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Bracknell Forest Fronter Trial

Bracknell Forest Fronter Trial. Matt Hickey , Meadow Vale Primary School Mark Baker , ICT Adviser. Trial context. 1 secondary school 6 secondary staff, 6 subjects inc. ICT 3 feeder primaries ICT coordinator plus one other from each Direct costs – 1 training day plus 3 half days of cover.

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Bracknell Forest Fronter Trial

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bracknell Forest Fronter Trial Matt Hickey, Meadow Vale Primary School Mark Baker, ICT Adviser

  2. Trial context • 1 secondary school • 6 secondary staff, 6 subjects inc. ICT • 3 feeder primaries • ICT coordinator plus one other from each • Direct costs – 1 training day plus 3 half days of cover

  3. Horripilation continuum Absolute horror Ambivalent Interested E-joyous Will use it if there is a reason to log on Will try out all sorts of new features, regardless Will use things that contribute to learning Wields the strongest conversion potential Pilomotor reflex

  4. Value of a network Access to information ~n

  5. Value of a network Communication ~n2

  6. Value of a network Collaboration ~n3 Plus, critical mass!

  7. Powerful beyond imagination… What do we want from a learning platform? – The Quinity: • Simplicity • Industrial strength • Collaboration tools • Access tools • Borough-wide

  8. Implementation, implementation, implementation…

  9. The Dead Duck Whole school implementation Everyone trained at whole-school INSET, report back at next training day. Very little happens in practice, initiative stalls. The White Elephant Initial launch by a few enthusiasts. Well used by them but never moves beyond the initial few. Implementation models (apologies)

  10. Implementation models What was tried: Champion Hermits Train up and support a number of champions from different year groups or departments. Pockets of individual good practice and some cascading. However, champions are isolated and it is difficult to overcome institutional inertia.

  11. Implementation models My current preference: The Meteor Shower (or Cluster Bomb) Champions to lead each cluster. Wrap around the other members of the department/faculty/year group/key stage. Pack with ‘explosive’- enthusiasm, training, support and monitoring. Set an initial programme of activities to ensure an immediate start. Light blue touch-paper and retire! Use these pathfinder clusters to provide additional support to the next cluster cohort. Build expectations that the learning platform will be used. Provide advanced training and top-up training, as required.

  12. Structure • Pre-meeting/consultancy • Individualise, plus common purpose • Signed commitment • (mostly symbolic…) • Post training programme • (immediate engagement is key!) • Follow-up / encouragement / monitoring.

  13. Outcomes Context of trial: • Year 5 • Mixed ability • 20 out of 21 with Internet access at home • ICT suite with 34 PCs • Class timetabled for one slot of one hour per week

  14. Initial Ideas • Additional to school curriculum • Direct children to develop independent learning skills • Link school and home learning

  15. Initial Problems • Learning Path took approximately 6 hours to produce. • 7 out of 21 accessed the pathway at home - 33% • 5 children completed the learning activity - 24% 5 Children 24%

  16. Payback

  17. Votes / Stickies / Forums

  18. Maximising VLE Potential History curriculum for whole term stored in VLE.Learning Platform used to teach through the curriculum Differentiated learning paths Challenge opened up when being used in class setting.

  19. Preparation tasks Development Stage • Gave a valuable insight into children’s thoughts. • Saved teaching time. • Motivated children as they knew what we were working towards. • Ability to discuss ideas with their peers.

  20. Electronic marking and record keeping Children’s Online Portfolio

  21. The future for our school • School admin • Podcasting • Access to assessment data • Portfolios • Subject leader areas • Revision areas – links to policies • Whole school access – Governors

  22. Considerations for Schools

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