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CLEO-c Results and Prospects. . K -. K +. -. e +. 1 st CLEO-c DATA. CLEO-c Collaboration: Carleton, Carnegie Mellon, Chicago, Cornell, Florida, George Mason, Illinois, Kansas, Luther,
CLEO-c Results and Prospects K- K+ - e+ 1st CLEO-c DATA CLEO-c Collaboration: Carleton, Carnegie Mellon, Chicago, Cornell, Florida, George Mason, Illinois, Kansas, Luther, Northwestern, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Pittsburgh, Puerto Rico, Purdue, Rochester, RPI, SMU, SUNY Albany, Syracuse, Vanderbilt, Wayne State. Ian Shipsey, Purdue University for the CLEO-c Collaboration
CLEO-c The Context Flavor physics is in the “sin 2 era’ akin to precision Z. Over constrain CKM matrix with precision measurements Discovery potential is limited by systematic errors from non-pert. QCD This Decade LHC may uncover strongly coupled sectors in the physics Beyond the Standard Model. The LC will study them. Strongly coupled field theories an outstanding challenge to theory. Critical need: reliable theoretical techniques & detailed data to calibrate them The Future Complete definition of pert. and non-pert. QCD Goal: Calculate B, D, Y, to 5% in a few years, and a few % longer term. The Lattice Charm at threshold can provide the data to test and calibrate non-pert. QCD techniques CLEO-c
|VCKM|2 |f(q2)|2 Bd Bd Precision Quark Flavor Physics: charm’s role 2004 The discovery potential of B physics is limited by systematic errors from QCD: Form factors in semileptonic () decay Decay constants in B mixing D system- CKM matrix elements are tightly constrained to <1% by unitarity • Work back from measurements of absoluterates for leptonic and semileptonic D decays yielding decay constants and form factors to test QCD techniques.that can then be applied to the B system. + determinations of Vcs Vcd CLEO-c program In addition as Br(B D)~100% absolute D branching ratios normalize B physics. Probe of new physics: Dmxing, DCPV D rare (& strong phases for CKM 3/γ) J/ probe of glueballs and exotics test of QCD Not covered today
Importance of measuring absolute charm leptonic branching ratios: fD & fDsVtd & Vts |VCKM|2 |fD|2 l n Bd Bd ~15% (LQCD) hep-lat/0409040 • Lattice predicts fB/fD with a small errror • If a precision measurement of fD existed (it does not) • Precision Lattice estimate of fB precision determination of Vtd Similarly fD/fDs checks fB/fBs precise once Bs mixing seen
|VCKM|2 |f(q2)|2 Vub b B l u b D l c d Importance of Absolute Charm Semileptonic Decay Rates When Vub is determined from exclusive semileptonic () decay Stat sys form factor Expt. Error Unquenched LQCD or sum rules Charm semileptonic decays test form factor predictions HQS 1) Measure D form factor in Dl. Tests LQCD Dform factor calculation. 2) BaBar/Bellecan extract Vub using tested LQCD calc. of B form factor. 3) Needs precise absolute Br(D l) & high quality d (D l)/dE neither exist.
