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HIV/AIDS peer education programme Case study from Kenya Girl Guides Association Presented by Pamela Achieng’ Odhiambo. KENYA GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION Member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
HIV/AIDS peer education programme Case study from Kenya Girl Guides Association Presented byPamela Achieng’ Odhiambo
KENYA GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION Member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Countrywide non-political non-profit making movement operating on a philosophy of shared values National membership: Over 155,000 girls and young women aged between 3 to 30 years Largest girls only organisation in the country
KGGA HIV/AIDS PREVENTION PROGRAM KGGA has been a flag bearer in HIV prevention programs targeting in-school youth since 1999 under USAID funding through Family Health International. The Program started in 3 regions with 60 schools. Currently conducts Peer Education in 741 schools under APHIA II, an AIDS, Population and Health Integrated Assistance Program in 4 regions of the country. Has reached over nearly 500,000 youths in schools from 2006 to date. Program reaches boys, teachers and parents in schools.
PREVENTION PROGRAM OBJECTIVES • To empower Patrol Leaders to conduct Peer Education on HIV prevention, drugs use, reproductive health and malaria to enable peers to resist negative peer pressure and make safe decisions around sexual health. • To facilitate KGGA to educate other schools and the surrounding community to create a supportive environment for girls and boys to make healthy choices by sensitizing students, parents, teachers and the community.
APPROACHES Weekly Peer Education Girl Guide Meetings Training of selected Patrol Leaders Bi- Annual Cluster Outreach for SARA and HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS and Sara Badge Awards Involvement in community and National Celebrations such as World Aids Day. Regional Learning Camps/ Exhibitions/Competitions
KGGA PROGRAM SURVEY REPORT • A Survey conducted by Horizons under Population Council between September 2004 to September 2005 revealed the following: • 78% had a positive effect on the self esteem and the social connectedness of Girl Guides • 60 - 64% of Girl Guides had positive changes in attitudes towards gender and people living with HIV • Overall increased knowledge about HIV & AIDS among Guides in comparison to their non-Guide school mates
PROGRAM SUCCESS STORIES • Reduced unwanted pregnancies among young girls hence improved school performance. • Girls in program empowered to communicate effectively and are able to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. • Revising the manual and developing a Peer Educators handbook that is age appropriate. • It was awarded the best HIV/AIDS in-school youth program in 2002.
CONCLUSION Fruits – People reached Branches – Girl Guides Trunk – Guide Leaders Roots – K.G.G.A. and APHIA II