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Introduction to IR Theory

MDAW 2013: DCH & MBK. Introduction to IR Theory. Major Schools of IR Theory. Realism Idealism  Liberalism Marxism Critical Theory(s). Realism. Posits that states are motivated by a desire for military and economic power / security Assumes that the following things are true:

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Introduction to IR Theory

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  1. MDAW 2013: DCH & MBK Introduction to IR Theory

  2. Major Schools of IR Theory • Realism • Idealism  Liberalism • Marxism • Critical Theory(s)

  3. Realism • Posits that states are motivated by a desire for military and economic power / security • Assumes that the following things are true: • The international system is anarchic • Sovereign states are the dominant actors in the international system • States are rational, unitary actors that maximize their own interests • The overriding interest of each state is its security/survival • States pursue security by amassing resources • Relations between states are governed by their relative power

  4. Realism, cont’d • Defensive Realism • Offensive Realism

  5. Liberalism • Idealism (Wilsonianism)—a state should make its internal political philosophy the goal of its foreign policy • Is an important precursor of liberalism • Has been embraced by left- and right-wing perspectives • Liberalism: state preferences, rather than state capabilities, are the primary determinant of state behavior

  6. Liberalism, cont’d • Liberalist theories assume… • States are not unitary actors • Preferences vary from state to state, depending on culture, economic system, government type, etc. • Interactions between states are determined by culture, economic exchange, etc—not just “diplomacy” and “high politics” • The international system has an underlying order • Cooperation can generate absolute gains

  7. Marxism • Rejects the focus on states and instead explains global politics based on the economic/material aspects of the international system and how that system is connected to class structures at the local, state, and trans-state levels

  8. Marxism, cont’d • Assumes that economics trumps all other concerns—class is the focus of explanation • Posits that the international system is an integrated order designed to protect/facilitate capital accumulation • Strongly informed dependency theory— • Wealthy countries maximize their power by penetrating Southern countries with political advisors, experts, MNCs, etc. • Designed to appropriate natural resources and foster dependency of the South on the North

  9. Critical Theories • Schools of thought that criticize traditional conceptions of international politics • Often share a “constructivist” orientation—assume that ideas/language/ideology shape international politics • Feminisms • Post-colonialisms • Queer IR • Post- and anti-modern political theory as applied to IR (Foucault, Heidegger, Nietzsche, etc.)

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