Importance of precision absolute charm hadronic branching ratios ALEPH, DELPHI, L3,OPAL.BABAR/BELLE, ARGUS/CLEO/CDF needs B(DK) Vcb Zero recoil in B D*l+ & B Dl+ (World Average Summer 2004) Lattice & sum rule As B Factory data sets grow, & calculation of F improve dB(DK)/dB(DK) dVcb/Vcb=1.2% becomes significant Test models of B decay ex: HQET & factorization: Understanding charm content of B decay (nc) Precision Z bb and Z cc (Rb & Rc) Now: several key charm branching ratios have errors between 7-26% At LHC/LC H bb H cc
CESR-c/CLEO-c Runplan & Status CESR (10 GeV) CESR-c (3-4GeV) Updates & new results today CLEO III Detector CLEO-c Detector Minor modifications: replaced silicon with 6 layer low mass inner drift chamber summer ’03. + B 1.5T1.0T
e+e-y(3770)DD (3770) Analysis Technique 57 pb-1 ~ 356,000 DD pairs 1st CLEO-c DATA • Pure DD, no additional particles (ED = Ebeam). • Low multiplicity ~ 5-6 charged particles/event • Good coverage: n reconstruction • Pure JPC = 1- - (mixing, CP, strong phase) • Common to all analyses, fully • reconstruct 1D “the tag” then • analyze decay of 2nd D to extract • exclusive or inclusive properties Tagging creates a single D beam of known 4-momentum • Unique to charm: high tagging efficiency: ~22% of all D’s produced are reconstructed. Compared to <1% of B’s at the Y(4S)
Absolute Charm Branching Ratios at Threshold See talk by W.Sun WG-2 • s(MBC) ~ 1.3 MeV, x2 with p0 • s(DE) ~ 7—10 MeV, x2 with p0 • Kinematics analogous to U(4S)"BB: identify D with Double tags Single tags 15120±180 377±20 D candidate mass (GeV) D candidate mass (GeV) Independent of L and cross section
Single tags Double tags 3 D0 Modes 6 D+ Modes D0 2484±51 (combined) D+ 1650±42 (combined) (log scale)! Signal shape: y(3770) line shape, ISR, beam energy spread & momentum resolution, Bgkd: ARGUS Global fit pioneered by Mark III NDD & Bi’s extracted from single and double tag yields with c2 minimization technique.
D+ Modes D0 Modes results supersede ICHEP to be submitted to PRL • Stat. errors: ~2.0% neutral, ~2.5% charged • s(systematic) ~ s(statistical). six modes more precise than PDG. syst. dominates Many systematics evaluated using data, so will shrink as L Normalized to PDG ICHEP value await L determination
Comparison with PDG 2004 Do K-p+ THEN: CLEO & ALEPH D*+p+Do, Do K-p+ compare to: D*+p+Do, Do unobserved (Q~6MeV) p+ thrust CLEO-c as precise as any previous measurement NOW: CLEO-c
B(D+K-p+p+) See talk by W.Sun THEN: Method (CLEO) Bootstrap: Measure: Most precise Assume isospin Conclusion: the charm hadronic scale we have been using for last 10 years is approximately correct NOW: CLEO-c goal is 3/fb See talk by Ecklund Radcorr CLEO-c will set absolute scale for all heavy quark measurements
See talk by A. Ryd fD+from Absolute Br(D+ m+n) Tag D fully reconstructed ~9pb-1 2390 tags 1 additional track (muon) Compute missing mass2: peaks at 0 for signal ~33pb-1 5321 tags S=3 B=0.33 Mark III PRL 60, 1375 (1988) BES III hep-ex/0410050
fD+from Absolute Br(D+ m+n) PRD 70, 112004 Hadronic tag D- D+ m+n 1 track m consistent no showers CLEO-c Proposal: MC 1fb-1 X20 DATA
fD+from Absolute Br(D+ m+n) PRD 70, 112004 Hadronic tag D- D+ m+n 1 track m consistent no showers 28,651 tags CLEO-c Proposal: MC ~57 pb-1 1fb-1 X20 DATA 8 signal candidates
|VCKM|2 |fD|2 l n fD+ from Absolute Br(D+ m+n) PRD 70, 112004 See talk by A. Ryd Vcd (<1%) from 3 generation unitarity tD+ well-measured (0.3%) • BES • Lattice 2004 • CLEO-c • Isospin Mass Splittings • Potential Model • Rel. Quark Model • QCD Sum Rules • QCD Spectral Sum Rules • MILC • UKQCD Mark III <290 MeV BES II 3 events (2004) Now: LQCD error ~10% CLEO-c error 22% X4 stat by summer ~10% error Need latest LQCD predictions to few % by summer 2006 f D+ & 2007 f Ds
