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The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan. I NKOMATI C ATCHMENT M ANAGEMENT A GENCY. The 2011/12 to 2013/14 Strategic Plan for the Inkomati Catchment Management Agency Presentation to Portfolio Committee 08 June 2010 Chairperson: Patience Nyakane-Maluka
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY The 2011/12 to 2013/14 Strategic Plan for the Inkomati Catchment Management Agency Presentation to Portfolio Committee 08 June 2010 Chairperson: Patience Nyakane-Maluka Acting CEO: Brian Jackson
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Contents • Key Aspects of the Inkomati Water Management Area • New Delegations • CMS and its Strategic Action Programmes • Government and DWA Strategic Priorities linking to CMS • Main Outputs in Strategic Plan • Staff Requirements • Revised Budget • Major Projects • Challenges
The Inkomati Catchment Management Strategy INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY The Inkomati Water Management Area
The Inkomati Catchment Management Strategy INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY
The Inkomati Catchment Management Strategy INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY
The Inkomati Catchment Management Strategy INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Key Aspects of the Inkomati WMA • Water Availability is highly variable and unpredictable, both in space and time • The Catchment is generally ‘Stressed’, or over allocated • Important ecologically (Kruger National Park, Sabie Sand Game Reserve) • Has International Obligations (Mozambique and Swaziland) • Strategic importance (water for power generation) • Numerous Large Land Claims • Diverse Water Users • Priority for Implementation of numerous sections in the NWA
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Delegations Initial Functions and Delegations Section 80 of the NWA: (a) to investigate and advise interested persons on the protection, use, development, conservation, management and control of the water resources in its water management area; (b) to develop a catchment management strategy; (c) to co‑ordinate the related activities of water users and of the water management institutions within its water management area; (d) to promote the co‑ordination of its implementation with the implementation of any applicable development plan established in terms of the Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 of 1997); and (e) to promote community participation in the protection, use, development, conservation, management and control of the water resources in its water management area. Other Sections of the NWA: • Section 19: Prevention and Remedying the Effects of Pollution • Section 20: Control of Emergency Incidents regarding Pollution • Section 25: Authorisation by WMI to temporarily use water for irrigation for a different purpose or on another property in same vicinity for same or similar purpose • Section 124: Appointment of an authorised person by WMI to perform functions in terms of section 125(1) to (3)
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY New Delegations Further Delegations from the minister were received on 17 December 2010. The delegations include schedule 3, sections 34(2) & 35(1), of the National Water Act as well as other sections pertaining to the establishment of Water User Associations These new delegations – along with our initial functions have resulted in a much revised and expanded Strategic Plan for the ICMA for this Strategic Period. The key focus of the ICMA for the next 3 year strategic period will thus be to commence the implementation of our newly delegated functions whilst insuring that we continue to perform our initial functions. A key initiative to ensure effective implementation of our delegations will be the employment of new staff and the transfer of existing staff from the Regional office of DWA. The Strategic Plan summarises the staff requirements, the functions they will be linked to and the budget implications of these new staff as well as an organogramme indicating the staffing requirements. The DWA posts will be transferred along with a budget and this budget from the Regional Office for the staff is also indicated in this revised Strategic Plan The tables in chapter 9.3 of the attached Strategic Plan form the core of this Strategic Plan and indicate the outputs of the ICMA for the review period. The delegated functions in the Act they fulfil as well as the staff that the ICMA intends to utilise to implement the outputs have been indicated in the table for each output. The tables also indicate the DWA Strategic Priorities, the Big 5 ICMA Strategic Objectives and the Strategic Action Programmes from our CMS that the outputs deal with. These will all be summarised in this presentation.
The Inkomati Catchment Management Strategy A First Generations Catchment Management Strategy for the Inkomati Water Management Area INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Catchment Management Strategy The Inkomati Catchment Strategy was drafted in 2010 and has been presented to DWA. The process of developing the CMS was founded on an adaptive approach to decision making. 6 Strategic Action Programmes were developed in the CMS with the stakeholders to adaptively meet local stakeholder needs, whilst simultaneously supporting/implementing key DWA national priorities. The Strategic Action Programmes were then linked to the 6 Sub Strategies in the CMS as shown in the table over the page, taken directly from the CMS itself. These 6 Strategic Action Programmes were subsequently incorporated into the 2011-12 Strategic Plan. 3rd Floor Caltex Building, 32 Bell Street P/Bag X11214, Nelspruit, 1200; Tel: 013-753 9000; Fax: 013-753 2786 3rd Floor Caltex Building, 32 Bell Street P/Bag X11214, Nelspruit, 1200; Tel: 013-753 9000; Fax: 013-753 2786
The Inkomati Catchment Management Strategy INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Sub Strategies Strategic Action Programmes Chapters of the CMS Strategic Action Programmes from Stakeholders DWA Manco Presentation
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Links to Government Outcomes and DWA Priorities
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Structured Objectives and Strategic Actions showing the links to the Sub Strategies of the CMS The table below is the first page of the ICMA Strategic Plan tables and and serves as an example of how the CMS Strategic Action Programmes and ICMA objectives link to government outcomes and DWA priorities. The main outputs, projects and budget in the Stragegic plan are summarised in the pages following:
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Major Outputs
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Blue Text = DWA Regional office Staff to be transferred Red Text = ICMA posts prioritised for appointment in 2011-12
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Budget Revenue (ICMA): R 34,988,818 Revenue (DWA RO) R 4,458,926 Sub Total Revenue: R 39,447,745 Estimated ICMA funds from 2010-11: R 6 659 788 Expenditure: R 46,107,533 Budget Split per Division Note: 2012-13 and 2013-14 Budget based on CPIX figures of 6.1% and 5.5%
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Budget Budget Split per Function Note: 2012-13 and 2013-14 Budget based on CPIX figures of 6.1% and 5.5%
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Budget comparison to 20010-11 A Budget vs Expenditure review was conducted in 2010-11 to reduce our budget in 2011-12. Some of the main budget reductions over 2010-11 are:
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Major Projects under General Expenses
The 2011-12 3 Year Inkomati Strategic Plan INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY Challenges • Appointment of CEO: • The ICMA urgently needs to appoint a new CEO. This process is being hampered by delays in the approval of our new governing board and the letter from DWA requesting the current board not to appoint. • Approval to gazette CMS for public comment: • The draft CMS has been finalised and presented to DWA for approval by the minister to gazette for public comment. DWA agreed to recommend the CMS to the minister for approval following a meeting held on the 25th of March 2011. This approval is still awaited • Funding: • It is important that the agreed budget with DWA is timeously transferred to the ICMA to enable us to commence our Business Plan. This has not happened in the past. • Tariffs: • DWA still determines tariffs with little involvelment from the Inkomati CMA. This must change. A meeting with DWA has been held and a way forward has been drafted • Staff Transfer: • The transfer of staff from the RO for functions delegated to us is not receiving the priority attention from the Regional Office that it needs to.