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The Educational Philosophy of Reconstructionism

The Educational Philosophy of Reconstructionism. 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction. Founder. What is constructionism?. Reconstruction belifes. Contents. Introduction. 1939s-1945s. P erson S park. John Dewey 1859 –1952. Founder. Minority Problems in Public Schools (1945)

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The Educational Philosophy of Reconstructionism

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  1. The Educational Philosophy ofReconstructionism http://udmathteaching.wordpress.com

  2. 1 2 3 4 Introduction Founder What is constructionism? Reconstruction belifes Contents http://udmathteaching.wordpress.com

  3. Introduction 1939s-1945s http://udmathteaching.wordpress.com

  4. Person Spark John Dewey 1859 –1952 http://udmathteaching.wordpress.com

  5. Founder Minority Problems in Public Schools (1945) Ends and Means in Education: A Midcentury Appraisal (1950) Patterns of Educational Philosophy: A Democratic Interpretation (1950) Philosophies of Education in Cultural Perspective (1955) Toward a Reconstructed Philosophy of Education (1956) Cultural Foundations of Education: An Interdisciplinary Exploration (1957) The Remaking of a Culture: Life and Education in Puerto Rico (1959) Education as Power (1965) The Use of Explosive Ideas in Education: Culture, Class, and Evolution (1965) Japan: Culture, Education, and Change in Two Communities (1968) The Climactic Decades (1970) The Teacher As World Citizen: A Scenario of the 21st Century (1976) Tourism as Cultural Learning (1977) Theodore Brameld 1904 – 1987 Theodore Brameld (1904-1987) founder of social reconstructionism, in reaction against the realities of World War II. http://udmathteaching.wordpress.com

  6. Starting Point Inthe 1930s Brameldwasdrawnto a socialactivistgroupofscholarsatTeachersCollege, ColumbiaUniversity (i.e. Counts, Rugg, Curti, andKilpatrick). Countsespeciallyinfluencedhimprofoundly. WritinginTheSocialFrontier, a journalofeducationalandpoliticalcritique, hearguedfor a radicalphilosophythatfocusedanalysisonweaknessesinthesocial, economic, andpoliticalstructure. George Counts (1889-1974) Fromthisanalysiscameconstructiveblueprintsfor a newsocialorderthatchallengedsocialinequitieslikeprejudice, discrimination, andeconomicexploitation. http://udmathteaching.wordpress.com

  7. Notable Reconstructivisits George Counts (1889-1974) - recognized that Education was the means of preparing people for creating this new social order. • Paulo Freire (1921-1997) - a Brazilian whose experiences living in poverty led him to champion education and literacy as the vehicle for social change. - humans must learn to resist oppression and not become its victims, nor oppress others. - saw teaching and learning as a process of inquiry in which the child must invent and reinvent the world. http://udmathteaching.wordpress.com

  8. Diagram Pragmatism Progressivism Reconstructionism http://udmathteaching.wordpress.com

  9. What is reconstructionism? Social reconstructionism is a philosophy that emphasizes the addressing of social questions and a quest to create a better society and worldwide democracy. http://udmathteaching.wordpress.com

  10. Reconstructionismbelifes • Feel realize in the duty. • Seek the experience with oneself. Students Teacher Curriculum Reconstructionism beliefs Curriculum should focus on student experience and taking social action on real problems. Make a child sees the necessity in creating social. Process of Learning School • Learning by doing • Description of the business • make study about the creativity • build the atmosphere like democracy social http://udmathteaching.wordpress.com

  11. References พิมพ์พรรณ เทพสุเมธานนท์ และคณะ.2544.ปรัชญาการศึกษา.กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำแหง สงัด อุทรานันท์.2532.พื้นฐานและหลักการพัฒนาหลักสูตร

  12. Thank You !

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