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Project Management Facilities for GUS

Project Management Facilities for GUS. Useful Facilities for GUS. CVS Bug/Feature Tracking Mailing Lists Documentation Release Management. Less Useful Facilities. Forum Task management Customer Support Patches. CVS. Organize top level by releasable “Packages”

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Project Management Facilities for GUS

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  1. Project Management Facilities for GUS

  2. Useful Facilities for GUS • CVS • Bug/Feature Tracking • Mailing Lists • Documentation • Release Management

  3. Less Useful Facilities • Forum • Task management • Customer Support • Patches

  4. CVS • Organize top level by releasable “Packages” • Organize Packages into “Components” • Components have standard stuff: • bin, lib, doc, config, install*, readme.txt, changes.txt, todo.txt?

  5. CVS Packages - proposal • GUS • Model • ObjRelP • ObjRelJ • Common • DBAdmin • WebFramework • Annotator • Dots • Build • Allgenes, PlasmoDB, … • GeneDB • DistribJob

  6. CVS Practices • Checkin frequently with accurate comments • Use tagging and branching for branches • Obviates need for author info in source file? • Use CVS browser to see branches • Checkout into directory with branch designation

  7. CVS Limitations for GUS • Doesn’t handle • Schema changes • Schema documentation changes • What else? • These need to be coordinated by CBIL

  8. CVS on SourceForge • Provides: • Ready-to-use CVS server • primitive CVS browser on web • Use daily tarball for backup • Consider using “syncmail” to send mail on commit

  9. Concerns with SourceForge CVS • Cannot access CVS server directly • To rename files or directories must: • Remove files and add, losing history • Do this recursively (manually) to rename a directory • OR… go through a request to SourceForge support! • This impacts our ability to refactor… • …risking that our code will become badly structured • Alternative: CVS server at CBIL • Ability to fully administer it • Use cvs.gusdev.org • Use gCVS freeware CVS browser

  10. Bug/Feature Tracking • Ideal structure: • For each Package: • Bugs • Component • Version • Features • Component • Each package has its own admin • Assigns bugs • Manually collapses redundant bugs with commenting

  11. SourceForge Tracker Limitations • Rigid bug/feature tracking system • Must display irrelevant built-in trackers • Can never delete any tracker • Can never delete/rename any categories/groups • Cannot use text search against categories/groups

  12. Bug Tracking on SourceForge • Place component in category field, eg: • ObjRelJ • WebFramework… • Place package-version in group field: • GUS-3.0.1 • GUS-3.0.2 • Annotator-1.1.2 • We can constrain on package, component, version • All packages must share one manager • Manager does bug assignments • Alternative: • Each package gets dedicated bug tracker

  13. FeatureTracking on SourceForge • Place component in category field, eg: • ObjRelJ • WebFramework… • Place package in group field: • GUS • Annotator • We can constrain on package, component • All packages must share one manager • Manager does feature assignments • Alternative: • Each package gets dedicated bug tracker

  14. Mailing Lists • One for GusOnSourceForge • One per Package (GUS, Annotator…) • Start out private (only developers)

  15. Release Management • A Release is: • A tagged “package” in CVS • Tagged with version: 3.1.1 (major.minor.bugfix) • Should be tagged only after testing

  16. Reasons for Releasing • “Release early, release often; the mantra of Open Source software developers everywhere.” – from SourceForge • Brings new features to users • Brings the system to a workable milestone • Enforces feature prioritization • Forces early testing • Allows proper bug tracking by version # • Encourages automated testing

  17. Making a Release Available • Two mechanisms: • CVS checkout –tag • Ok for developers • Requires compilation • Upload Tarfile to SourceForge’s Release site • Includes .jar file and other compilations • Nec. when we offer GUS as a turnkey system • Helps clarify what releases exist • How do we access their FTP site through our firewall?

  18. What a SourceForge Release Includes • The package • Release notes • Changed file • Concatenation of component’s change file • http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=1111

  19. SourceForge Concerns • Response time • Perishable trackers • Unable to fully administer CVS • Tracker limitations

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