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BESIII Workshop. The CLEO-c Detector. January 13, 2004 2. New Era -> New Needs. NeedQuality Tracking ANDPrecision EM CalorimeteryLarge 93% DWNearly hermeticFull-range Particle IDSimulate AlternativesCoordinate withStorage Ring. ExpectHigh LuminosityHigh StatisticsSystematics DominateRare DecaysBackgrounds MatterFakesFeed-downCombinatorics.
1. The CLEO-c Detector Steve Gray
Cornell University
BESIII Workshop
January 13, 2004 Both BES and CLEO have a great tradition in the Physics of Heavy Quarks. Both groups, with the crucial contribution of their accelerator partners, are making big changes to reach new physics previously inaccessible.Both BES and CLEO have a great tradition in the Physics of Heavy Quarks. Both groups, with the crucial contribution of their accelerator partners, are making big changes to reach new physics previously inaccessible.
2. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 2 New Era -> New Needs Need
Quality Tracking
Precision EM Calorimetery
Large 93% DW
Nearly hermetic
Full-range Particle ID
Simulate Alternatives
Coordinate with
Storage Ring New era of high luminosity and high statistics data. Systematics will now become important. Hermeticity improves efficiency, reduces feed-down backgrounds, reduces extrapolations and model dependencies. Particle ID reduces fake and combinatorial backgrounds. Low mass detectors and supports preserve precious resolution.
New Era means new Needs
New era of high luminosity and high statistics data. Systematics will now become important. Hermeticity improves efficiency, reduces feed-down backgrounds, reduces extrapolations and model dependencies. Particle ID reduces fake and combinatorial backgrounds. Low mass detectors and supports preserve precious resolution.
New Era means new Needs
3. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 3
4. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 4
5. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 5
6. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 6 Drift Chamber Coordinated with IR
9796 sense wires
14 mm square cell
16 inner axial layers
31 stereo layers
Outer cathode
Dz=1 cm; Df=2p/8
Thin Inner Tube
0.12% X0
60:40 Helium-Propane
7. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 7
8. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 8 Drift Chamber Performance Avg. residual 85 mm
Best 65 mm
MC agreement
Momentum Resolution
dp/p=0.7% at 5 GeV/c
dp/p=0.3% at 1 GeV/c
MS limited < 1.5 GeV/c
dE/dx resolution
5.7% at min Ionizing
Kp sep. at low p
9. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 9 ZD Inner Drift Chamber Charm -> lower momentum spectrum
Multiple scattering limited dp/p
No vertexing needed
Replace silicon with low-mass Z tracker
Similar mass resolution
More layers - better track recognition
10. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 10 ZD Inner Drift Chamber 6 stereo layers:
r=5.3 cm 10.5 cm
12-15o stereo angle
|cos q| < 0.93
300, 10 mm cells
1% X0, .8mm Al inner tube
60:40 Helium-Propane
20 mm Au-W sense wires
110 mm Au-Al field wires
Outer Al-mylar skin
11. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 11
12. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 12
13. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 13 Tracking with ZD
14. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 14
15. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 15
16. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 16 RICH Detector LiF Radiators
Flat and sawtooth
UV photons (135-160 nm)
N2 expansion volume
MWPC photo-detectors
17. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 17 RICH Detector
18. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 18
19. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 19 Resolution & Performance
20. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 20 RICH Performance Designed for B decay
Excellent for D decay
K p separation
Measured in data
D*?D0p+; D0? K-p+
High efficiency
Low p fake rates
Combine with dE/dx
21. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 21 CsI Calorimeter Projective Barrel
4 photodiode readout
Triple range ADCs
Photon finding
Electron ID
p0 & h reconstruction
22. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 22 CLEO CsI at a Glance ~7800 CsI(Tl) crystals ~5?5?30 cm3 (16X0)
4 photodiode readout w/local preamps
229 crystals have 1 turned off (too noisy)
10 crystals have 2 turned off (6 in endcap)
0 have 3 or 4 turned off.
~7 dead crystals in CLEO III (all in endcaps, 5 near inner or outer radii)
External summation/pulse shaping & TDC
Total noise per crystal is ~0.5 MeV incoherent & ~0.2 MeV coherent
Light output losses calibrate away
23. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 23 CLEO II -> CLEO III My words against the BESII plan for 10 cm of TOF scintillator were probably at least somewhat off base. CLEO II survived with 5cm scintillator. I think this is about 12% Rad leng/5 cm. Adding another 12cm is significantly worse than the first 12 cm because showers spread not only due to showering but also due to the magnetic field effect.
The negative effect will most likely materialize as a low momentum efficiency loss (bigger low-side tails from lost energy) and signal/noise (because the resolution is worse, one has to accept a bigger mass window for pi0's).
I guess the key is to have proven that the physics goals are not compromised with GEANT-MC tests. I would think this would be very important.
Brian My words against the BESII plan for 10 cm of TOF scintillator were probably at least somewhat off base. CLEO II survived with 5cm scintillator. I think this is about 12% Rad leng/5 cm. Adding another 12cm is significantly worse than the first 12 cm because showers spread not only due to showering but also due to the magnetic field effect.
The negative effect will most likely materialize as a low momentum efficiency loss (bigger low-side tails from lost energy) and signal/noise (because the resolution is worse, one has to accept a bigger mass window for pi0's).
I guess the key is to have proven that the physics goals are not compromised with GEANT-MC tests. I would think this would be very important.
24. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 24 CsI for CLEO III & CLEO-c What is actual Endcap material ratio?
What do we know about the effect of material? TOF->RICH and reduced DR endplate?
Why did we change electronics?What is actual Endcap material ratio?
What do we know about the effect of material? TOF->RICH and reduced DR endplate?
Why did we change electronics?
25. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 25 CsI Performance
26. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 26 Lessons from the Calorimeter Endcaps reconfigured for CLEO III
Many crystals had lost signal with age
Glue joint had opened up
Endcap crystals reglued
Unable to fix barrel glue joints
Material matters
Much improved Endcap performance
27. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 27
28. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 28 Trigger Programmable (FPGA), Pipelined
Track and CsI cluster primitives:
Tracks (pt>150 MeV/c)
Low, Med, High shower clusters
Combine to define triggers, e.g.
>2 tracks + low shower
e >99% for hadronic events
For CLEO-c
Reduce med & high thresholds
Add new neutral-only triggers
Implemented Tile Sharing
29. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 29 Data Acquisition Checkthis Greg and/or TimCheckthis Greg and/or Tim
30. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 30 Summary New era of high luminosity makes new demands on the detector.
The CLEO-c Detector is state of the art, understood at a precision level, now taking data in the charm region.
31. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 31 Credits Calorimetry - Brian Heltsley
DAQ - Tim Wilkson
Tracking - Karl Ecklund, Dan Peterson
Trigger - Topher Caulfield
32. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 32
33. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 33
34. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 34
35. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 35 CLEO History CLEO I (1979-89)
CLEO II (1989-95)
CsI calorimeter
CLEO II.V (1995-99)
Silicon Vertex Detector
CLEO III (2000-03)
RICH Particle ID
New IR & tracking: Silicon, Drift Chamber
CLEO-c (2003-??)
Silicon replaced by ZD inner drift chamber
36. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 36
37. BESIII Workshop The CLEO-c Detector January 13, 2004 37 CLEO III Running for CLEO-c