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How far is it accurate to say that the Black Power Movements of the 1960’s achieved nothing for Black Americans?. Objectives:. Recall your knowledge of the Black Power Movement Evaluate the extent to which it brought improvements for Black Americans Plan your essay response to this question.
How far is it accurate to say that the Black Power Movements of the 1960’s achieved nothing for Black Americans?
Objectives: • Recall your knowledge of the Black Power Movement • Evaluate the extent to which it brought improvements for Black Americans • Plan your essay response to this question
Task 1: Memory Boxes. Add your answer in each box to recall what you know about the Black Power Movement
How far is it accurate to say that the Black Power Movements of the 1960’s achieved nothing for Black Americans? • Read the sample introductions to the essay question. • Which one is the best? Why?
Example 1 The Black Power movement was first created by the Nation of Islam then later the creation of the Black Panthers became the militant part of the movement. It was a hugely significant part of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s because it offered an alternative vision to the peaceful protest advocated by Martin Luther King. Some of the main success of the Black Power Movements in this period include the raising of Black pride and self-esteem and the creation of practical help in tackling the problems of ghettoisation. This essay will explain the achievements of Black Power.
Example 3 The Black Power Movements of the 1960’s actually achieved a great deal for Black Americans even if they did not lead to the significant legislative changes achieved by the campaigns of peaceful protest. The most important achievement of the Black Power Movements was the impact that the groups had on the self-perception and self-esteem of Black Americans. This helped Black Americans to challenge the deep-rooted social and economic problems of ghettoisationin the North which Martin Luther King and the NAACP had not managed to address. Black Power offered an alternative vision in the 1960’s when the limitations of desegregation were clear to those who lived in the North.
Example 2 It is entirely inaccurate to argue that the Black Power Movements of the 1960’s achieved ‘nothing’ for Black Americans because of the undeniably significant impact of the movements had on black pride, culture, society and self-esteem. Despite the clear limitations of the movement in gaining widespread multiracial support or influencing substantial legislative change, the message of Black Power offered an alternative vision which was inspirational to thousands of Black Americans who had been left disillusioned by the limitations of the Peaceful methods of protest and irrelevance of the desegregation achieved by the 1964 Civil Rights Act in light of the de facto segregation and poverty which existed in Northern Ghettos. The extent to which the Black Power achieved change for Black Americans should be assessed by considering the level of influence the political and economic impact, the cultural impact and extent to which it created a sense of pride, and the extent to which it failed because of divisions and violence.
Now write your own perfect paragraph in pairs using the essay writing grid: • POLITICAL impact • ECONOMIC IMPACT • PRIDE in the community • MEDIA • PROBLEMS within the movements – divisions/ lack of aims/ violence