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IB History Internal Assessment Guidelines

The History IA involves researching and analyzing a historical concept, event, or situation, emphasizing argumentation, historiography, and analysis of data. A historical topic is chosen, investigated, and structured into five sections: Plan of Investigation, Summary of Evidence, Evaluation of Sources, Analysis, and Conclusion. The investigation must adhere to a strict word limit (1500-2000 words) and focus on critical analysis. Careful organization, proper citation, and original research are imperative for a successful IA. Consider historical significance, availability of resources, and avoid broad topics. The IA constitutes 25% of the final IB grade, offering an opportunity to showcase historical understanding and analytical skills.

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IB History Internal Assessment Guidelines

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  1. IB History Internal Assessment If a full effort is made and instructions are followed closely in this investigation then you can count on a 6 or 7! History IA

  2. What is the IA? A written investigation of a historical concept(s), event(s), or situation(s) which has been narrowed and made as specific as possible. Skills which need to be understood and conveyed in your investigation: • How to make strong arguments. • The tools of historiography. • The difference between narrative data and analysis of data. • Should provide the reader with an understanding of your appreciation for the limits of historical “knowledge.” History IA

  3. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT • Topic choice must be historical (duh!). • It CANNOT be related to your extended essay. It CAN be a modification of other historical research you have done • It cannot deal with an event in the last TEN YEARS • I STRONGLY suggest that it be related to a History of the Europe of the XX century topic on which you likely will be tested in May – see course outline • I want a topic idea submitted to me by September 28

  4. The IA carries significant weight! Relative Value of the IA to your Final IB Grade a. Standard Level (SL) Students: 25% That is one quarter of your overall IB grade! This is good news! History IA

  5. Suggestions: • Choose a topic which lends itself to analysis – a topic which is arguable or controversial is recommended. • Make sure there are plenty of resources available to you before you settle on a topic. • Avoid dependence on the internet sites (this does not include internet databases like Questia!) • Understand the difference between narrating or describing (Section B) events and analyzing them (Section D) History IA

  6. Examples of bad IA topics and questions vs. good ones How have women’s roles changed under Castro? Problem: too descriptive, doesn’t lend itself to discussing interpretation, what is the time frame? FIX: To what extent were Castro’s efforts to achieve gender equality between 1959 and 1990 driven by ideological interests, versus political and economic ones? New warfare technologies used in WWI Problem: too broad, how is “use” to be understood?; this is not a research question FIX: Did the military commands involved in WWI comprehend how new war technologies (planes, tanks, etc.) were going to effect how battles were fought, and did they adjust their strategies accordingly? The US Civil War Problem: way too broad, no focus, would lead to pure description FIX: What conditions and factors explain the victory of the Union forces over those of the Confederacy in the American Civil War?

  7. Write your thesis in the form of a question. • Make sure your thesis is focused - not too general. • Be sure to cite your sources frequently. • Ensure the conclusion is based upon the evidence and analysis presented. • Keep within the world limit. (NO MORE THAN 2,000 WORDS!) MANY STUDENTS END UP COMPLAINING THAT THEY ARE INHIBITED BY THE 2,000 WORD LIMIT. TRY TO NARROW YOUR TOPIC! History IA

  8. How should this investigation be organized? 5 SECTIONS: A: Plan of the Investigation (3 Marks) B: Summary of Evidence (6 Marks) Narrative Information ONLY - frequently cited C: Evaluation of Sources (5 Marks) Analysis of any two sources used for B D: Analysis(6 Marks) Analysis of the information in section B E: Conclusion (2 Marks) A clear answer to your question List of Sources and word Limit (3 Marks)* TOTAL 25 Marks * Full marks in this section will ONLY be awarded if the word count is completely within the prescribed limits AND if the sources used are cited and listed correctly. If the citation of sources or word limit expectation is abused, additional marks can be deducted from other areas of your paper. (1500-2000 Words) History IA

  9. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT format The components of the Internal Assessment and marks for each section are as follows: PLAN OF INVESTIGATION(3 marks) – states research question, method and procedure of investigation (what is being examined (and perhaps what is not), how research was done, sources evaluated. Must have a suitable time frame. SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE(6 marks) – factual material only—no interpretation/analysis. Can be bulleted, or written, and must be properly cited. Is organized and relevant to the question. SOURCE EVALUATION(5 marks) – OPVL applied to TWO sources of your choosing.

