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Rapid Response Media Mechanism (RRMM). Rapid Response Media Mechanism. Origins High-level Group Report Madrid Forum of the Alliance Objective Counter radical and/or incendiary messages by providing a range of balanced views on divisive issues How does it work?
Rapid Response Media Mechanism Origins • High-level Group Report • Madrid Forum of the Alliance Objective • Counter radical and/or incendiary messages by providing a range of balanced views on divisive issues How does it work? • Global Expert Finder (www.globalexpertfinder.org) • Journalist trainings, seminars, and fora • Network of media-savvy opinion leaders
GlobalExpertFinder.org What does Global Expert Finder do? • Connects journalists directly to experts around the world • Provides journalists with analysis by experts (articles, videos, podcasts, blog posts, etc.) • Sends journalists media alerts with experts to contact when news stories break
Journalist Trainings • Pakistan - training of journalists from religious media • Freedom of Expression in a Digital Age - an online journalism course for journalists from the Middle East, Europe, and the United States • Indonesia – training of journalists writing on cross-cultural issues in the Asia-Pacific • Turkey – training of journalists writing on religion Media Trainings for Opinion Leaders • Media training workshops for British Muslim opinion leaders • Media trainings for experts featured on GEF
Partnerships • Experts in the Euromed: European Commission and Anna Lindh Foundation • Search for Common Ground • International Center for Journalists • International Center for Religion and Diplomacy
How you can benefit • Integrate proactive media engagement into existing counter-radicalization initiatives • Find independent experts to recommend to the media in times of crisis • Showcase experts from your country to global media through the project • Broader range of international experts helping to reduce tensions around potentially polarizing issues
How you can contribute Support journalist trainings Suggest names of experts for the Global Expert Finder resource Share contacts of journalist associations and media outlets Suggest think-tanks and research organizations who could provide names of potential experts Organize an event to present the Global Expert Finder resource to media outlets in your country or region
Media Literacy Education “Evaluating information sources requires skills and critical thinking. Separating fact from opinion, evaluating text and image are teachable skills. Media literacy instruction promotes media awareness and development of Internet literacy to combat misperceptions, prejudices and hate speech” Report of the High-level Group
Media Literacy initiatives • Online clearinghouse • Support to grass roots projects • Media Literacy publication • UNESCO Chair • Plural + Youth Video Festival
Media Literacy Education Clearinghouse The AoC MLE clearinghouse is a Web 2.0 multilingual, user-generated, global repository of information aiming at facilitating fast access to available MLE resources and information. www.aocmedialiteracy.org • Over 30,000 unique visits a month. • The first such resource in Arabic. • 33 active Partner Organizations • from around the world.
Supporting grass roots projects Direct support to: • A joint project of Cairo University and Barcelona Autonomous University for the development of MLE content in Arabic. • The development of a Global Media Literacy Curriculum, in partnership with 18 universities from around the world
Direct support to: Media Literacy for Global Understanding. A joint project of Temple University, Kuwait University and the Roberts Elementary School, Philadelphia.
Media Literacy Publication A publication produced in collaboration with UNESCO, the EC and Grupo Comunicar. Eighteen Media Literacy experts from around the world provide in-depth analysis on specific media education projects and initiatives. The book is being widely distributed and has become a source of information to experts, educators, researchers and policy makers across the planet.
Media Literacy UNESCO Chair • In partnership with UNESCO’s Universities Chair Programme, creation of the • UNESCO UNITWIN AoC Chair • on Media and Information Literacy for Intercultural Dialogue • The initial network of universities include: • Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain • Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil • Temple University, Philadelphia, USA • Tsinghua University, Beijing, China • Cairo University, Egypt • West Indies University, Kingston, Jamaica • This UNITWIN-Chair will focus in developing research, curricula and in-the-field programs where MLE is used as a platform for intercultural dialogue and social cohesion.
How can you contribute? How can you benefit? We would like to encourage you to contact us regarding Media Literacy and Youth Media initiatives from your country and region. The AoC aims at further expanding these fields by energizing and supporting, connecting existing initiatives and creating truly global and multicultural networks and communities of knowledge. Your participation to the Media Programme is crucial.
