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RPL- Aged Care Project Shoalhaven & Wingecarribee. South East Community College 1 Mattes Way BOMADERRY 2541. Our Brief. To have “conversations” and meetings with those in the Aged Care Industry. - Providers - RTO’s
RPL- Aged Care ProjectShoalhaven & Wingecarribee South East Community College 1 Mattes Way BOMADERRY 2541
Our Brief • To have “conversations” and meetings with those in the Aged Care Industry. - Providers - RTO’s - Others who may be interested e.g.,Local Government representatives,Industry Advisory groups • Focus on RPL and find out what is happening for people in this industry?
Who we contacted • Aged Care Facilities:Nursing Homes, Hostels, Home & Community organisations, Aged Day Care Centres, Respite organisations, Retirement Villages, • Registered Training Organisations • Local Government Aged Care Coordinators and Economic Development Managers • Industry Advisory Boards
What’s Happening with RPL? • Aged Care Facilities: • Nursing Homes: Smaller organisations want trained, experienced workers to “hit the ground running”. They do not have the staff or systems to deal with training in house. Did not really understand the RPL process, “Can’t you just give it to X?”. • Larger organisations – also RTO’s had Aged Care staff on Traineeships. Generally did not bother with RPL. “They may as well do the course”. Seen as a burden.Too cumbersome. • Home and Community Care organisations – had some staff who did not have full Cert III qualification and needed RPL
What’s Happening with RPL?..cont RTO’s • Generally encouraging learner to “do” the course and get ‘latest’ training. Small amount of RPL if it can be done easily. • Infrequently RPL completed later in the course after the learner was able to demonstrate that they had underpinning knowledge and could provide third party evidence. • Easier to handle the training when everyone is doing the same thing. • RTO’s doing face to face training have difficulty getting sufficient and meaningful ‘work experience’ for participants. Skills shortage of trainers.
What’s Happening with RPL?..continued • Local Government • Had heard the term ‘RPL’ –they had no real understanding of how it worked • Surprised at the complexity and the problems for RTO’s and the worker “having enough evidence”. • Aged Care Workers • “I’ve been doing it for years, why can’t you just give me the Certificate!. Why is it so complicated?”
Other Issues • Ageing work force – Average age of aged Care workers in the Shoalhaven is 47, and Wingecarribee 50/52 • Average age of a trainee is 49 • Can’t get staff. Most staff want to work part time. • Shortage of Registered Nurses • No workers 20 to 40 years
Other Industry Issues • Wages generally very low for ACW’s in Nursing Homes • $12 – 14 per hour • HACC workers get $17 –18 per hour • Title given to the worker: • Aged Care Worker • Assistant in Nursing (AIN) • Personal Carer (PC) The title indicates the work load and duties.Aged Care Workers do not do housekeeping or handle food etc. Employers prefer workers who are multi skilled.
Suggestions from the Aged Care Workers concerning RPL • Current workers need a “buddy system” so that industry can be supported. There is a drive by some organisations to get “stay at home Mum’s into the industry”. Some of them may be eligible for RPL as they are already Carers. • All workers now require IT skills • Many workers have Literacy & Numeracy challenges. This holds them back from attempting RPL. Some facilities are offering a bonus for staff who improve their client report writing skills.
RPL’s completed in Aged Care • Community Services provider and SECC worked together to put 9 HACC staff (45 Units of competency) through the RPL process.This was not a requirement of the project. • Gaps were identified and training needs were provided separately, both face to face and by Distance.
RPL and Aged Care ..cont • Many participants in the process had never formally had to apply for a job. • Many do not have the skills to “fill out forms” and in particular complete necessary report writing now required in the position. • RPL process was “simplified” so that applicants could receive full credit for their previous experience / learning.
The future • Aged Care Skills Shortages: RTO’s need to get the RPL process sorted and streamlined. • Needs to be provision of much more than the “course” for participants and those who apply for RPL. • Adequate funding needs to be provided to help this industry to attract younger workers.