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Scientific Method

Learn the essential steps in the scientific method, from posing questions and forming hypotheses to conducting experiments, collecting data, drawing conclusions, and retesting. Understand the importance of observations, hypothesis testing, experimental design, data organization, and result interpretation. Discover the key rules and principles behind scientific experiments. This guide will help you develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities in the realm of science.

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Scientific Method

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Scientific Method

  2. Steps in the Scientific Method REVIEW! • Question • Hypothesis • Design Experiment • Do Experiment • Data Collection • Conclusion • Retest!

  3. Observations- Review • Gathered through your senses • A scientist notices something in their natural world

  4. Hypothesis • A suggested solution to the problem. • Must be testable • Sometimes written as If…Then… statements • Predicts an outcome • I think that…..

  5. Experiment • A procedure to test the hypothesis.

  6. Experiment Variable – factor in the experiment that is being tested

  7. Experiment A good or “valid” experiment will only have ONE variable that changes!

  8. Scientific Experiments Follow Rules • An experimenter changes one factor andobserves or measureswhat happens.

  9. Data • Results of the experiment

  10. Data • Must be organized • Can be organized into charts, tables, or graphs

  11. Conclusion • The data obtained from the experiment to support or disprove a hypothesis

  12. How can we solve a problem in science? 1) Identify a Problem/Question 2) Make/State Observations about the problem 3) Form a Hypothesis about the problem 4) Design an Experiment to test the hypothesis 5) Collect Data (results) 6) Form a Conclusion 7) Retest..Repeat the experiment again to see if you get the same results

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