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EU Cooperation: UXO sector and EIDHR in Lao PDR 22 November 2012 Vientiane, Lao PDR. Content. 1. EU cooperation and its instruments 2. Previous and current EU intervention in UXO sector in Laos. 3. Previous and current EU intervention under EIDHR in Laos
EU Cooperation: UXO sector and EIDHR in Lao PDR 22 November 2012 Vientiane, Lao PDR
Content 1. EU cooperation and its instruments 2. Previous and current EU intervention in UXO sector in Laos. 3. Previous and current EU intervention under EIDHR in Laos 4. Pipeline and ongoing CfPs
1. EU Cooperation • EU (EC+ its MS), as a group, are the 4th largest donor to Laos with USD 71 million (12.88%) of ODA disbursed in 2011. • Note: There were in total 43 donors providing ODA to Laos in 2011, of which 12 are EU donors. • Three EU partners are based in-country - the EU Delegation, France and Germany.
1. EU Cooperation Instruments Two main instruments through: Country Strategy Paper/MIP 2011-2013: in partnership with GOL, UN, IOs Thematic Program: CfPs of Non State Actors –Local Authorities, EIDHR, Investing in People, so on in partnership with INGOs, NPAs and LA.
2. Previous and ongoing EU funded projects in Laos (UXO sector) Through the grants from thematic programs i.e. ex-NGO co-financing, ECHO, NSA-LA and EIDHR since 1995, by EU NGOs i.e. MAG, HI and national agencies. HI, for example: In total: more than 12 M € in UXO sector 2012: 4 ongoing projects, implemented by HI, MAG, UXO Lao/NRA (through UNDP) = €2.4 m Euro
3. European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights • One of thematic programs, launched through CfP: • Global Human Rights Strategy 2011-2013 • Enhancing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in countries where they are most at risk; • Strengthening the role of civil society in promoting human rights and democratic reform, in supporting the peaceful conciliation of group interests and, in consolidating political participation and representation;
Human Rights Strategy 2011-2013 (Cont.) • Supporting and strengthening the international and regional framework for the protection and promotion of human rights, justice, the rule of law and the promotion of democracy; • Building confidence in and enhancing the reliability and transparency of democratic electoral processes, in particular through election observation. • So on…………
EIDHR projects in Laos • EIDHR projects from 2004 -2012: • No. of projects:16 projects, of which 7 projects are on-going • Total costs: €2,9 M
4. Pipeline and ongoing Calls for Proposals • In country Call for proposals: 2013 • EIDHR CfP: €1.2 M. • NSA LA CfPs: € 2.3 M. • UXO CfPs: € 2.6 M (deadline 4th Jan. 2013) • Global CfPs 2012: • Investing in People: Actions for child protection – against violence against children (deadline 4 Dec. 12)