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Discussion with Drs. Kwon and Cho UCLA-NFRC Collaboration

Discussion with Drs. Kwon and Cho UCLA-NFRC Collaboration. Mohamed Abdou March 27, 2006. US Selected TBM Concepts. The Dual-Coolant Pb-17Li Liquid Breeder Blanket concept with self-cooled Pb-Li breeding zone and flow channel inserts (FCIs) as MHD and thermal insulator

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Discussion with Drs. Kwon and Cho UCLA-NFRC Collaboration

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  1. Discussion with Drs. Kwon and ChoUCLA-NFRC Collaboration Mohamed Abdou March 27, 2006

  2. US Selected TBM Concepts • The Dual-Coolant Pb-17Li Liquid Breeder Blanket concept with self-cooled Pb-Li breeding zone and flow channel inserts (FCIs) as MHD and thermal insulator • Innovative concept that provides “pathway” to higher outlettemperature/higher thermal efficiency while using ferritic steel. • US lead role in collaboration with other parties (most parties are interested in Pb-Li as a liquid breeder, especially EU and China). • Plan an independent TBM that will occupy half an ITER test port with corresponding ancillary equipment. • The Helium-Cooled Solid Breeder Blanket concept with ferritic steel structure and beryllium neutron multiplier, but without an independent TBM • Support EU and Japan efforts using their TBM structure & ancillary equipment • Contribute submodule test articles that focus on particular technical issues Cutaway of US DCLL TBM Module HCCB Submodule Conceptual Design as of Jan. 2006

  3. Assumptions and Constraints Affecting Strategy, Technical Planning, and Cost Estimations The scope of this current planning effort and cost estimation is based on the following assumptions and constraints: • The DCLL reference scenario assumes the testing of a series of TBMs each of which will occupy an ITER vertical half-port, have dedicated ancillary equipment, and have a PbLi exit temperature limit of 470ºC • The HCCB reference scenario assumes a series of sub-modules each of which will occupy 1/3 an ITER horizontal half-port and utilize shared ancillary equipment in-cooperation with the EU or Japan. • US TBM structures will be fabricated from reduced activation ferritic steel with an assumed temperature limit of 550ºC. • Detailed planning and cost is for a 10 year period between now and the shipment of the TBM deliverables in 2015 for DAY ONE ITER H-H operation. • The cost is the total cost for the TBM project including R&D, design, engineering, fabrication, qualification, etc., as well as the cost to interface with ITER and other parties during this period. • The R&D cost includes all costs related to the Reference Scenarios that occur within the next 10 year period whether they are related to the first (Day ONE) Test Articles or subsequent test articles. • Cost of the deliverables includes the cost of the First Test Article and associated equipment (See Project Deliverables).

  4. Principal Mission of the TBM Program The principal mission of the US ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) Program is to develop, deploy and operate ITER TBM experiments that provide unique experimental data on, and operational experience with, the integrated function of US blanket and first wall components and materials in a true fusion plasma-magneto-nuclear environment. This data is essential for the: • validation of the scientific understanding and predictive capabilities needed to interpret and extrapolate results to subsequent burning plasma experiments, component test facilities, and ultimately energy producing systems; • demonstration of the principles of tritium self-sufficiency in practical systems needed to establish the feasibility of the DT fuel cycle; • development of the technology necessary to install breeding capabilities to supply ITER with the tritium necessary for operation in its extended phase of operation and help resolve the critical “tritium supply” issue for fusion development (US involvement in the development of this technology with ITER partners will be essential to understand and influence these partner programs). • first integrated experimental results on the reliability, safety, environmental impact, and efficiency of fusion energy extraction systems.

  5. US Test Blanket Project Organized by Subsystem and Deliverables

  6. DCLL WBS – organized by major systems

  7. Degree of collaborations can lead to different cost scenarios Example areas where US feels collaboration is essential among all parties – • RAFM steel fabrication technology • Design rules and acceptance criteria • NDE evaluation techniques and procedures • Application of Be armor to RAFM steel FW • Diagnostics/control systems • PbLi compatibility (RAFM, SiC, Refractory) • PbLi/water reaction database • He system engineering (blowers, seals, valves, purification, tritium cleanup) • PbLi systems engineering (seals, pumps, valves, cold traps, diagnostics)

  8. Cost Range Scenarios High Cost Range Scenario • The high cost range scenario is for an Independent US DCLL TBM and an Independent HCCB TBM; with accounting for known international collaborations. The high cost scenario is similar in scope to the current EU and Japan TBM programs and gives an indication of total project cost to pursue two blanket options with minimum risk in the sense that the US is responsible for all hardware for half-port sized TBMs for both of its selected blanket options. Baseline Cost Range Scenario • The baseline scenario is defined as an Independent US DCLL TBM accounting for known international collaboration, and a supporting international partnership on the HCCB TBM. This baseline cost scenario most closely matches the DOE guidance presented in Chapter 3.3. Lower Cost Range Scenario • The lower cost range scenario is defined as a Leading international partnership on DCLL TBM and a supporting international partnership on the HCCB TBM. The low cost range scenario represents the minimum level of investment where the US will still acquire the knowledge, and develop the capabilities and skills, in the many areas necessary for fusion blanket development and fabrication in the US of components for a future CTF and fusion DEMO. There is however more risk associated with this scenario due to the level of international collaboration.

  9. US ITER TBM cost range breakdown by WBS major elements in thousands of dollars including escalation and contingency on each element

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