  10. MARK SCHEME FOR EVIDENCE SECTION 0 … There is no relevant factual material. 1–2 … There is some relevant factual material but it has not been referenced. 3–4 … There is relevant factual material that shows evidence of research, organization and referencing. 5–6 … The factual material is all relevant to the investigation and it has been well researched, organized and correctly referenced.

  11. MARK SCHEME FOR POVL SECTION 0 … There is no description or evaluation of the sources. 1 … The sources are described but there is no reference to their origin, purpose, value and limitation. 2–3 … There is some evaluation of the sources but reference to their origin, purpose, value and limitation may be limited. 4–5 … There is evaluation of the sources and explicit reference to their origin, purpose, value and limitation.

  12. Continued … 4. ANALYSIS(6 marks) – assesses evidence, importance of the investigation, various interpretations; shows awareness of source biases 5. CONCLUSION(2 marks) – must be consistent with evidence and interpretation presented 6. LIST OF SOURCES(and within word limit)(3 marks) – suggest you have a minimum of 6-8, no encyclopedias, include journal/book entries, be selective with websites (try .edu). Follow format (either MLA or APA)

  13. MARK SCHEME FOR ANALYSIS SECTION 0 … There is no analysis. 1–2 … There is some attempt at analyzing the evidence presented in section B. 3–4 … There is analysis of the evidence presented in section B and references are included.  There may be some awareness of the significance to the investigation of the sources evaluated in section C. Where appropriate, different interpretations are considered. 5–6 … There is critical analysis of the evidence presented in section B, accurate referencing, and an awareness of the significance to the investigation of the sources evaluated in section C. Where appropriate, different interpretations are analyzed

  14. MARK SCHEME FOR CONCLUSION SECTION 0 … There is no conclusion  1 … The conclusion is not entirely consistent with the evidence presented.  2 … The conclusion is clearly stated and consistent with the evidence presented.

  15. MARK SCHEME FOR LIST OF WORKS CITED SECTION 0 … A list of sources is not included or the investigation is not within the word limit.1 … A list of sources is included but these are limited or one standard method is not used consistently or the word count is not clearly and accurately stated on the title page.2 … A list of sources using one standard method is included and the investigation is within the word limit.3 … An appropriate list of sources, using one standard method, is included. The investigation is within the word limit.

  16. other considerations WORD COUNT – 1500-2000, does not include Works Cited, appendices or similar documentation PAST WEAKNESSES OF EASTSIDE STUDENTS  • Insufficient numbers of resources; use of inappropriate resources (esp. websites) • Inadequate citation in the document • Inadequate/incomplete reference style • Excessive narrative as opposed to analysis EXAMPLE OF AN INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 

  17. Planning your historical investigation • 1. Start by identifying a general area of interest. • 2. Narrow it down to a specific question or area of investigation. • 3. Choose a working title that may be changed or refined at a later stage. • 4. Make sure sufficient resources can be obtained for the planned investigation. • 5. Complete section A, the plan, and evaluate the suitability of the research area. • 6. Read widely around the area of study and note down resources used.

  18. 7. Review the research question and refine it if necessary. • 8. Take notes from resources, gathering evidence and diverse opinions. • 9. Ensure accurate use of referencing. • 10. Sort evidence thematically or chronologically. • 11. Choose two suitable sources to evaluate in section C. • 12. Review your analysis. Check for differing viewpoints where appropriate. • 13. Write the investigation, according to IB guidelines.

  19. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT There are three keys to creating an Internal Assessment that will earn you the highest score. They are: 1. Follow the exact format and include all required sections 2. Do NOT procrastinate; get your research done well before the draft is due, and make sure your research is well done (proper citation, good sources, etc.) • Turn in as complete a rough draft as possible, allowing me to comment on it. Rough drafts will be due November 30 *** in IB office.