K- K+ - e+ ss Semileptonic Decays CLNS 05-1906 and CLNS 05-1915 to be submitted to PRL See talk by V. Pavlunin WG-1 & WG-2 Semileptonic decays are reconstructed with no kinematic ambiguity Hadronic Tags: 32K D+ 60K D0 (~1300 events) Events / ( 10 MeV ) Tagging creates a single D beam of known 4-momentum U = Emiss– |Pmiss| (GeV) D+ results are new, D0 update ICHEP
More Cabibbo allowed modes 57 pb-1 Data csCabibbo Favored New New (~550 events) (~420 events) Events / ( 10 MeV ) Events / ( 10 MeV ) U = Emiss– |Pmiss| (GeV) U = Emiss– |Pmiss| (GeV) Historically Cabibbo allowed modes: provide a significant background to Cabibbo suppressed modes, making the latter particularly challenging….. (~90 events) Events / ( 10 MeV ) Events / ( 10 MeV ) U = Emiss– |Pmiss| (GeV)
Cabibbo suppressed modes 57 pb-1 Data (~110 events) Events / ( 10 MeV ) Note: kinematic separation. Dm U = Emiss– |Pmiss| (GeV) Tag with D*Dp Observable: Dm=mD*-mD. Compare to: state of the art measurement at 10 GeV (CLEO III) PRL 94, 11802 New (~65 events) Events / ( 10 MeV ) U = Emiss– |Pmiss| (GeV)
More Cabibbo supressed modes 57 pb-1 Data Only measurement untl now E791 PLB 397 325 (1997) Relative rate: S/N ~15/1 (~30 events) S/N ~1/2 New U = Emiss– |Pmiss| (GeV) 1st Observation. 1st Observation. (8 events) (~30 events) New (5s) Useful for Grinstein’s Double ratio Vub2/ Vcb2 U = Emiss– |Pmiss| (GeV)
Preliminary Results PDG CLEO-c 3fb-1 See talks by Pavlunin WG-1&2 to be submitted to PRL Normalized to PDG CLEO-c already all modes more precise than PDG. Full CLEO-c data set will make significant improvements in the precision with which each absolute charm semileptonic branching ratio is known
pen Ken (PRL 94, 011601(2005) Differential Semileptonic Rates PPev rate shape STATUS 2005 (CLEO III FOCUS BES II) LQCD : shape & rate correct: precision~10% CLEO PRL 94/, 11802 First unquenched LQCD for D/K e CLEO-c D0→K-e+ν D0→π-e+ν (1) No kinematic ambiguity (2) rest frame of D q2 resolution x 16 better Raw q2No efficiency correction. Results by summer hoped for
Differential Semileptonic Rates PVev CLEO-c Preliminary, first look at the data, also D e no results at this time
Testing the Lattice with (semi)leptonic Charm Decays 1fb-1 CLEO-c MC Lattice QCD D0 pln D0 pln D0 pln 1fb-1 D0Kln CLEO-c MC U = Emiss - Pmiss CLEO-c: PS PS & PS V absolute form factor magnitudes & slopes to a few%. Stringent test of theory! (Unique) (D+ ln) / (D+ ln) independent of Vcd tests amplitudes ~2% 3fb-1 (Dshln) / (Dsln) independent of Vcs tests amplitudes ~ 2% Vcs /Vcs = 1.6% (now ~11%*) Vcd /Vcd = 1.7% (now: 5.4%) Then Tested lattice to calc. Bplv is available for precise exclusive Vub * 3 flavor unquenched LQCD + DKev, note W decays at LEP in hadronic to leptonic 1.3%
Unitarity Tests Using Charm uc*=0 2nd row: |Vcd|2 + |Vcs|2 + |Vcb|2 = 1 ?? CLEO –c: improves precision (if theory D K/ln good to few %) & 1st column: |Vud|2 + |Vcd|2 + |Vtd|2 = 1 ?? with similar precision to 1st row (3fb-1) |VubVcb*| |VudVcd*| uc* |VusVcs*| Compare ratio of long sides to 1.3%
Inclusive D SemileptonicElectron Spectra NOW: THEN: CLEO-c Preliminary Analysis not yet complete for first 57 pb-1 of data expected precision improves on PDG
CLEO-c INPUTS TO CKM ANGLE 3 /γ • Gronau-London-Wyler Method • B-DCPK- • Statistics Limited so far • D mixing parameters can alter γ • Atwood-Dunietz-Soni Method • B-DK- • Requires very large Ldt • CLEO-c measure rD& cos dD 3. Dalitz plot Method • B- DK-, DKsp+p-, p+p-p0, KsK+K- • limited by uncertainty due to Dalitz plot model • CLEO-c quantum correlated D’s reduce model dependence See talks by Asner, Fleischer, Grossman, Petrov WG-5
