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Balancing Trade-offs in Tropical Perennial Systems

Explore the intricacies of cocoa and coffee cultivation in the face of climate change, integrating science content and community engagement. Study adaptation and mitigation strategies, with a focus on gender, governance, and sustainability.

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Balancing Trade-offs in Tropical Perennial Systems

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  1. Coffee, Cocoa, Climate Change Community = C5or Trade-offs in adaptation and mitigation in perennial tropical systems

  2. Background • Mayor source of GDP in developing countries • Dominantly cultivated by smallholders • Mayor income source for millions of farmers • Grown in mixed systems with food/tree crops • Links farmers to global markets, strongly organized value chain • Linked to key environmental services • Carbon, biodiversity, water, nutrient cycling • Long lead time for adaptation and • Highly sensitive systems • Adaptation potential through shade management

  3. Why C5 • Cocoa key system in humid lowlands and coffee in humid highlands • Fills important agro-ecosystem gap in CCAFS • Dominant annual crops and livestock • Analyze mitigation/adaptation trade-offs at different scales • Opportunity to build on existing expertise and data sets • Private sector and supply chain relevance • Major driver for change • Highly relevant for policy makers/authorities • Applicable to other tropical systems • Frame work, methodologies and tools

  4. Science content integration • Agriculture and Resource management • Important eco-nomic/logical part of system • Understanding interactions between agricultural systems, climate change and livelihoods • Importance of climate change in contrast to other global drivers • Opportunity to work on analogue sites (travel in space and time)

  5. Science content integration • Climate change uncertainty • Buffering effect of shade trees in a range of systems and conditions • Work on climate variability and progressive change • Crop response modeling include uncertainty (GCM, Emission Scenarios)

  6. Science content integration • Spatial and temporal • Different systems in space • At different scales • At different time scales • Important trade-off between scales

  7. Science content integration • Gender and social differentiation • Resource control (input/ output) • Importance of post-harvest processing and value chain • Integration of food crops and participation of men and women

  8. Science content integration • Institutions and governance • Certification provides opportunities • Governance and policies • Cocoa/coffee authorities versus environmental authorities • GHG mitigation trade-offs at different scales • Rewards for ecosystem services down and up stream

  9. Roles of Institutions / Collaborators • IRD/CIRAD: Biochemical cycles, soil and crops, water cycle, soil ecology, carbon sequestration, climate variability and risk • ICRAF: Agroforestry versions of project, interest in cocoa/coffee systems, Environmental Services, Value chains, carbon • DIVERSITAS: Network of agroforestry sites (in all the three continents), strong soil-ecology, landscape scale impacts • IITA: Coffee and cocoa, diagnostic surveys, pest and disease, farmers systems perspective, STCP trade off at different scales, data bases for Africa • INI: Science in nitrogen, polices, study nitrogen cycles in Africa • CORAF: Coordinate research, collaborate with CCAFS in Africa, link CG to NARS, climate change platform • CIAT: Spatial analysis (quality, yield, pest and disease), G*E, ES, global data bases, site-specific agriculture, • More……

  10. Emails • Meine: M.vannoordwijk@cgiar.org • Johannes (ICRAF): j.dietz@cgiar.org • MateeteBekunda: mateeteb@yahoo.com • Jean-Luc.chotte@ird.fr • AbdulaiJalloh: abdulai.jalloh@coraf.org • "Piet van Asten (IITA): p.vanasten@cgiar.org • Peter Laderach (CIAT): p.laderach@cgiar.org

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