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Explore the concept of climate change, its causes, and the resulting impacts on our environment and health. Discover the importance of mitigation and adaptation strategies to address this global challenge.
What is Climate Change? Climate change is a change in the pattern of weather, and related changes in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, occurring over time scales of decades or longer.
Climate Change: How We Realized? The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century. Further 40 years, each decades there will be 0.1 degrees Celsius increase. Global Temperature Rise HOW WHY • Increase of Greenhouse Gases; • New layer in atmosphere • Captured sunlight • Blocks the radiation back to space
Climate Change: How We Realized? Top 700 metersof ocean resultingwarming of more than 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1969 because of the oceans high heat capacity. Theamount of carbon dioxide absorbed from atmosphereby the upper layer of the oceans is increasing by about 2 billion tons per year Warming Ocean Ocean Acidification HOW • Change in habitat of sea creatures • Threateningfood security • Extreme weather events • The loss of coastal protection. WHY
Climate Change: How We Realized? • In between 1993 and 2016; • Greenland lost an average of 281 billion tons of ice per year • Antarctica lost about 119 billion tons • Antarctica ice mass loss has tripled in the last decade. Shrinking Ice Sheets Glacial Retreat Decreased Snow Cover HOW • Rising sea level • High-altitude plateaus on the ice caps; alter storm tracks • cold downslope winds close to the ice surface WHY
APRIL 29, 2013 APRIL 29, 2018
Climate Change: How We Realized? In 2014, global sea level 2.6 inches above the 1993 average. Global sea level rose about 8 inches in the last century Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year. Sea Level Rise HOW • more frequent nuisance flooding • shoreline erosion • hazards from storms WHY
Climate Change: How We Realized? The number of record high temperature has been increasing, while the number of record low temperature events has been decreasing, since 1950. Extreme Events HOW • Heat waves and more droughts • Big storms and Tornados • Avalanche • Agricultural disorders • Forest fire • Excessive rainfall and flooding • Spread of diseases (malaria) WHY
How Humans Affected As a result, the more greenhouse gas, the warmer the air. The more hot weather, the more drought, famine, forest fire, heat wave, tropical disease and irregularrainfall
How to Respond? Mitigation and Adaptation
Mitigation • Mitigation – reducing climate change – involves reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere • reducing sources of these gases • accumulate and store these gases Aim: • To avoid significant human interference with the climate system, • Stabilizegreenhouse gas levels(to adapt naturally to climate change, food production is not threatened and to proceed economic development in a sustainable manner)
Adaptation • Adaptation – adapting to life in a changing climate – involves adjusting to actual or expected future climate. • Aim: to reduce our vulnerability to the harmful effects of climate change • Using potential beneficial opportunities associated with climate change
Adaptation • Solving local climatic problems; • Flood defense, • water-permeable pavements, • plan for heatwaves and higher temperatures. • improve water storage and use
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change • 2014 report on Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Learn • how to manage the increasingly extreme disasters • how to protect coastlines • how to best manage land and forests • how to deal with and plan for reduced water availability, • how to develop flexible crop varieties • how to protect energy and public infrastructure.
THIRD WAY!!! • BOM!!! The end.................... For Human lol xd
Sources • https://www.iucn.org/resources/issues-briefs/ocean-warming • https://www.science.org.au/learning/general-audience/science-booklets-0/science-climate-change/1-what-climate-change • http://www.imo.org.tr/resimler/ekutuphane/pdf/3889.pdf • https://nsidc.org/cryosphere/quickfacts/icesheets.html • https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/sealevel.html • https://climate.nasa.gov/ • http://www.cografyabilimi.gen.tr/meteorolojik-kokenli-dogal-afetler-nelerdir/ • https://hsgm.saglik.gov.tr/tr/cevresagligi-ced/ced-birimi/406-iklim-değişikliği.html • https://www.dw.com/tr/iklim-değişikliği-doğal-afetleri-ağırlaştırıyor/a-4595822