • Eazzy-247 connected to all the 4 telcos Number of EAZZY-247 Customers
Taking Banking Services to the People 3. Number of Customers Number of Branches MM 21% 14% Number of ATMs Number of POS 10% 130% 144%
Our Regional Footprint: Traditional and Alternative Channels 3.
154 65 13 230 156 78 253 188 95 250 162 27 137 31 0 Understanding The Opportunity 167 166 172
Low Levels of Urbanization • Only 5 counties are more than 50 percent urban; a strong indication that the demand for infrastructure projects will soar upon the creation of the county governments. This presents a major opportunity for all projects stakeholders.
Varying Capacity to Meet Service Delivery Costs • Counties will have varying needs for project funding with the more rural Counties presenting a greater need for external financing.
154 65 13 230 156 78 253 188 95 250 162 27 137 31 0 Relevant Product Features 167 166 172
154 65 13 230 156 78 253 188 95 250 162 27 137 31 0 Case Studies 167 166 172
Revitalization of Cotton Industry in Kenya • A partnership between Equity Bank, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Cotton Development Authority (CODA), National Irrigation Board (NIB), Cotton Ginners and Bura Farmers Association has begun to restore cotton production in Bura. • In this partnership, Equity Bank provides credit for farm inputs and payments to farmers while NIB is responsible for maintenance of canals that channel water to farms in the Bura irrigation scheme.
Empowering Households on Renewable Energy • Equity Bank with various stakeholders in biogas promotion has been supporting households mitigate the challenges of fuel in their homes. • This is one of the areas in climatic change adoption as intensive farming continues to take root. • Implementation of units will go a long way in helping in mitigation of methane production from the zero grazing units.
Financial Literacy (FiKA) and Entrepreneurship • Equity Group Foundation and The MasterCard Foundation have partnered to offer free financial education and entrepreneurship targeting 1 million women and youth across the country by 2014. • Equity group hired master trainers to implement the FIKA program most of whom have master’s degrees in entrepreneurship or a related field. • A pilot entrepreneurship training program for 10,000 youth and women focused on developing practical and applicable business knowledge have commenced.