For questions or comments, contact: Emmanuel Kattan Sr. Adviser Communications kattan@un.org And Jordi Torrent, Media Literacy Manager torrent@un.org
“In the political sense, we know also that in order to arrive at an understanding of the world, we must understand others.” Octavio Paz, Nobel Laureate from Mexico UNAoC Education Area Three Goals: Knowledge - Understanding - Respect
Framework • Importance of education to bridge divides • Consolidating projects from First Implementation Plan • Working with partners to leverage resources • Practical projects for dialogue that delivers
Clearinghouse on Education about Religions and Beliefs (ERB)
ERB Clearinghouse & Focal Points The clearinghouse : Promotes Learning about diverse religions and beliefs; ethics, tolerance education, civic education and diverse approaches on learning about the “other.” Operates within the human rights framework and currently focuses on education at the primary and secondary level Its contents include: guidelines, learning and teaching material, relevant organization organizations, journal, related events, news, and online forum. Partners with IGOs, academic institutions, and NGOs. Focal Points are invited to: Utilize ERB as resource when setting up or recommending policy in this area Disseminate country products in this area through approved partner Recommend ERB institutional/NGO partners in own country
Research Network & Focal Points The Alliance Research Network: Is a network of Research Centers and Universities to serve as a collective think-tank for the Alliance, and be the leaders of a movement to encourage cross-cultural educational exchange and research. It offers an opportunity for linkages between Global (AOC), National (Country), and Local levels (Research Network Member) Has currently Partners from 13 different countries; goal is to have at least one per GOF member Focal Points are invited to: Utilize Research Network as resource for research, evaluation, and implementation of National Strategies for Alliance of Civilizations Sponsor conferences, research, and exchanges between members of research network Recommend Network members from own country
Academic Exchanges Focus on: “Exchange deficit” between Western and MENA countries in particular and the Muslim world as whole. Advocating and facilitating exchanges, especially at faculty level for sustainable programs Building bridges between exchange providers, countries, and educational institutions
Academic Exchanges and Focal Points Thematic tables may be formed of IGOs and countries to spur exchanges. Exchanges are recurring feature in national plans, and AoC can help with connecting providers and institutions AoC can link providers to national policy-makers to make policy recommendations to enhance exchanges Data on exchanges may be made available to specific countries (when available) by secretariat.
For questions or comments: please contact Dr. Thomas Uthup, Research Manager, uthup@un.org
Youth Solidarity Fund (YSF) • The fund aims to: • Highlight the contribution of youth in advancing cross-cultural understanding both locally and internationally • Provide seed funding to youth organizations for them to implement projects advancing Alliance objectives • Youth organizations lead while Alliance provides technical support and visibility, fosters synergies, promotes results and shares lessons learned widely
FPs and the YSF: Before implementation: Broaden outreach to youth organizations during applications phase During implementation: For countries linked to selected projects, work closely with youth organizations After implementation: Integrate project learning and results into national initiatives, policies and strategies
Youth Consultative Committees in the Mediterranean region • The project: • Helps mainstream the voice of youth into policies and strategies aiming to reduce/prevent youth extremism in the Mediterranean • Will be integrated into the AoC Euro-Mediterranean Strategy • Supports the establishment of national youth consultative committees to enter into a dialogue with governmental authorities • Links with 3-4 research institutes
FPs and Youth Consultative Committees: • For Mediterranean countries: • Support establishment of consultative process • Take active role in consultative process, integrate recommendations into national policies • For all countries: • Help disseminate recommendations and good practices • Facilitate networking with national and international organizations tackling similar issues
Collaboration with the Commonwealth Youth Program and Francophonie • Raise awareness, • offer training and share resources with governmental representatives regarding methods of youth participation in intercultural dialogue initiatives and policies • Develop content supporting youth mainstreaming while leveraging respective networks and building relationships with national governments
FPs are invited to : • Support the organization of meetings/trainings with Ministries of Youth, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministries of Immigration and Municipal Affairs, etc. • Help disseminate resources (e.g. guidebooks) developed for these meetings/trainings among local and municipal levels
