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Making Language Fun: Tools and Techniques to Keep Kids Coming Back for More!

Making Language Fun: Tools and Techniques to Keep Kids Coming Back for More!. Danielle Asay French Teacher UFLA 2010. Brainstorm!. On a piece of paper, take 2 minutes to write down all the things that made YOU fall in love with the language that you teach.

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Making Language Fun: Tools and Techniques to Keep Kids Coming Back for More!

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  1. Making Language Fun: Tools and Techniques to Keep Kids Coming Back for More! Danielle Asay French Teacher UFLA 2010

  2. Brainstorm! • On a piece of paper, take 2 minutes to write down all the things that made YOU fall in love with the language that you teach. • Be specific! We’re going to share…

  3. Things That Get Us Excited: • The culture: architecture, history, fashion, gastronomy, literature… • A trip/vacation • Getting to communicate with others • A teacher, friend, family member, or romantic interest • An aptitude for the subject • What else?

  4. Guess What? • Our students are going to fall in love with the same things that we did. • Grammar, vocabulary, worksheets, and tests probably aren’t high on their lists either! • We need to make sure that we are doing more than these things in our classrooms!

  5. David McCullough

  6. “Teach Them What You Love” “Encourage them with your enthusiasm. Fire their furnace by showing them what you love.”

  7. Let’s Brainstorm Again! • In the next 2 minutes, jot down a list of the things that you know that your students LOVE about your class. These can be general things or specific activities. • Be prepared to share again!

  8. Mardi Gras!

  9. The #1 Key to Making Your Students Love Your Subject (in my opinion): It’s Y-O-U!!!

  10. Think About It… • You may be the only exposure your students have to the target language and culture. You are a salesperson. It is your job to “SELL IT” to your students. • If we don’t do our jobs, students aren’t going to buy our product! • They can ALWAYS tell whether or not we think the product is worthwhile. If we aren’t jazzed about the product, then why on earth would they be?

  11. More McCullough… • “What matters most in learning is attitude. The attitude of the teacher.” • “A teacher’s attitude is not taught, it’s caught.”

  12. Some Personal Examples… • “Selling It”: “Honestly, he could have sold me the shirt off of his back…” • Mr. Dodds (Mike’s comment) • Dr. Buckley (Dez’s comment) • Mrs. Asay (Brett’s comment) • Other stories to share?

  13. You’re On In 5… 4… 3… • You’re always on stage! So be a star and SHINE! • The characteristics of a good story apply to you in your classroom, too! • Exaggerated, personal, wacky, whatever!

  14. Before the How… Why? • WHY do we want students to “buy our product”? • What’s so great about learning a language (and your language in particular), anyway? • What’s in it for the students? And what about for us as teachers?

  15. So… How? • How do we make our students fall in love with us (figuratively) and with our subject? • By being worth it. No one is inclined to like something that is boring or painful. We love things that are lovable. • We have to do fun and exciting things that both we and our students will enjoy and want to do over and over again!

  16. It’s True: Nous Te Manquerons

  17. Techniques To Keep Students Coming Back! • Teacher Enthusiasm • Trivia & Games • Songs & Dances • Video Clips • Cultural Tidbits & Experiences • Creative Outlets • Food • FUN! • & More…

  18. Thank-You For Participating! • Have an awesome experience being an effective and energetic teacher! • Remember: You’re the key! • Please feel free to contact me at dtasay@gmail.com with any questions, comments, or feedback.

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