4. Ageing Population
5. Community Aged Care Services
6. High Demand for service:Rural
7. High demand for service:Hunter
8. Aged Care Assessment Teams Hunter Team
Rural Team servicing the rural regions
Clinical:24 FTEs Admin:7:1 FTEs
Allied Health and Nursing
Geriatricians:6 FTEs
9. Integration Project Implementation
12. Aged Care Service
14. Community Dementia Nurses
15. Clinical Coordinator Role
Response to Priority One referrals
Allocation of referrals to ACAT and CDN clinicians
Delegation and response to priority assessments
Advise to service providers/health professionals
Assessment of and Problem solving of complex cases
Advice/Information regarding ACAP guidelines
Positions staffed from within team
16. Clerical support provided at each Community Health Centre for the Aged Care Service
17. Referrals and enquiries to be managed by the Referral and Information Centre Providing accurate and comprehensive information and assistance about community based services
18. Referral and Information Centre ACAT RN seconded to the referral and Information centre
CHIME Program enabling electronic referral allocation to ACAT
CHIME business rules developed
ACAT referral acceptance criteria developed
Involved in the development of Aged Care intake templates
Staff receive referrals electronically
Staff have more available time for assessments
Referrers have improved access
Education provided to RIC staff and ongoing
19. Referrers
20. Standard Referral Management Process
21. Central Office maintained for ….
22. CHIME:The solutions supported by changes to information technology.
23. Wait times
24. Wait times have been sustained
25. Average Wait Times
26. Benefits of Integration Reduction in wait times
Efficiencies in travel times
Located closer to the population we serve
Improved collaboration with key health providers
Developed relationships with other service providers who share clients
Heighten awareness of ACAT assessments and role
Reduction in inappropriate referrals
Facilitated client discussion and information sharing
Common information/communication system promoting seamless information
Access to single electronic medical record (CHIME)
Opportunities for case conferencing
High staff satisfaction