For questions or comments: Contact Isabelle Legare Youth Programme Manager isabellel@unops.org
mtDNA-based chart of large human migrations Migration - Integration ► Increasing cultural diversity • Threat to stability, prosperity and identity? • Opportunity for progress? • Factor of conflicts and polarization? • Driving force for development and innovation? Increasing Migration
Goals and expected outcomes The successful integration of migrant populations is a goal in itself and a key objective in improving cross-cultural relations globally. To support efforts by various stakeholders to integrate newcomers and build trust among cultures Provoke a shift in popular perceptions – from migration as a threat to migration as an opportunity The Online Community will not address the question of regulation of migrant flows
The UNAoC works with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as a main partner for this issue. • The MoU signed in April 2009 is completed by an implementation plan that specifies the following areas of cooperation : • Migration/Integration Online Community (Clearinghouse) • Promotion of Good Practices on Integration • Other areas of cooperation, such as Plural + video contest, and possible provision of technical support to Partners and countries UNAoC - IOM plan of action
I. Online Community on Migration - Integration (Clearinghouse) The Online Community focuses on three policy areas: - Socio- Economic Integration - Legal and Political Integration - Cultural Integration Aim: - to highlight successful models for the integration of migrants so as to counter polarizing speech and stereotypes about migrants - to encourage possible replication of good practices in other contexts and promote further involvement of all actors in integration efforts.
The Online community: a unique platform for learning and exchange in Migrant Integration in the UN system - source of information on good practices (including tools, guidelines and policies) - virtual space for exchangeand learning for a variety of practitioners (national & local governments, civil society and NGOs, private sector and academia, IOs and UN agencies) - support for coordination and cooperation between various stakeholders Official launching to be announced during Rio Forum in May 2010
Experts affirmed during the Istanbul Forum and the Interethnic City roundtable that: Forging an ‘alliance for integration’ that coalesce migrants, the hosting societies and countries of origin alike is of key importance. Policy making on integration should involve civil society and new citizens in an inclusive and open way II. Promotion of Good Practices of Integration Thematic platform Citizens & Authorities together to build Societies of Inclusion UNAoC-facilitated opportunity for stakeholders from various backgrounds to exchange on good practices on the integration of migrants at the local level
How can you benefit from the program? We offer to provide technical support to the Focal Points of GoF countries directly and/or through our network of partners We can connect you with other countries and raise awareness on possible areas of cooperation within the GoF The Online community can provide visibility to your countries’ good experiences, as it will highlight successes of good integration practices We contribute to build a bridge between countries with long term established integration policies and countries with good examples of integration that have not yet been valorized in formal policies
How can you contribute to this program? - Share with us what your interest and your expectations are with regard to this program Inform us about examples of good practices from your countries, whether from the government or from other stakeholders Provide us with suggestions of organizations that you would recommend as partners for the program Suggest to your country to participate in the thematic platform on Migration Integration (Citizens & Authorities together to build Societies of Inclusion) Initiate with the secretariat’s support a working group on a specific topic with other GoF members
III. Plural + - Youth Video Festival PLURAL+ a Youth-produced Video Festival on migration, identity and diversity. Recognizing youth as powerful agents of social change in a world often characterized by intolerance, and cultural and religious divisions, PLURAL+ is aimed at involving youth in addressing the key issues in their community related to migrant integration, inclusiveness, identity, diversity, human rights and social cohesiveness. The AoC is developing PLURAL + in partnership with the International Organization for Migration in collaboration with other international partners. www.unaoc.org/pluralplus
For questions or comments: Contact Florence Laufer Migration – Integration Officer laufer@un.org
Horizontal Initiatives supporting the central building blocks of AoC: National Plans and Regional Strategies • AoC Fellowship • AoC Media Fund • Business Coalition for Intercultural dialogue and cooperation • City Diplomacy: Dialogue Café • Foundations network • Marketplace of Ideas • Silatech • Addressing Mass Audiences