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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 在我们的日常饮食中,有哪七种有益的物质呢?. Seven Good Things in Food. Good food has seven good things. ◆ Carbohydrates give you energy. There are carbohydrates in bread and rice. ◆ Fats make you strong. There are fats in meat, butter and oil.

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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

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  1. 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

  2. 在我们的日常饮食中,有哪七种有益的物质呢?在我们的日常饮食中,有哪七种有益的物质呢? Seven Good Things in Food Good food has seven good things. ◆ Carbohydrates give you energy. There are carbohydrates in bread and rice. ◆ Fats make you strong. There are fats in meat, butter and oil. ◆ Vitamins are important for your eyes, hair and for other parts of your body. There are 13 types of vitamins, and they are in many types of food.

  3. ◆ Protein helps you grow. There is protein in meat, fish and milk. ◆ Minerals make your bones and teeth strong. There are minerals in milk, vegetables, eggs and meat. ◆ Water is important for your body. It cleans your body from the inside. So drink lots of water every day! ◆ Fibre cleans the inside of your body, too. Many vegetables are high in fibre.

  4. 这是一个相当有深度的设计,深到什么程度?咖啡代表我的心,喝光它,你就能看到啦。这是一个相当有深度的设计,深到什么程度?咖啡代表我的心,喝光它,你就能看到啦。 Deep Love of Cup Here you go, a nice cup of coffee. The more you drink, it gets near to my heart!

  5. Word Bank 超纲词汇 carbohydrate /;k1:b=U'haIdreIt/ n. 碳水化合物 energy /'en=d3I/ n. 能量 fat /f7t/ n. 动植物的油,脂肪 oil /^Il/ n.油 vitamin /'vIt=mIn/ n. 维生素 protein /'pr=Uti:n/ n.蛋白质 mineral /'mIn=r=l/ n.矿物质

  6. fibre /'faIb=/ n. 纤维 be important for ... 对……重要 parts of the body 身体各部分 数字 + type(s) of (几)种 clean the body from the inside 从内部清洁身体 high in fibre 纤维含量高的

  7. 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

  8. 让我们一起来认识风。 Q&A about Mr Wind

  9. Q: Is Mr Wind powerful? A: Yes, he is free and renewable energy. Q: What does Mr Wind do? A: He has many jobs. His biggest job is to make electricity. Have you ever seen windmills? All are his works. Q: Where does Mr Wind work? A: He’s a boss. He has many “wind farms” with large wind turbines.

  10. 会旅行的植物 How Plants Travel Plants can travel by water. Plants like coconut palms grow near water. When coconuts fall into the sea, they will travel over a long distance and get to another shore. 1 2 Plants can travel by humans. Farmers grow crops by planting seeds in the ground. Besides, seeds stick into socks and shoes, and are taken to other places. 2

  11. Plants can travel by animals. Sometimes seeds are picked up by fur. Sometimes birds eat fruit in one place and pop out seeds in another place. 3 2 Plants can travel by the wind. Plants like dandelion flowers look like little umbrellas. The wind blows their seeds far, far way. 4

  12. 你知道这些植物的种子和果实吗? Seeds, Fruits and Plants coconut 椰子 coconut palm 椰树 acorn 橡实 oak 橡树

  13. pinecone 松果 pine 松树 sunflower seed 葵花籽 sunflower 向日葵

  14. Vocabulary • by的含义 • 介词 by 有多种含义。 • by 表示手段,意为“用,凭借,通过”。 • 如:Plants can travel by water, humans, animals and the wind. • 植物能通过水、人、动物和风旅行。 • II. by 后接交通工具,意为“骑,乘,坐”。 • 如:My mother goes to work by bike. • 妈妈骑自行车去上班。 • Mr and Mrs Green go to London by plane. • 格林夫妇乘飞机前往伦敦。 • III. by 后接时间,意为“到……为止,不迟于……”。 • 如:I’ll be here by five o’clock this afternoon. • 我今天下午5点前到这里。

  15. 周周练 请根据文章 How Plants Travel的内容,判断对错,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。 ( ) 1. Coconuts fall into the sea and are carried to another shore. ( ) 2. Plants can travel by humans. ( ) 3. Plants cannot travel by animals. ( ) 4. Dandelion seeds fly with the wind and travel around. T T F T

  16. Word Bank 超纲词汇 powerful /'paU=f=l/ adj.强大的 electricity /I;lek'trIs=tI/ n.电 windmill /'wInd;mIl/ n.风车 boss /b^s/ n.老板 travel /'tr7vl/ v. 旅行,行走 shore /56:/ n.岸,滨 human /'hju:m=n/ n.人类

  17. crop /kr^p/ n. 庄稼 besides /bI'saIdz/ adv.而且,还有 fur /f+:/ n. 动物的毛皮 dandelion /'d7ndIlaI=n/ n.蒲公英 renewable energy 可再生能源 wind turbine 风力发电涡轮机 travel over a long distance 长途旅行 stick into socks and shoes 粘在鞋袜里面 pop out seeds 排泄出种子

  18. 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

  19. 你知道汉语中有哪些“音译”的外来词吗? Words Borrowed from English (I) sofa coffee chocolate pudding

  20. golf marathon shampoo ballet

  21. The Polar Bear The polar bear is unaware Of cold that cuts me through. For why? He has a coat of hair. I wish I had one too!

  22. Count me in. 我们知道动词 count 是数数的意思,所以这句话的意思就是“算我一个”,“把我算进去”。当有人想去做某事,而你也想参加时,就可以说这句话来请求加入。 Ralph: We are going to see a film this evening. What about you? Andy: If you are going to see the new film, count me in.

  23. Word Bank 超纲词汇 pudding /'pUdI9/ n.布丁 golf /G^lf/ n. 高尔夫球运动,play golf是“打高尔夫”的意思 marathon /'m7r=0=n/ n. 马拉松(赛跑) shampoo /57m'pu:/ n. 香波,洗发液 ballet /'b7leI/ n.芭蕾(舞) unaware /;2n='we=/ adj. 未察觉的,不知道的 polar bear 北极熊 cut ... through 将……刺穿

  24. 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

  25. 原来“圣诞老人”并没有忘记伯蒂的礼物…… Santa Claus Does Not Forget (III) It was a list of all the things Bertie had been asked to do for six months. At the end of* all was written, “I FORGOT.”

  26. Bertie cried for an hour. Then his mother told him they were all going to grandpa’s home. There he would see a Christmas tree. “Something might be growing there for you,” said his mother. Under grandpa’s tree, Bertie found everything he had written on his list. Was he cured of his bad habit? Not all at once. But when he was forgetful again, his mother would say— “Remember, Santa Claus does not forget.”

  27. Word Bank 超纲词汇 forget /f='Get/ v. 忘记,遗忘 forgetful /f='Getfl/ adj. 健忘的 hour /'aU=/ n.小时 something /'s2m0I9/ pron.某事物 might /maIt/ modal v.(表示可能性)可能 everything /'evrI0I9/ pron. 一切, 所有事物 cure /kjU=/ v.矫正,治愈,此处be cured为其被动语态

  28. habit /'h7bIt/ n.习惯 remember /rI'memb=/ v. 记得,记住 at the end of ... 在……末尾 at once 立刻,马上

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