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Change Is Inevitable…

Change Is Inevitable…. Progress Is Not…. Leading Change Jim McCoig – Rick Bragga Troop Guides. Someone must lead the way. Objectives of Leading Change. When change is needed, leading change can make it happen. When change is inevitable, leading change can make it positive. STEP 1.

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Change Is Inevitable…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Change Is Inevitable…

  2. Progress Is Not…

  3. Leading ChangeJim McCoig – Rick BraggaTroop Guides

  4. Someone must lead the way

  5. Objectives of Leading Change • When change is needed, leading change can make it happen. • When change is inevitable, leading change can make it positive.

  6. STEP 1 •Recognize that change happens. TROOP GUIDES ANTICIPATING!

  7. STEP 2 •Empower others to help you lead change.

  8. STEP 3 •Lead change based on values, mission, and vision.

  9. Values are core beliefs or desires that guide and motivate our attitudes and actions

  10. Vision

  11. STEP 4 • Establish urgency.

  12. STEP 5Move Ahead, Regardless “I have tried to keep on with my striving because this is the only hope I have of ever achieving anything worthwhile and lasting”. Arthur Ashe

  13. Step 6 • Create a culture that embraces change

  14. We Cannot Become What We Need To Be By Remaining What We Are Today!

  15. Steps for Leading Change • Recognize that change happens • Empower others to help you lead change • Lead change based on values, mission, and vision • Establish urgency • Move ahead, regardless • Create a culture that embraces

  16. How Do We Support Our Future Leaders and Change?

  17. We choose to go to the moon

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