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Mission of ICDS -Assam • Improve nutrition status of children, adolescent girls and pregnant and lactating mothers in state by providing SNP, Health services and counselling support to children 0-6 years, Pregnant women and Lactating mothers and adolescent girls and preschool education to children 3-6 years of age • Special focus given to 1000 days of window of opportunity by concentrating on pregnant and lactating mothers and children 0-2 years
Overall strategic plan of the state • Universalization of ICDS in state with quality • Focus on continuum of care while concentrating efforts for using first 1000 days of life- ‘window of opportunity’. • Using VHND as platform to providing convergent services including key department viz DSW (ICDS), NRHM, PHED and PRI • Women participation in implementation of ICDS by creating MSG (MatriSahayak Got) in all AWC • Providing SNP for 300 days to all beneficiaries groups at AWCs with • Promoting use of locally available resources using local recipes for Hot cooked meal and morning snacks • Provision of fortified ready to eat food as THR to children 6-36 months • THR to Pregnant and lactating mothers and promotion of correct cooking and diet diversity component with help of MSG and AWWs.
Operationalization of Project and AWCs Sanctioned Projects 231 Operationalized projects 230 (one project has been merged) All sanctioned projects are operationalised in state: Sanctioned AWCs 62153 Operationalized AWCs 58118 To be operationalized by March 31st 2012. 4035 including mini AWC It is proposed to create a local committee under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner to screen the proposals/demand received from local area and then forwarded to department of social welfare with recommendation and justification for final approval. Demand for new AWCs received from the district will be scrutinized at state level
Physical/ Graphical Coverage (Universalization) Mapping of Habitations/Villages (Universalization) Villages - 26,395 nos. (2011 Census) Habitations – 25,124 nos. (2001 Census) Trend of Registration of Beneficiaries SNP Beneficiations 2008 – 09 38,87,520 2009 – 10 37,08,200 2010 – 11 55,16,741 2011- 12 53,42,057 PSE Beneficiations Year TotalBoys Girls 2008 – 09 13,17,065 6,59,248 6,57,817 2009 – 10 15,54,881 7,82,497 7,72,384 2010 – 11 16,47,244 8,33,252 8,13,992 2011- 12 18,12,773 9,15,725 8,97,048
Attendance efficiency No. of children 3-6 years enrolled in AWCs: 17,40,162 (as on March’2012) No. of 3-6 years children attended PSE for at least 16 days in the previous month: (as on March, 2012) 15,72,549 Coverage of SC/ST/Minority steps to address Social inclusion for VHND services in convergence with NRHM Targets. Total Sites: 24953 Urban Area: 1299 (5.2%) Tea Garden Area (Specially tribal): 1374 (5.5%) Char/Hilly (Difficult sites): 2886 (11.6%)
Proposal for additional interventions Likely innovations proposed under APIP
Likely innovations proposed under APIP • Pre- fixed day viz. Anganwadi Divas in each month: • For various forms of community participation in ICDS such as, Wall painting at AWCs, innovation of AWCs, preparation of PSE Day.This will help in increasing public interest and further involvement of community, awareness about utility of ICDS among the community. 2. Social Audit • The PIP has made provision for introducing social auditing system and to ensure participatory decision making system in ICDS. It has also proposed to introduce public display/ hearing system in implementation of the scheme. • 3. Uniform for AWW , • It has been proposed that apron with colour code can be provided in place of uniform to the AWWs since the fund provided is not sufficient. • 4. Mother’s Support Group or MatriSahayak Gut: • With the objective of involving mothers of the primary beneficiaries i.e. children below 6 years of age of the locality in management and operation of AWC & other schemes. State Government have initiated, vide notification no. SWD.617/2011/61 dated 2nd March 2012, the constitution of ‘Mother’s Support Group (MSG) or MatriSahayak Gut’ in each of the AWCs in all the ICDS projects of Assam w.e.f. 1st April, 2012
Likely innovations proposed under APIP The new schemes VizSABLA is being implemented in 8 districts (Kamrup, Kokrajhar, Dhubri, Dibrugrah, Darrang, KarbiAnglong, Hailakandi and Jorhat), The program “IGMSY” taken as pilot project in two districts (Kamrup and Goalpara) will be replicate to other districts in phased manner. NRC (Nutrition Rehabilitation center) For management of Severe acute malnourished children four NRC are established in 4 districts by NRHM, DSW will support the community care component. This will be extended to six more districts – Dibrugarh, Morigaon, Goalpara, Nalbari, Naogaon and Dhubri in 2012-13. (Approval of NRHM PIP 2012-13 has been received) KishoriDiwas – The programme is arranged in “SABLA” districts for the adolescent girls once in three months. All the enrolled adolescent girls of the locality of an AWC are invited along with the parents. Necessary health check-ups are done by the NRHM functionaries. They are given demonstration of preparing nutritious recipes. Referral services are also rendered where needed.