  20. What will happen if I don’t do an Internal Assessment These guys will show up at your house—and it won’t be pretty

  21. Or possibly this will happen …

  22. Treatment of Sources • Internet sources should be used sparingly! (Databases are the exception.) Start with Wikipedia, but do not finish there! • Use primary AND/OR secondary sources. (It depends on the nature of your investigation) • If you use pictures, graphs, or documents, please label these (with a number or letter) place them in the APPENDIX section, and be certain to use them in your paper at some point. In other words if you include them, make them relevant to the thesis. Refer to them by the number or letter you have assigned it. INCLUDE AN APPENDIX ONLY IF ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO ARGUE YOUR THESIS. • It is better to OVER-REFERENCE than to under-reference. History IA

  23. Cite you sources frequently using the MLA, footnote or endnote format. Better to cite too often than not enough. • Make sure each source used is listed in the Bibliography section. • Each direct QUOTE must be cited in THAT sentence. • IDEAS gained from others need to be cited as well. History IA

  24. History IA Title 1. Titles should start out with the general topic: “An investigation….” • Titles should end with a more specific question Example: An investigation into German social history:How successfully did Hitler promote the ideal of the family in the Third Reich? History IA

  25. Choosing an appropriate title Which title is probably easier to investigate and discuss effectively with the 2000 word limit? Why? TITLE A: An investigation into African warfare: Why did the British Army struggle Southern Africa during the 1870s? TITLE B: An investigation into African colonial warfare: To what extent was the defeat of the British by the Zulu at Isandlwnain 1879 due to the mistakes made by Lord Chelmsford? Make sure the title is focused and narrow enough to ensure your discussion is not superficial. History IA

  26. Sample Titles: An investigation of an event represented in newspaper reports: How did newspaper reports on the death of Kennedy vary, and how reliable were they? • An investigation comparing a film and a written account of a historical event: How and why did the accounts of the storming of the Winter Palace in October 1917 differ in the film, October, and in the book, A People’s Tragedy, The Russian Revolution 1891-1924? History IA

  27. Sample Titles • An Investigation of the Industrial Policies of modern communist states: To what extent were the first Five Year Plans of Stalin and Mao successfully implemented? • An Investigation into the Cold War: How can our understanding of the origins of the Cold War be aided by a study of different schools of thought on it’s origins? • An investigation of the Politics of the Russian Revolution: Why did Trotsky leave the Menshevik party and become a Bolshevik, and how important was his role in the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917? History IA

  28. SAMPLE TITLE PAGE: An Investigation into Soviet Domestic Policies: To what extent was Stalin’s First Five Year Plan Successful? (PHOTO/ILLUSTRATION) John Smith Candidate Number: 734-0134 History Internal Assessment (SL) January 24th, 2004 Word Count:: 1956 History IA

  29. Section A: The Plan of Investigation(100-150 words) • Be concise • Clearly show how you are going to tackle or address the investigation. In other words, what methods you will use to argue your thesis effectively. • Please don’t just say you are going to “summarize the evidence, evaluate sources and analyze to support my conclusion.” . • Be objective - don’t exaggerate! For instance, don’t say “it will be proven that….” History IA

  30. PART A Essentially there are three steps you must cover in Section A: • Brief background/contextual information is provided about the importance of topic or situation. • The specific thesis question and topic of investigation are clearly presented. (This can be presented at the top of the section!) • The methods/strategies and/or scope of investigation are clearly explained to the audience. All of this in ONE paragraph! History IA

  31. SECTION B: Summary of Evidence (500-600 words) Exactly as it sounds – a summary of evidence Two format options: 1) list and cite evidence! I Strongly suggest you divide into sub topics (like you would do for TEFAC!) – See example 2) Or…you can write a narrative – See example History IA

  32. Part B SHOW THE ORIGINS OF EACH STATEMENT: Laver argued that Stalin was manipulative….., The Five-year plan was well organized (Laver, 45) This is super important especially if your summary includes another historian’s argument/analysis from a secondary source. It might be confused with being your analysis. You do not want that to happen! History IA

  33. Example of Narrative and Descriptive Statements List for Section B • Coal production increased by 33% under the First-five year plan. (Susemichel, 46) • Stalin held a position in each of the 4 major branches of the communist party. (Gambiani, 60) • As a young man before the revolution, Stalin would listen the opinions of others before making his own decision. (Correll, 171 • Under the first five-year plan, each factory had its own specific quotas to set. (Jones, 57) • The loss of 800,000 Soviet troops was a significant loss at Stalingrad (Prescott, 233) • Trostky was called an “effective organizer” by Historian John Laver (49). • Trotsky did not try to vote Stalin out of the Politburo in 1923. Furthermore, Trotsky had few allies in the Politburo. (Baldwin, 142) History IA

