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Chapter 2

Chapter 2. Origins of American History. I. English Heritage A. Basic Concepts of Government 1. ordered government 2. limited government - the concept that government is not all powerful

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Chapter 2

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  1. Chapter 2 Origins of American History

  2. I. English Heritage A. Basic Concepts of Government 1. orderedgovernment 2.limited government - the concept that government is not all powerful 3. representativegovernment - government in which people elect delegates to make laws and conduct government

  3. B. Landmark English Documents 1. The Magna Carta a. barons forced King John to sign it in 1215 b. first document to establish a limited government c. right to a trial by jury, due process of law,

  4. I. Growing Colonial Unity A. The Albany Plan (1754) 1. Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Islanddiscussed the growing problems with the French and Native Americans 2. Ben Franklinproposed the formation of an annual congress made up of delegates from the 13 colonies a. have the power to raise military and naval forces; make war and peace with the native Americans, regulate trade with them... b. denied by the colonies and the Crown

  5. B.Stamp Act Congress(1765) 1. formed in response to the Stamp Act (1765) – first direct tax on colonists 2. argued they had no representation in Parliament, so the Stamp Act was illegal 3. first open political act of defiance C. Boston Tea Party(1773) – colonists dressed as Mohawk Indians (led by Samuel Adams) dumped 342 chests of ritish tea into the Boston Harbor

  6. D. First Continental Congress 1. met in response to the Intolerable Acts(1774) 2. delegates from all colonies except Georgia imposed an embargo on British goods 3. King George III declared “The New England governments are in a state of rebellion.” 4. April 19, 1775 first shots of Revolutionary War are fired in Lexington and Concord, MA "the shot heard 'round the world”

  7. E. Second Continental Congress 1. May 10, 1775 – delegates from all thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia 2. assumed powers of a central government 3. John Hancockwas named its president, George Washington was named the commander of the Continental Army 4. acted as government throughout the war

  8. III. Independence A. June 7, 1776 – Richard Henry Leeintroduced a resolution stating the “that these United Colonies are, and of right out to be, free and independent states.” B. Declaration of Independence 1. committee of five was supposed to write it a. mostly written by Thomas Jefferson

  9. 2. July 4, 1776– the Congress approved the Declaration of Independence a. John Hancock was the first to sign it 3. 3 Parts: a. begins with a statement of the purpose of the Declaration b. middle consists of complaints against King George III c. ends with statement of how determined Americans are to break free

  10. C. First State Constitutions 1. Common Features a. popular sovereignty - People Vote b. limited government c. civil rights and liberties d. separation of powers and checks and balances

  11. The United States under the Articles of Confederation

  12. I. The Articles of Confederation– the first constitution of the entire US; more like “a firm league of friendship” A. Governmental Structure 1. Congresswas the sole body created a. it was unicameral and the States could choose their delegates in whatever way they wanted 2. established no executiveor judicial branch 3. each state had one votein Congress

  13. C. Weaknesses 1. one votefor each State, regardless of size 2. Congress was powerless to lay and collect taxes or duties 3. Congress was powerless to regulate foreign and interstate commerce 4. no executive branch to enforce the acts of Congress 5. no national court system 6. Amendments could be made only with the consent of all States 7. nineof the 13 states were required to pass laws

  14. D. The Critical Period, the 1780s 1. the new nation was in debt 2. Shay’s Rebellion– Mass. Farmers, led by Daniel Shays, tried to take over the Springfield arsenal for weapons; they failed

  15. Section 4: Creating the Constitution A. Organization and Procedure 1. George Washington– was the president of the convention 2. each state delegation would have 1vote 3. needed a majority of the States to conduct business a. a majority of the votes cast would carry any proposal 4. adopted a rule of secrecyto protect themselves from outside pressure 5. threw out the Articles and decided to create a new Constitution

  16. II. Compromises • A. The Connecticut Compromise • 1. blend of the Virginia Plan (by James Madison) and the New Jersey Plan (by William Patteron) • a. Virginia Plan • Ø called for a government with three branches • Øbicameral legislature – lower house based off of population, lower house chooses the upper house • ØCongress would choose the National Executive and the National Judiciary • Øgoal was the creation of a truly national government with greatly extended powers

  17. b. New Jersey Plan • Øunicameral legislature with each of the States equally represented • Ø weak federal executive of two or more people chosen by Congress • Øthe federal judiciary would be composed of a ”supreme Tribunal” appointed by executive • 2. legislative branch to have 2 parts • a. House of Representatives– membership based on state population • b. Senate – 2 from each state

  18. Three Fifths Compromise

  19. B. The Three-Fifths Compromise 1. argument between the Northern and Southern states as to whether or not slavesshould be counted as citizens 2. all “free persons” should be counted, and so too, should “three-fifths of all other persons” 3. win for the South because they have now have a larger population 4. win for the North because there was a direct tax based on population paid to Congress

  20. C. Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise 1. Congress agreed not ban the slave trade until 1808and that it would regulate interstate and foreign commerce, but it could not tax exports D. Sept. 17, 1781 – the Const. was signed by the 39 remaining delegates

  21. Section 5: Ratifying the Constitution I. Federalists and Anti-Federalists A. Federalists 1. favored ratification 2. led by the Framers 3. stressed the weakness of the Articles B. Anti-Federalists 1. opposed ratification 2. two biggest sources of contention a. greatly increased the powers of the central government b. the lack of a bill of rights

  22. II. Ratification A. Delaware was first (Dec. 7, 1787) B. ratified on June 21, 1788 when New Hampshirebecame the 9th state to ratify it 1. Virginiawas 10th (June 25, 1788) 2. New York Citywas selected as a temporary capital 3. George Washingtonwas elected president and John Adamswas the first vice president

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