CLEO-c Probes of New Physics (+ input to 3 /γ) u u K+ p+ d s W+ W+ s c d c K- p- D0 u u u u D CP violation, mixing & rare decays sensitive to new physics at high mass scales through intermediate particles entering loops. CF DCSD D0 Mixing: y(3770)DD(C = -1) Coherence simplifies study DCSD Unmixed: D0 K-p+D0 K+p- mixing: D0 K-p+ D0 D0K-p+ (+Klv Klv) Sensitivity: 10-4 current limit: 10-3 • BFac/Tevatron: large DCSD interferes with signal unknown phase • (CLEO-c measures same for ADS) • y’= ycos-xsin • x’= xcos+ysin
CLEO-c Measurement of Strong Phase ψ(3770)L=1 C=-1 CP anti-correlated • cos dD ~ 10%
CLEO-c Probes of New Physics (+ input to 3 /γ) CLEO-c • Dalitz plot Method • B- DK-, DKsp+p- • limited by uncertainty due to Dalitz plot • model currently 10-110 • CLEO-c CP tagged D’s reduce Dalitz plot • model dependence, compare CP+DD Ksp+p-, • CP-DD Ksp+p-, & untagged D Ksp+p-, • Extrapolation of Belle study CLEO-c 285 pb-1/6fb-1 • (3770 + DsDs) reduce model error to ~70, ~10 D Ksp+p- • CP violating asymmetries • Unique:L=1,C=-1 CP tag one side, opposite side same CP • CP=±1y(3770) CP=±1= CPV Sensitivity (two body • final states) Acp < 0.01 • CP tagging allows many searches for CPV in Dalitz plots • sensitive to amplitudes Rare charm decays. Sensitivity: 10-6
Today: the potential of quark flavor physics to discover new physics is limited by theory errors Theoretical errors dominate width of bands 2004 • precision QCD calculations • tested with precision charm • data from CLEO-c • theory errors of a few % on B system decay • constants & semileptonic • form factors + 500 fb-1 @ BABAR/Belle
Precision theory + charm = dramatic increase in the potential of quark flavor physics to discover new physics Theoretical errors dominate width of bands 2004 • precision QCD calculations • tested with precision charm • data from CLEO-c • theory errors of a few % on B system decay • constants & semileptonic • form factors Plot uses Vub, Vcb from exclusive decays only + 500 fb-1 @ BABAR/Belle
Summary CLEO-c 1st data (6 wigglers) summer 2004, updated + new results today. Detector performing well, data is excellent & is well understood. fD+ is now known to 22% (was 100%) D0-e+ now 14% (was 45%) 1st observations: D0 e+, D+ e+ Most precise measurements of D+ K-++ x4 data by April. Three year program starts 4/05 several % precision in all key charm quantities, + probe for new physics & glueballs • Lattice goal to calculate in D,B,Y,to 5% in a few years and a few % longer term • CLEO-c about to provide few % tests of lattice calculations (& other QCD techniques) • in D system & in onia, quantifying the accuracy for application of LQCD to the • B system • BABAR/Belle/CDF/D0 (later LHC-b/ATLAS/CMS SuperKEKb) + theory can reach few % precision for Vtd, Vts, γ and exclusive Vub,Vcb. CLEO-c maximizes the sensitivity of the worldwide heavy quark flavor physics program to new physics this decade and paves the way for understanding beyond the Standard Model physics at the LHC/LC in the next decade(s).
BEPCII/BESIII Project • Design • Two ring machine • 93 bunches each • Luminosity • 1033 cm-2 s-1 @1.89GeV • 6 1032 cm-2 s-1 @1.55GeV • 6 1032 cm-2 s-1 @ 2.1GeV • New BESIII • Status and Schedule • Most contracts signed • Linac installed 2004 • Ring installed 2005 • BESIII in place 2006 • Commissioning • BEPCII/BESIII • beginning of 2007
Status of Absolute Charm Branching Ratios |VCKM|2 |f(q2)|2 |VCKM|2 |fD|2 l n Poorly known Measured very precisely Key hadronic charm decay modes used to normalize B physics Charm produced at B Factories/Tevatron or at dedicated FT experiments allows relative rate measurements but absolute rate measurements are hard because backgrounds are sizeable & because # D’s produced is not well known. Backgrounds are large. #D’s produced is not well known.