  34. SAMPLE OF IN-TEXT CITATIONS (REFERENCES) • In 1999, historian Robert Smith argued that “Stalin was both cunning and opportunistic in his quest for power” (177). • As one historian suggests “Stalin was both cunning and opportunistic in his quest for power” (Smith, 177). • Historian Robert Smith claims that:“Stalin was both cunning and opportunistic in his quest for power. He saw the faults in Trot sky’s personality and exploited them for his own political advantage ” (177). If Smith is correct, then it could be argued that…. History IA

  35. IN-text Citations • In his book The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire, historian Smith comments that Stalin “was cunning….and opportunistic”(177) • Stalin was able to take advantages of situations for his own gain (Smith, 177). History IA

  36. Section C: Evaluation of Sources (250-400 words) • Analysis of two sources • Choose your most appropriate/most controversial/valuable and/or most diametrically opposed sources for this section • Be sure to include the title, author, publisher, where it was published and when it was published for each source, followed by a brief paragraph analysis for each • Analyze thoroughly using at least four of the seven tools of historiography (origins, purpose, value, and limitations) in your assessment. • Sound familiar? It is question #3 of a Paper 1 Exam! • SEE SAMPLES FOR GUIDANCE History IA

  37. Section D: Analysis(500-650 words) • The analysis should include: • the importance of the investigation in its historical context • analysis of the evidence • if appropriate, different interpretations. • In this section the elements of the investigation identified in section B will be broken down into key issues/points. Consideration of historical context can add weight and perspective to the study. • Where appropriate (depending on the scope of the investigation) links can be made with associated events and developments to aid understanding of the historical importance of the chosen investigation. History IA

  38. Examples of analytical or inferential statements • It is obvious that the first five-year plan was a big success. • The positions he held enabled Stalin to successfully maneuver his loyal following into places of power. Ultimately, such actions had a profound effect on his rise to power • Stalin was manipulated, yet successful politician. He waited to hear what others had to say before figuring out a way to use the situation to benefit his own interests • The Five- year plan was well organized and helped to increase the prestige of the USSR abroad. • The Red Army suffered a grave loss at Stalingrad that had a significant effect on Stalin’s attitude to the war. • As Laver argued, Trotsky’s organizational skills helped him to lead the Red Army successfully. • Both of these situations were crucially important to Trotsky’s defeat and the success of Stalin. History IA

  39. Part E – Conclusion (150-200 words) • The conclusion must be clearly stated and consistent with the evidence presented. • This section is a follow-up to section D. It requires an answer or conclusion, based on the evidence presented, which either partially or fully addresses the question stated or implied in the investigation. History IA

  40. SAMPLE BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE Bibliography Cassutto, George. “Social Studies Resources.” 8 June 2003. Online. Available http://www.ssr.com/hhssn/html3/article5.htm. December 6, 2003. “Conditions in the USSR in the 1930’s.”Journal of History. 6 Nov. 1999. Online. Available http://www.journalhistory.com/gn/html February 24 2004. Freedman, Charles. Stalin and he Great Purges: The Beginning of the End. London. Houghton Mifflin, 2001. Rostov, Vladimir. The Myth of Joseph Stalin. London. Prentice Hall, 1977. Smith, Robert. The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire: A Study of Transition. New York. MacMillan., 1999. History IA

  41. EXAMPLE APPENDIX PAGE: Appendix Photograph A: Photo of new tractors being driven from a factory in 1935 (Traynor, 188) Document B: Propoganda poster promoting Stalin as “one of the workers” (Jones, 285) History IA

  42. Good and Bad Examples • http://www.internationalschooltoulouse.net/ibhistory/coursework/internal_assessment/index.htm History IA

  43. Assessed Samples and Comments • http://www.internationalschoolhistory.net/IB/internal_assessment/examples.htm • Superb Examples - Scroll down and click on: G Exemplars Graded as a Level 7  • http://www.activehistory.co.uk/ib-history/ib-history-internal-assessment.php History IA

  44. MLA Referencing Guide • https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ History IA

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