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Mock Trial Judges' Training In Correspondence with the 2007 Overview for Competition Judges. Judging and Scoring Guidelines (page 6)Scoring Rubric (pages 7 ? 8)Procedural Rules of Mock Trial Competition (pages 9-15)How to Preside*Simplified Ohio Rules of Evidence (pages 16-22)*Common Objecti
1. The Ohio Center for Law-Related Education Presents the 24th annualOhio High School Mock Trial 2007 City of Strawberry Hills
Chris Washington
2. Mock Trial Judges’ TrainingIn Correspondence with the 2007 Overview for Competition Judges
Judging and Scoring Guidelines (page 6)
Scoring Rubric (pages 7 – 8)
Procedural Rules of Mock Trial Competition (pages 9-15)
How to Preside
*Simplified Ohio Rules of Evidence (pages 16-22)
*Common Objections and Trial Procedure (pages 23-28)
*Rules Unique to Mock Trial
3. Judging and Scoring Guidelines Each trial will be presented before a judicial panel consisting of three judges, magistrates and/or attorneys
One judge or magistrate will serve as the presiding judge
The presiding judge will control the courtroom and rule on motions and objections
The presiding judge also will complete a ballot evaluation of the trial, to be used in case of a tie
4. Scoring Processpage 6 Each judge will evaluate each team member on a scale of 1-6 and each team on a scale of 2-12
Judges MUST use whole numbers
At all levels of competition, each judge will add these points to determine each team’s total score
The team with the highest number of points will win the ballot
A judge CANNOT have a tie between the two teams
If both scoring judges’ ballots show the same winner, that team will advance
If the scoring judges’ ballots are split, the presiding judge will cast a ballot to determine which team wins
The presiding judge will mark the tie-breaking ballot before joining the scoring judges in deliberations
5. Advancement in CompetitionChanges in 06-07 All teams winning both of their trials, determined by receiving two ballots per trial, will advance in competition from districts to regionals. Similarly,all teams winning both of their trials, determined by receiving two ballots per trial, will advance in competition from regionals to the state competition
6. RubricAll participants will be judged on a 1-6 rubric scale with 6 being the highest(page 7)
7. Scoring Benchmarkspage 7 Attorney Performance Indicators:
1. Advocacy Skills: creative, organized, and convincing presentation
2. Understanding of legal issues: ability to apply law and facts to
3. Oratorical skills: Poised, able to think on feet, extemporaneous
4. Demeanor/Professionalism
5. Mastery of trial technique: effective use of objections, appropriate form of questioning, ability to recognize and rehabilitate own weaknesses, mitigate opponents good points
8. Scoring Benchmarkspage 7 Witness Performance Indicators:
1. Knowledge of case facts and theory of team’s case
2. Observant of courtroom decorum
3. Believability of characterization and convincing testimony
4. Effective on cross examination
5. Articulate and responsive
9. Scoring Benchmarkspage 8 Team Effort Indicators
1. Was there a credible theme?
2. Appropriate witnesses selected to prove the argument?
3. Organized witness examination?
4. Did the witness examination develop the argument?
5. Was case carefully crafted and skillfully delivered?
10. Penaltiespage 8 A team will be penalized 1 point for each of the following:
1. Egregious invention of fact on direct and indirect
2. Consistently abusing time limits
3. Communication during trial between team members
and their teacher, legal advisor, or any observer
4. Timekeeper error
4. Failure to use witnesses as prescribed
5. Failure to use attorneys as prescribed
6. Incivility
If the panel finds a material violation of a rule, it may impose one or both of the following sanctions: an admonition in open court to the individual and the team involved, and/or a deduction of ten points from the team’s total score.
11. How to Preside Control of the Courtroom
1. The presiding judge controls the courtroom and will
rule on motions and objections
2. The presiding judge will conduct the pretrial hearing
3. Only the presiding judge is to speak during the trial
4. The presiding judge will score each team and
complete a ballot
5. Please review:
*Simplified Ohio Rules of Evidence (pages 16-22)
*Common Objections and Trial Procedure (pages 23-28)
*Rules Unique to Mock Trial
12. Outstanding Witness and Attorney Awards The presiding judge will announce who receives the Outstanding Witness and Attorney award for the trial
This award is determined by adding together both scoring judges’ scores
The presiding judge’s score plays a role in determining the outstanding witness and attorney awards only IF there is tie between the scoring judges
A template has been provided on the back of the judges’ score sheet to assist in determining the winner of the awards
13. Important Reminders
In the City of Strawberry Hills v. Chris Washington, the Defense has the burden of proof and the Defense will present their case first during the Mock Trial competition. Additionally, the Defense will have the option of a 2 min. rebuttal after the closing arguments because they presented their information first.
Please pay special attention to the score sheet as you fill it out during the trial as the blank spaces are now formatted differently from past competitions
For these and additional updates, please go to www.oclre.org and click on “download center” to be sent to the link for the errata sheet which is updated regularly.
14. Tips for a Successful Competition 1. Please take time to review the case information as well as the rules and regulations before the district competition
2. Remember, these students have spent many hours
preparing for this day and you are expected to come
prepared as well
3. Please keep in mind, even though these students are competing in a trial setting, they are still high school students
4. Let’s all work together to make sure all the students know we RESPECT the work they have done and have a terrific experience learning about our judicial and legal system!
15. Thank You! Thank you for all of your time and efforts – we could not run the
Ohio High School Mock Trial Program without you!
Please contact Addie Natalie, Ohio high
school Mock Trial program coordinator with the Ohio Center for Law-Related Education at
614-485-3507 or anatalie@oclre.org with any questions or concerns