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How does empowerment and self-efficacy affect sustainability in a successful working rehab?. Ove Svensson Therese Lundgren Katrin Lundmark. Med:Urs. Partly ESF-funded project Project partners: Urkraft - NGO Medlefors – Folk High school Labour Office Social Insurance Office. Med:Urs.
How does empowerment and self-efficacy affect sustainability in a successful working rehab? OveSvensson Therese Lundgren KatrinLundmark
Med:Urs Partly ESF-funded project Project partners: Urkraft - NGO Medlefors – Folk High school Labour Office Social Insurance Office
Med:Urs For men and womenaged30 to 60 whohavebeenunemployed for between 6 to 12 years or longer, duetoillness or otherreasons
Med:Urs Project goalsincludewholelife situation which is particularlyimportant for an individualswithprolonged sick leave (McIntosh et al 1995).
Methods MotivationalInterviewing Group activities – Social community Joint planning Time for reflection – logbook/journal Workplacement To see the wholelife situation
Approach Endurance Trust Empowerment Bearingcapacity Unity Flexibility Importanceoftime!
The rehabilitation process Time and ownership
Time - what is time? …but is therealso a recovery and rehabilitation process time?
To "own" the rehabilitation process Peoplewhohavebeen sick long risk toperceivethemselves and their situation as a matterprimarily for the professionalactorsinvolved (JmfrEkberg & Sebrandt 2007; Bülow & Ekberg 2009 )
Compliance Adherencetoother´s perceptions
Self Efficacy Self-efficacy is related to participants’ competence to complete tasks and reach goals (Bandura).
Gender differences - Women Women in the projectemphasizes, more so than men, the valueofconversation and socializingwithcoaches and otherparticipants Theirrelationship-oriented approach seemstogiveclearer perceptions oftheirowncompetence and howthiscorrespondsto the requirementsof the labor market
Gender differences - Men Men werecomparedwithwomenmore observant and sensitive tootherpeoplesreactionsoftheirunemployment Men appearto be moresolitary and theircontactswithfriendsoutside the familywerecomparedwith the women in the project at a lowerlevel Men reportedto a greaterextentthattheytookmedications for variousailments, and it wastwice as common withinsomnia
Men and Women Morethan a thirdof the participants talk about an increase in walking, dailyexercise and leisureactivities An increasewhichmeantthat the participantsare as active as the general population (Swedish LivingSurvey) Unemploymentin the city led, accordingtoHagstrom 1988, oftento social isolation and exclusion, while the consequenceswere not as dire in rural areas In rural areas of the north, it was no disgrace to be unemployed Unemployedwas as involved as others in their social interactionwith a richleisurelife But ... whatabouttoday?
Med:Urs Active leisure is likelytocontributeto the adaptation to a lifewithoutwork - or converselytoincreasedemployabilityas activeleisurediscourageinactivity and social isolation The results from Med:Urs is a bit contradictory: Unemployment is shameful and contributesone-thirdto social isolation - However, therearemanywhowouldconsider a lifewithoutpaidwork
Feelings of "shame" that limits the room for maneuver Haveyouexperiencedthatotherscommented or lookedquestioning at youfor participating in extracurricularactivitieswhenyouwere sick? Women: Men: Yes/Sometimes 46% Yes/Sometimes 37% Never/seldom 54% Never/seldom 63%
Feelings of "shame" that limits the room for maneuver Has it happenedtoyouhesitatedto get in touch and socializewithotheronlytoavoidhavingtoexplainthatyouwereon sick leave? Women: Men: Often/veryoften30 %Often/veryoften37% Never/seldom70 % Never/seldom 63%
Participant´svoices Morethanhalfof all women and men reportthatthey: Seemore positive future Becomemoreawareof the valuesotherthanpaidemployment Looking for new waystoreachtheir personal goals
Whatwesee… Early intervention/collaborationbetweenemployers and healthcare - givegoodresults (Blonk, m.fl. 2006; Schene m.fl. 2007)
Whatwesee… The longersick leave/unemployment - moreimportantlywith a focus on all aspectsoflife (McIntosh, m.fl. 1995)
Whatwesee… Mentor / Case Manager involved in the process is positive! (Juhlin & Tengblad 2004)