Likely innovations proposed under APIP “Pratham Ahhar” to introduce complementary feeding, Prathom Ahar is piloted in selected AWC of five districts jointly by NGO and DSW with technical support of UNICEF and will be scaled up in all IGMSY and 10 NRC districts for improving IYCN component with support of NRHM by using VHSNC (Village Health, Sanitation and Nutrition Committee) funds. “Matri Amrit” to strengthen ANC services and counselling to pregnant mother, Mtriamrit is piloted in selected AWC of five districts jointly by NGO and DSW with support of UNICEF will be scaled up in all IGMSY and SABLA districts with support of NRHM by using VHSNC (Village Health, Sanitation and Nutrition Committee) funds . Kitchen gardens: Kitchen Garden is an innovative approach aiming to promote nutrition security and food diversity to fulfil the additional nutritional requirements of adolescence age. Adolescent girl clubs have been formed and trained to develop and maintain kitchen gardens, proper cooking practices for preserving nutrients through cooking demonstration and recipes contest with the help of home science faculty of AMCH. New Kitchen Gardens in crèches and Tea Garden Hospitals are developed.
Likely innovations proposed under APIP Model AWC (adoption of 10 AWC by CDPOs): With the view of developing AWCs provided with all facilities, it was initiated to create 10 model AWCs from each ICDS projects. These AWCs will be developed focusing on effective delivery of services by upgrading the skills of the AWWs and AWHs through need based trainings and making available all the facilities in the centers. Adoption of AWCs will be done in a phased manner by respective CDPOs. Creating field learning sites (FLS): DSW has undertaken an initiative in developing selected focus AWCs as ‘Field Learning Sites’ (FLS) which then will capacitate the nearby AWWs (10 AWCs per focus AWCs) focusing in the areas of ICDS service delivery. The activities under FLS are undertaken with active involvement of concerned Supervisors and CDPOs under the guidance and support of the Directorate of Social Welfare, Assam, UNICEF & local NGO. Keeping in mind the creative innovation of adopting AWCs as FLS in the said districts, it is proposed to extend the concept in the districts of Kamrup(R) and Goalpara. In the two districts efforts will be made to create 10% of total AWCs as FLS by 2012-13.
Likely innovations proposed under APIP Increase involvement of AWMC members in AWC monitoring through capacity building: To improve the implementation of ICDS services, efforts were made in Dibrugarh district to strengthen AWCMC and involve PRI members through orientation of AWCMC and PRI members. The process would be gradually extended to other districts as well. Group supervision in difficult areas: As Assam is widely diverse and complex in its topography from hilly terrain to uneven valley including hilly areas, char areas, tea garden areas, and forest and border areas, riverine areas etc., AWCs located in these areas are not easily accessible for ICDS Supervisors. Therefore, regular supervision of these AWCs has posed a major challenge for the ICDS functionaries. To address this challenge, Group Supervision was initiated. This practice has been proved to be rewarding.
Likely innovations proposed under APIP Accreditation of AWCs: Since the Ministry of Women and Child Development is insisting on a uniform system for grading the AWCs across the country on the basis of overall quality of service being rendered by each AWC to improve the present status of the programme, an initiative was taken by Dibrugarh district with support from UNICEF. It is proposed to adopt the process of accrediting the AWCs in 13 districts in 2012-13. Increase involvement of AWMC members in AWC monitoring through capacity building: To improve the implementation of ICDS services, efforts were made in Dibrugarh district to strengthen AWCMC and involve PRI members through orientation of AWCMC and PRI members. The innovation is proposed to scale-up in three ICDS projects viz. Titabor (Jorhat district), Chaygaon (Kamrup district) and Dimoria (Kamrup district) in 2012-13. The Developmental Screening Schedule (DSS), namely the Childhood Developmental Screening Schedule-Mental Health (CDSS-MH) is specifically developed to be used in the Anganwadi centres of Assam for children in the age group of 0 to 6 years. Such
Summary of cost distribution of regular activities & new initiative: apip2012-13
Summary of cost distribution of regular activities & new initiative: apip2012-13
Expected achievement during the year 2012-13: • Operationalization of all the sanctioned AWCs. • Hundred percent coverage of beneficiaries( all surveyed children) • 300 feeding days with Nutritious foods at AWC using the locally available foods with district specific planning. • Universalization of ICDS services ( all areas to be covered including those which are not yet covered) • MSG rollout as part of social audit and innovations schemes like NRC (with NRHM), PrathomAahar, MatriAmrit, new NRCs in 6 selected districts, 10 AWCs from each project will be adopted by CDPOs to make them model AWCs. • Total 14457 employees will be covered by job training scheme under ICDS. • Orientation training to be imparted to remaining 24243 AW helpers. • All vacant posts of all categories under ICDS would be filled up. • District program officers would be appointed exclusively for ICDS • Creation of Nutrition Council to finalised nutrition policy and IYCN policy for the State. • Achieve the vision and goals set under CM Vision 2016 for the ICDS (DSW)